By Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World

My dearly beloved ones! If you only knew just how important is the drawing, sustaining and expanding of the feelings of TRUE PEACE! It is much more important than the obtaining and using of money (to which the outer consciousness attaches such supreme importance); it is more important than almost anything which the outer consciousness considers of value, for in TRUE PEACE do the healing currents freely flow; in TRUE PEACE you are able to understand clearly what the Divine Beings desire you to do and have done; in TRUE PEACE your own Holy Christ Self has opportunity to direct your outer consciousness. Do you know that in TRUE PEACE just seven men or seven women (or a harmonious cooperative group composed of both) could create and sustain a Temple wherein the healing of any lifestream could be accomplished without any one of those seven speaking even one audible word? 

This Peace of which I speak is not surface Peace! It is the Peace of which Beloved Jesus spoke when he said that it surpassed the understanding of the outer mind. It is the Peace which comes when you have found your Real Self - the Peace that comes when you KNOW that GOD'S WILL IS GOOD FOR YOU and for all; the Peace that comes when you are willing to renounce that which is dearest to you in favor of God's Will being done. 

From personal experience, I can tell you that, in renouncing my physical father's name and throne, as well as my lovely wife and baby son, I REALLY FOUND THEM, and my wife and son later became two of my most earnest and loyal disciples in helping to spread THE WORD!

If you seek the Peace and Comfort of Pure Divine Love and find it not in human beings, may I humbly offer you MY FEELING, substance and energy of MY PEACE, which is MY GOD-GIFT TO MAN! Remember, I am your Eternal Friend!




(Archangel of Faith, Protection and Deliverance from Evil)

Of the Seven Beloved Archangels who are the Messengers of God, perhaps the best known and loved is the Lord of the Archangels Prince Michael. Countless prayers to him, with their attendant and immediate response, have drawn him close to the peoples of Earth. Golden of hair, with magnificent blue eyes, and an appearance of splendor, confidence and faith in God, Lord Michael has responded so often to the requirement of peoples upon the Earth who are caught up in the distresses of soul, mind and body. 

He, of his own free will, chose to become the Guardian of the Faith of man in his God at the very beginning of mankind's embodiment on Earth. His Presence, or that of one of the Celestial Helpers who are among his Legions, sweep Earthward to give assistance to anyone in distress. 

His Focus of Light and Shining Temple pulsates in the Etheric Realm in the Canadian Rockies, near Banff. Here, many who are aware of this Focus come for the renewal of their Faith in God and find renewed encouragement to serve their fellowman upon the Earth. 

Once, long ago, as is told in the Bible, the Earth was pure and its peoples innocent. They dwelt in a Garden of Eden and enjoyed the beauty, opulence and perfection which God had created for them. "And God looked upon his creation and said IT IS GOOD!" 

Then, mankind, endowed with the gift of free fill, chose to experiment with the use of their life (disobeying the law of God) and evil came forth from their minds, feelings, spoken words and actions. This is called by many - the fall of man". 

When the "fall of man" took place, Lord Michael seeing the travail and soul agony which would result from such disobedience to God's Law of Harmony began to prepare for his long and loving service to God's disobedient children. He fashioned out of his own thought a magnificent Sword of Blue Flame. He drew around himself Legions of the Angelic Host to assist him and he offered God his services until the very last of mankind had been redeemed and his sins expiated and he was returned to his God Estate. God, in his infinite Mercy, accepted the kind services of Lord Michael and his helpers and ever since, Beloved Michael and his Angels have been serving mankind, imprisoned Angels, the elemental kingdom and every living thing, with but one thought in mind preservation of the spiritual light in the soul and restoration of the desire for obedience to God's Law of harmony on Earth and in its atmosphere. 

By the bedside of a sick person, in the homes of those who suffer, in the great institutions where illness of mind and body are treated, there are always present the Legions of Lord Michael, helping to cut away the invisible cause and core of distress so that the soul may find freedom and happiness in God's service. 

At many religious services, where the actual recognition of Lord Michael is given, his radiant Presence pours down a shower of Faith and Love and Protection upon the communicants. The mere speaking of his name draws his attention toward you and his help into your world. 

