An Address by beloved Ascended Master Jesus

The Ashram      

December 30th, 1960

HAIL thou, come into my Presence! I salute the Christus arisen within your hearts and as you have honored my birth date and as you have honored my mother, so I honor that Flaming Presence which is alive within you, expecting and invoking that Presence within you to COME FORTH and render through you those services which I rendered ages ago, and which have been glamorized by the myths of the past and yet which are a challenge to each and every one of you of this day. For every word which I have spoken which has been recorded is Truth and I have said "the things which I have done ye shall do, and greater things". Where are "these greater things?" COME YE FORTH THIS DAY OF LIBERATION and render at least those services which are the powers of instantaneous healing and sustained harmony and the God gifts of your Divine Nature. 

You have a Cosmic Name 

Through the kindness of Almighty God, you have had intercession with the Divine Beings from the Realms of Light throughout this embodiment and embodiments which have gone before. You have been with me on Earth, and you have been with me between embodiments and you know that although "I AM" honored as being the Gentle Shepherd, I, too have the fire and authority to command energy to ACT in a perfect manner! Such energy I request now! 

What is the purpose of your being? To control the energy which is loaned to you by God, to qualify it and to send it forth through all of your lower vehicles and then to utilize in and project God-energy with the constructive quality required through the authority of myself and your own “I AM" Presence to bring perfection where imperfection has been! I had told the disciples centuries ago "whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, it shall be done unto you". I repeat that again, again and again! 

What you are required to do 

You, too, have a Cosmic name, a Cosmic mission, a Cosmic purpose of accomplishment and that is in the efficacy of learning the control of the vibratory action of God-energy or God-life. Think you that if we who were among those drawn forth in Galilee to render that service had not control of all of the energies of our own Vehicles, that we could control the energies of those around us, those who sought to destroy the Plan of Perfection; those who desired, through temptations which you will never meet, to stir the energies of my Feeling World or my Thoughts, my Etheric Consciousness or my Flesh Form. 

You are required to do as much. If you are constantly bombarded by, and you will be if you so allow it, not only tramp thoughts and feelings, words and actions but projected ones, and you have not A POSITIVE AURA which moves more rapidly than that which is directed toward you, IT SHALL BECOME A PART OF YOU, because like becomes like. Which do you wish to be - a God or a Goddess, or again after ages a human being bent with the frailties which come through the acceptance of human nature? 

I assume in your hearts that you desire to rise above the vibratory action of imperfection and live in a Realm, even while yet unascended, where you are the Master Control of all energy in, through and around you. Then you have built for the hour when you require it, that energy you can direct to any person, place, condition or thing which desires or requires assistance. 

How I stilled the waters 

When the fishermen in the boat were sore distressed because of the raging sea, where did I receive the Power which stilled the waters? Because I had through the assistance of both my Mother and Father, and Lord Maitreya been taught from childhood to magnetize Peace, and that Peace became a great reservoir and so I said to the waters "Peace be still". And naturally they responded, because there was more energy already drawn around me qualified with God Peace than all of the turbulence of the Sea of Galilee. 

Mechanical and scientific in the extreme is the Law! Whatever power has the most energy in your own world is the power which will act in emergency particularly. Build, each one of you, those Virtues and Qualities so that if it is required of you, anyone, to bring Peace or Healing or Resuscitation, you have already more energy than the imperfect appearance. 

The resuscitation of Lazarus 

If I had dwelt upon the passing of my own Father and all of those other blessed ones whom I had known, I should not have had the stockpile of God qualified energy of Life Eternal, which was more powerful than the moaning, crying, curiosity, skepticism and various other qualities of energy in the group, as well as the lethargy of Lazarus. So, INVOKING all that gathered power and momentum of LIFE EVERLASTING and directing it into the heart of his lifestream to render a service, that energy was more powerful than those other qualities of an imperfect nature acting through the people. Lazarus responded and came forth. 

Everything in this world, on any plane, even in the Ascended Masters Realm, in the Realm of Divinity, is qualified either by GOD POSITIVE ENERGY or by creations - positive or otherwise - of imperfection, through the misuse of free will. 

Now you have started upon the pathway Home into the Heart of God, the very first pebble upon your pathway may stub your toe a bit, yet as you draw of that self-mastery in, through and around you, your own light blazing forth through you will be enough to remove a boulder or a mountain. 

