Monthly Letter to the Transmission of the Flame Class

July 16, 1960

Beloved Friends of God, seeking to know and feel the Truth which will set you and all life Free: 

I greet you as again, we are privileged to join with you at the magnificent Temple of Truth, where my son, Hilarion, and the Brotherhood at Crete, serve so constantly and selflessly in removing the cause and core, the effect, record and memory of untruths, and the bitter disillusionments all have known through the ages, by being part of some sect or religion whose leaders, endowed with power and authority, mis-used that power and authority for selfish reasons. 

As you join with us here, ask the Gentlemen Sponsors from Hilarion's own Court to help you to open the doors and windows of your soul, as well as to cleanse your four lower bodies (emotional, mental, etheric and physical) of all imperfections, past and present, and to replace that imperfection with God's Truth. I ask that the Archaii Constance HOLD FOR YOU THAT FEELING OF TRUTH as you re-animate your physical vehicles after each such visitation so that you may, in turn, according to Cosmic Law, express, with conviction in your feelings, THAT TRUTH which will set others free. 

Love and Blessings,

Maha Chohan







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