When people pass from this Earth life, they are often as deeply enmeshed in discord as when they lived in an Earthly body. Lord Michael, with his own hands and flashing Sword of Blue Flame, cuts the bands that bind these so-called deceased peoples to the loved ones on Earth and allows the soul to rise to the Throne of the Father. 

In many homes, where distress, discord and impurity have been emanated by the inhabitants (sometimes for centuries) the invocation to Lord Michael and his helpers, will free those homes of all past impurity and allow the present inhabitants of that home to enjoy the beauty of the present rather than the heavy, depressing atmosphere of the past. 

The secret thoughts, feelings and actions of mankind, as well as their rebellious outer expressions of discord, has created a blanket of discordantly qualified energy around the Earth. This is called the psychic or astral realm. Within it dwell many invisible spirits and elementals who prey upon the credulous minds of those peoples of Earth seeking to know the Truth about their loved ones who have passed through the veil called death or seeking to pierce the hidden "mysteries" of life beyond the veil. 

His Shining Presence will and does come to anyone so temporarily caught in the psychic realm and deliverance is immediate and permanent. 

Also those who are caught in the habits of dope addiction, alcoholism and various other depravities of the flesh, have an instant deliverer in Lord Michael if they will invite him to help them. Sometimes the individual, so caught in psychic conditions does not want help. It is the privilege of those who know of Lord Michael to call to him on their behalf and he will answer them. This call (prayer) need not be made aloud, nor even in the presence of the individuals requiring assistance, for the very mention of deliverance sets up a resistance in the consciousness of the one whom so needs aid. 

Wisdom and discrimination upon the part of those who see the need and desire the help of Lord Michael for themselves and others will help them to make such a call silently or audibly when they are alone. Thus the resistance of the outer mind, which is substance heavily charged with rebellion, is avoided. 

Words cannot express the manifold services of the Great Prince, Lord Michael and his Divine Helpers, but invocation of his Heavenly Presence and Aid for all who invoke him into their own worlds or that of their loved ones (whether they are on Earth or have passed through the veil called death) will prove his Reality and Power to give such assistance. Remember, because an individual has passed through the change called – death - he or she is also in need of prayer. Make a personal Friend of Lord Michael. Opportunity will present itself to you every day as you see distress and limitations about you! Thus you will truly become one of the helpers of this selfless one by inviting his assistance in freeing all life everywhere from discord, disease, limitation and distress. 




Beloved Heavenly Father and thy Divine Messenger, Lord Michael! 

We bless thee for thy Presence in this universe, we invoke the Presence of Lord Michael and his Legions of Light into the atmosphere of Earth to cut free every soul belonging to this evolution from all substance, energy, habits, qualities, tendencies and desires which are not of God! 

We invoke thy intercession on behalf of our loved ones who live beyond the veil of death. Go to them and cut them free from all Earthly bonds of greed, hate, avarice and distress. Take them to thy Temple of Faith and teach them true Faith in God and inculcate in their hearts a desire to obey God's Holy Will. 

We invoke thy Presence into every institution of incarceration of every kind upon the planet Earth and into every home and place of worship. Dissolve the cause and core of all distress, individual, national and planetary. Help us, we beseech thee, to learn to serve with thee in removing the psychic and astral realm that lies like a "smog" upon and around the Earth. Take all dis-embodied spirits and elementals who have not yet learned to do God's Will from the atmosphere of Earth. 

We ask thee, Lord Michael, to meet our loved ones as they pass through the veil called death, and in thy own loving arms, carry them to the Throne of God himself. 

Beloved Lord Michael, help us to want to do God's Will here on Earth and hereafter. Remove the curse of "rebellion and disobedience" from all evolutions in the Earth, upon its surface and in its atmosphere. Thank you! Blessed Prince of the Heavenly Host! We accept your intercession upon our behalf and that of all life and we accept your friendship in our own worlds today and forever. Amen! 



(The general content of the following prayer is given daily in the communal service of one of the great religions and Beloved Archangel Michael himself has said that this daily recognition of him by these devout people through the centuries is greatly responsible for his Presence and that of his Protecting Angels in the lower atmosphere of Earth.) 

Blessed Michael, the Archangel! Defend us in the hour of conflict. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of both seen and unseen evil forces. Restrain them, O God, we humbly beseech thee and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, remove from the atmosphere of Earth all the evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls... SO BE IT!







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