An Address by the Ascended Master El Morya

The Ashram

January 1, 1961

IN the name of all that is Good and Holy, I greet you, chelas I of my Heart with a feeling of gratitude that you are still in embodiment after the Year of 1960, and that you are willing to enter into the Year of 1961 under my supervision and constant persuasion. Please, in the name of Almighty God be seated! 

Persuasion of the Gods may come and often does in a gentle manner through the promptings of the heart but persuasion from my Being comes in that strong vibration of energy which does convince you PERMANENTLY that there is a God in the universe and a Divine Plan, for this Planet Earth and for her evolutions. AND IT IS TIME NOW THAT THIS PLAN BE FULFILLED! 

A Petition granted must be carried out 

Visualizing and looking upon the replica of the Planet Earth as created by Helios and Vesta before imperfection was imposed on it, at the Tetons, you all were amazed at its beauty and perfection. At Inner Levels again many took vows standing before the Karmic Board, Beloved Portia as the Spokeswoman. Those vows are activities that should be fulfilled in a six-month period. Some have questioned why we have said on several occasions "all Petitions have been granted". Let me make this clear to you now, once and for all SO, that you wonder that if a dispensation is granted it does not always manifest. You can be granted a license to operate a business but if you never raise your hand to do anything about it your license runs out and your business is not manifest and expressed. Right! This is exactly the same thing in regard to the activities of the petitions presented to the Karmic Board. Although a petition is granted, whether to your own dear selves or one of the Hierarchs of any Ascended Master Focus, that gives them, or you, or any group of people wheresoever they may be opportunity and cooperation with other individuals, Ascended and unascended, to follow through to victorious accomplishment on your Cosmic License or to remain with the License in your hand and allow the precious energies to be dissipated before manifestation occurs. 

The Expectation of Lord Saithrhu in 1961 

We ARE THROUGH WITH THAT! I stand as one, as I did last evening (December 31, 1960) and as I do again today, before the Throne of Heaven itself and before the Members of the Karmic Board on behalf of the Ascended Master Saint Germain that there shall be a place upon this Earth during the Year of 1961 for the Incoming Seventh Root Race and its mighty Manu and Avatar. When you arise, what do you do? You prepare and dedicate yourselves for that coming, emotionally, mentally, etherically and physically. You prepare for that coming in yourself and wheresoever you find people who have interest of a Spiritual Nature, you enjoin them to make like preparation ahead of time. You know my nature, to accomplish in proper order, harmony true, but without recalcitrance and without lethargy! You stand for a moment, true! If you were at Luxor you would stand the entire time during the instruction. All the time while you waited to present your Petitions to the Karmic Board you stood. Of course it was a little easier to do so in your etheric garment... but we allow now the flesh form to be seated. 

The Spirit of 1961 

Think you on this Being, mighty as one of the Archangels, who represent the Year of 1961. Needless to say, her garments are golden and her hair is golden. She has the Power and tenacity of the First Ray to assist each and every one of you to GOD FULFILLMENT OF THAT HOLY WILL, MANIFESTING PERFECTION ON THIS EARTH AS IT WAS BEFORE THE LAGGARDS AND THE OTHER HUMAN CREATION in, through and around it brought imperfection. WHAT OF IT! 

Suppose some laggards did arrive upon the Planet Earth, the peoples of Earth were trained in the Power of Transmutation of imperfection through the Violet Flame, so were the High Priests and the High Priestesses. They worked a hundred years to prevent contamination to the Earth and yet they allowed those from lesser Stars to come in and contaminate- the beauty and perfection of this entire Planet. Why? Because after only one hundred years they became tired of application! There is no such thing, beloved ones, of ceasing application until you have accomplishment. Otherwise you magnetize and leave in the ethers for somebody else to draw forth that which you had begun to magnetize. Remember that when you have your manifestation here in the physical appearance world for the blessing of all life, you have to develop and sustain constancy and rhythm of Love Divine and POWER AND POSITIVE ENERGY to sustain your manifestation so it shall always continue to be a constant blessing to the human race, the elemental kingdom and the kingdom of imprisoned Angels as well. 

