Monthly Letter to the Flame Class

January 21, 1961

 Beloved children of God seeking Permanent Peace: 

Welcome to the glorious Focus of the Great God and Goddess of the Andes Mountains, Lord and Lady Meru. I shall meet you there and hand in hand, shall enter into the heart of their Temple and look upon the Illumination Flame. You shall be assigned a Lady Sponsor who will endeavor, during this thirty-day period (January 15th through February 14th, 1961) to anchor into your feelings, primarily, that everlasting,, Peace which nothing (not even a seed of discord that has not been transmuted within your inner vehicles nor that of others) can ruffle or disturb. 

One man, woman or child learning the self-mastery of UNDISTURBED PEACE, under all circumstances, can through the expansion of consciousness, hold an entire continent in perfect balance. In early ages this God-Illumination, self-mastery, and sustained peace enabled those so equipped to sustain the entire Earth during her lowest ebb. 

Now the Earth and her attendant evolutions are rising out of darkness into LIGHT ETERNAL and many of the earnest and worthy chelas shall be required to help in holding the equipoise of the earth and her evolutions during this time. Through the opening of the Ascended Masters' foci, to you and our, Presence with you, such opportunity as you know not of, is at hand. 

Anticipating your visits with us at the Temple of Illumination and Peace, -I AM" ever lovingly, your Friend and Servant to one end, EARTH'S REDEMPTION NOW. 

My love and blessings,

Maha Chohan








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