What is an "Avatar"? 

I was a man who came to Earth for a Purpose, voluntarily. I chose to show mankind in a time of great darkness what God's destiny for each and every one of them was to be. Through misinterpretation of the Law, unfortunately, I was set apart as the "Only Begotten Son". I came to bring the Example of Eternal Life, overcoming through the assistance of Divine Beings a very unpleasant experience called death, then had to re-convince my disciples that I lived and moved among them Resurrected, no human power able to touch the God-qualified energies of my own Lifestream. 

All of these things I had done because the world requires every now and again the Coming of a Perfect One; One who can fulfill the purpose and represent on the Earth our Heavenly Father. They call such a one an "Avatar". You will have, of course, the Coming of a Perfect Being representing my Beloved Brother, the Ascended Master Saint Germain. But, in the interim, under the Dispensation of the Cosmic Law, it would a marvelous thing to have risen up among you your own Godliness to a point where your energies are constantly, and consciously, devoted to One Purpose - learning to build in the silence the reservoir of every God Gift and Virtue, and utilizing it as the requirements demands! 

Be honest with yourselves! 

Now "I AM" with Beloved Kuthumi serving in the capacity of World Teacher, and I will say to you who are not yet without sin, be honest, as honest as you would have to be in the Presence of Beloved El Morya, as you will have to be as you stand before the Karmic Board. BE HONEST with yourselves as to that Quality or those Virtues which are your weak points and develop them. 

It is easy to love those who love you but you must learn to love those who perhaps have disturbed you. No one could have passed through that Initiation of the Crucifixion without knowing what it is to hold control and mastery throughout every type of ridicule, physical, mental, etheric and emotional and at the end of that period pass the final test, remaining on that cross and then, with the help of the Lord of Life, the Holy Spirit himself, coming forth and remaining to ANCHOR the disciples in the Power of Light before I went back to my Father and yours. 

Have you been whipped in public, with a crown of thorns pressed into your brow? Have you had your garments rent? No! Those things which happened to you in this embodiment are very slight as to those experiences through which I, voluntarily, passed to show that the Son of God was the Master of the energy of his World. Thus I was able to stand before Pilate himself and when he said unto me "Nearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?" And I answered him never a word, for he had no power over my Life or my departure, and no human being has power over your life and your departure, except your own "I AM" Presence, Holy Christ Flame and your Divine Sponsor. 

The control of Energy and Power 

Accept that not only for yourself but as I speak it into the ethers, I speak of LIFE ETERNAL through the controlled energy and power of One who has experienced every type of energy this was less than perfection catapulted at him and who has come forth VICTORIOUS! What one has done, many shall do! 

We are late, beloved ones! Late, by thousands of years. The next Avatar was due long since, yet came he not because of the recalcitrance of the human race and her attendant evolutions. 

Now in the Great Tetons there are gathered together around the Hierarchs, Beloved Lanto and Confucius, Many shining Beings from the Hearts of Alpha and Omega and All the Suns of the System. The Great Karmic Board is already in session... The Beloved Lady Portia, Kwan Yin and the Others. Mankind has opportunity unparalleled to walk and talk with the Master of their choice, and you have opportunity TO BECOME GOD IN ACTION! When I say that affirmation, it was ofttimes required to release power through the spoken word to "shatter" the creations of imperfection, but in wisdom's way ofttimes the service can be rendered in the silence. 

The moment is NOW! 

Those of you who have loved me thousands of years, thought a good deal about me this Holy Season, are definitely connected with my world experience, PREPARE YOU TO BECOME AND TO REMAIN A GOD EXPRESSION, ABLE TO USE THAT GOD-LIFE AS OF NOW. The moment is NOW! When do you think? I was not told beforehand about any of the experiences from my Baptism in the Jordan. I had no, written scroll, saying on such and such date the Holy Spirit shall descend; on such and such date you will heal; on such and such date you will raise so-and-so. No! But I used my Life magnetizing that God Power and then as each experience came I had already the qualified energy and through the Power of the God acting through me, I was able to render the assistance. Thus I was not taken unawares. If you have to have a calendar, to advise you when you shall be called; don't expect it, but expect through our Words that we shall require assistance of unascended beings AT ANY MOMENT! NOW, SLEEP NOT LONGER BUT LIVE, AND IN LIVING MAKE BEAUTY A PART OF YOUR BEING.






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