By the Ascended Master Kuthumi

When individualization was conferred upon your individual identity, the Threefold Flame was created which became a Cosmic Cause, and you, today, are the effect of that Cause; therefore, because that Presence IS, you ARE, and because the Cosmic Cause decreed Perfection, you are predestined to outpicture perfection as an Ascended and Cosmic Being, because all cause must of necessity have an effect. 

When the Threefold Flame, which is your true identity, was created from out of the Heart of God, like spokes from a wheel, seven effects were projected, representing the sevenfold nature of man - the seven bodies etc. Thus, you see even in the finite world, every cause has seven effects, and each such effect in turn creates seven new causes! These ramifications extend until, upon contemplation one realizes that the responsibility of being a Creator is very tremendous! 

The reason and purpose of your decrees, when issued intelligently, is to set up new causes in your world that must bring corresponding effects of prosperity, health, illumination, purity, harmony. The reason for the constant admonition for Harmony is because when new causes are set up they must ACT, but as your decrees begin a pulsation of opulence, health, peace, harmony and at the same time in your daily living you set up millions of human causes that also must have effects and in the balance your decrees are far outweighed by the irritation and distress  of your daily living. 

You have no concept of the far-reaching effects of unkind words, thoughts and feelings of irritation, anger and jittery emotions. The Master's decree is fulfilled co-existent with his call, because his entire lifestream is in agreement with his decree and all the energy of his Being is held harmonious, and the natural Law of Life expresses that which he has decreed into form.




By the Ascended Master Hilarion 

Your attention is similar to a radio beam of electrical energy directed at a certain wave length which connects with an objective vibrating at that wave length. Your attention is a consciously emitted stream of electronic spark that forms a bridge or conductor made up of your own life, through which there flows to you on a return current the substance, radiation and quality toward which your attention has been directed. 

Your attention is an open door to your individual consciousness and world, and is the only avenue through which you consciously accept! Your attention is as scientific as the electrical beam created through the Marconi system or a radio transmitter. 

Your attention is your Life, projected forth through self-conscious action into the universe to tie you with the object to which your attention has been directed. Countless dictations and affirmations have pointed you to the power held within the attention, and yet the attention is the least governed of the activities of man. 

The forces of shadow and the entities of man's own lifestream, however, are fully aware of the power of the attention, for they live on the life that flows through the beam of the attention as surely as your body subsists on the food you digest. Nothing can live in one's world unless his attention feeds it, whether it is Godly consciousness or sickness of the flesh, or a limitation of the pocket book. For the Godly man, his attention is held unwaveringly on the Presence of Life; the Earth slips away and ceases to exist. This in the ultimate state is called Nirvana. 

The attention is the mouth of your consciousness, which can be held by sustained and conscious effort upon whatever activity or manifestation of God's Perfection one desires. 

While the attention is held on any human channel, any human form, or any outer source of supply, of health, of happiness the Law is in reverse and through the avenue on which the attention is held will flow the radiation and substance of the object upon which the attention is held. 

If an individual seeking Godliness, health, happiness and supply could first understand the power of sustained attention, and then through self-conscious effort wrest the attention from the many pulls of the outer self and anchor that attention on the Presence of God, God's Presence would flow through him on the return currents as the fullness of all he could desire. Saint Germain said repeatedly, "Where your attention is, there you are; what your attention is upon you become", but the students do not realize that the attention is constantly moving from place to place and is not one-pointed in acknowledging the Godhead as the ONLY Doer, Doing and Deed! 

The attention is the bridge from the human to the Divine. It is the electronic energy of the lifestream thrown forth like a mystic span and the man walks forth on the bridge into the realm of the real. The attention can be raised instantly to any Solar Lord or any Master or Deva or Angel and over that bridge the consciousness may consciously soar into the realm where that one dwells! No one is a prisoner on the Earth sphere while he contains within himself the magic, mystic power of the attention. 

Every force on Earth, from the small puppy to the immature child, seeks to gain and hold the attention, because inside, that one knows that through the attention there flows a stream of Light, and the God-seeking man is he who DOES NOT allow his attention to become a playground for the seen and unseen forces that would bind him longer to shadow. 

Your attention is a wand - magic, mystic, potent - and ONE MAN with a controlled attention might draw enough spiritual essence from the Heart of God to redeem a planet!
