By the Mighty Elohim Vista ("Cyclopea")

Again returning to the ever-expanding knowledge and understanding of the Realm of Consciousness, I will present to you another point of application which will assist you in the process of training and maintaining an inner consciousness at a higher level of spiritual attunement than has been the natural course of your individual evolutionary expression to date. 

When a man or woman desires to raise himself or herself to a conscious understanding of the Law into the Ascended Master Consciousness, he must first recognize the fact that it is the internal nature of his entire being that must go through a period of drastic change and attunement, which is diametrically opposed to the currents of energy that have been his natural expression to date. 

In the Retreats and in the East, where individuals know that the Spiritual Path requires such an extreme reorientation in the expression of the lifestream, they approach the Path with greater earnestness, knowing that it is not the superficial surface, but the innermost nature of the man which must be trained along lines which will evolve a set of vehicles completely harmonious and perfectly attuned to the currents of force that represent the outpourings of the Godhead and set the pattern for the Divine Plan to man and nature. 

One must be the Master and not the victim of his vehicles 

We will return to the study of the four lower bodies and their contributing force which, as a conglomerate whole, makes up a man's personality and consciousness and determines his or her state of evolution and progress on the Path. 

When a man aspires to spiritual unfoldment, he finds that the energy of his lifestream has evolved a series of independent motivated vehicles whose course of action is completely beyond his control and even beyond the scope of his reason. 

Among these warring selves he dwells and is victim rather than master of the vehicles originally intended to be his servants. Each one of these four bodies is fed externally by any vibration going on in the particular sphere to which it belongs at any given moment. Thus, if tremendous currents of force passing though the etheric world, the mental or emotional worlds, the bodies of the unawakened vibrate to those currents as helplessly as a small craft bobs in the waves of a powerful steamboat. 

Men are in a sea of currents intent on cosmic creation 

As man's evolution is but a small part of the activity of the Universe to which he belongs, cosmic currents from various planets and stars and activities from the Fourth Dimension are playing through the Seven Spheres, and these currents have been incorrectly interpreted by astrologers as beneficent or malefic forces that affect, constructively or otherwise, certain groups of individuals at various times. The truth of the matter is that these tremendous currents of force as they sweep through the seven spheres are intent on cosmic creation and the power of their release energizes the various bodies of the people according to the quality of the energy predominant in the inner bodies at the time of their passing. 

Men are also in the turmoil of the mass consciousness 

There are likewise upheavals in the psychic and astral planes such as was recently caused by the worldwide war, which does not only affect the physical bodies of those in the conflict but is a tremendous mental, emotional and etheric conflagration that fills the inner bodies of every incarnate and discarnate soul with confusion and chaos. Therefore, we see that one-seventh of your lifestream is manifest in the physical form and six-sevenths are under the influence of currents of energy of which the intellect is completely unaware. 

You have been told that the mental, the feeling and the etheric nature of all mankind are one and what affects one affects all. The advancing consciousness makes an intellectual affirmation of its desire to rise out of the mass mind - he then wonders at the rise and fall of the state of his consciousness, not realizing that his inner bodies are at the mercy of and controlled by the mental and emotional waves going through the universe released by the peoples of earth, the discarnates as well as from the Higher Octaves. Thus, the student must, in order to facilitate his progress and ensure a steady forward motion of his entire lifestream, learn how to disconnect his inner bodies from the mass consciousness and thus tune into the vibratory action of the Higher Spheres. The quicker vibratory action of the latter will raise the lower bodies from connection with the mass mind and will greatly strengthen them by the currents of these Higher Spheres into which they are attuned, and while that higher vibratory action is vibrating through them, they will be immune to malefic forces, but once an individual allows anyone of the lower bodies to descend again into the turmoil of the outer consciousness, he becomes a part of and is affected by the mass thought and feeling. It is the individual's conscious choice. 

How to raise your emotional body 

To make this clear, let us take your emotional nature. Consciously offer it into the Heart of Heaven - let the Qualities of the Masters fill it with the substance and feeling that Heaven expresses, and if your emotional nature is held in the Heart of Heaven, no inner or outer experience will be important enough to change the ecstasy of that vibratory action. 

How to raise your mental body 

Consciously take your mental body and tune it into the All-knowing Mind of God. You know you cannot entertain a thought less than Perfection and keep it there in that Mind, and when the individual's mind is so attuned it cannot become a part of the mental confusion of the world. 

How to raise your etheric body 

Take your etheric body and consciously bathe it in the Waters of Purity and in the Flame and let it record only Perfection. 


As your bodies are thus trained to rise and join with the Ascended Master Mind and Heart, they will feed on the substance of Universal Good. They will not allow you to be dragged down into the unhappiness of the outer world and they will begin to feed your consciousness with their reports from God's Kingdom rather, than to dump the refuse of their experiences in the world of human thinking and feeling into it. 

I hope we have been clear enough to present to you another phase of unfoldment which, together with your previous understanding, will enable you to invite various Gods and Goddesses to accept, expand and to guard and protect, to fill, to teach and to train your lower vehicles until they become perfect expressions of the good of your lifestream. 

Elohim Vista








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