Your Talisman for this year 

Your talisman given to you each year should be a radiating center of God's Holy Will (this year your talisman is from Peru) and no matter how much virtue flows forth from it, there should be constantly magnetized new virtue into it. What is such a talisman? It is an object which has been magnetized by invocation of God Virtues and which is now a part of your lifestream, anchored primarily within your heart, as well as upon your person. 

However, you made a glorious showing last evening (December 31st, 1960). Your attire was to be admired in the extreme and also was your presentation of petitions of merit to the Karmic Board which echoed up through the great Teton Mountains, to the Members of the Karmic Board, in a strong and positive manner so that Helios and Vesta and other Sun Gods and Goddesses would know that there are awake on the Planet Earth individuals who have a semblance of understanding that something should be done, and each one knows something different which should be done. 

The Straightening of the Axis of the Earth 

That which should be done is the PREPARATION FOR THE STRAIGHTENING OF THE AXIS OF THIS EARTH! That which should be done is the utilization of the energies which we have invested in you until you manifest and express perfection in the outer, as you did in the glory of your inner vehicles last evening. Yet, so often there is drawn back into your inner vehicles that consciousness of limitation which you let go in our Presence and then which you again accept as you enter into the ordinary orbit of your worlds. THERE SHOULD BE NO ORDINARY ORBIT! Your worlds now are extraordinary in their orbit, BLAZING WITH THE FIRE WHICH YOU SHOW IN YOUR SUSTAINED ENTHUSIASM FOR SERVICE TO THE ASCENDED HOST OF LIGHT. 

Lest you forget, I shall be constantly reminding you. You may have a permanent seat in my Temple, but you shall also have permanently a place of honor in that Flame Room where you can breathe in the actuality of Illumined Faith in the Goodness of God as expressed through his Divine Messengers for one purpose, and one purpose alone, to bring the Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth! 

We have talked about this Kingdom long enough, too long for my thinking. It would seem imperative that this Kingdom be manifest, and NOW! 

Certainly I have been active in all the nations of this Earth where peoples rise against peoples, creeds and colors, argue amongst themselves as to the supremacy of each one! 

There is only One Supremacy and that is the mastery over the energies of your outer self that in turn you shall be the master of the energies of others. 

What is a Utopia? 

This gentle Being, our Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain keeps on hoping for a UTOPIA manifest through mankind. He spent centuries writing about it and he spends every time he has opportunity to speak to you explaining gently what that Utopia is. The very gentleness of his Nature seems not to reach to the center of your being. A Utopia is a place, a strata of consciousness if you wish to call it such, wherein there are no vibratory actions of discord; a place of sustained harmony, a place of sustained peace, of sustained unity, of sustained love AND SUSTAINED ACTION, RHYTHMICALLY, to manifest more and more and more perfection in, through and around yourselves and then directed forth in, through and around the peoples of the Earth. 

If you are going to accept this Utopia - LET IT BE TODAY! Let it not be when again we close the pages of the Year (1961), Saint Germain is required again to explain what a Utopia should be upon the Planet Earth. It means a place, a strata of consciousness wherein all men shall be equally vitalized and vibrating the quality of harmony AT ALL TIMES, UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES, no matter what they shall be. THIS is the Utopia which Beloved Sanat Kumara endeavored to bring to the Earth, which Lord Gautama is claiming for the Earth and which the Ascended Masters, like myself, who have foresworn Nirvana are endeavoring to DRIVE into the outer consciousness of mankind, imprisoned Angels and all elemental life, so that all can and will cooperate to bring that Kingdom into manifestation RIGHT NOW. 

You have to prove what you affirm 

Beloved ones, it is time now that you understand and through that understanding act constructively, manifesting that which you affirm! You can affirm for an age that you are God in action. I say to you, PROVE IT! The Karmic Board cognizing your Light does not look upon your personality; does not look upon the present or past accumulation of discord! It looks upon that Light which you have already expanded. Then from the great reservoir held in store by Helios and Vesta, there is given to the Karmic Board enough energy to double your endeavors. That God-qualified energy in turn, of course, is released by Helios and Vesta to the Karmic Board. The Karmic Board gives the energy to the individuals who are desirous of these magnificent accomplishments and then what happens? 

We shall meet face to face! 

What happens when you have been energized and given your cosmic license to make this Planet Earth and her peoples a more perfect place to live? If you do not so accomplish that service, to me you shall render an accounting! FACE TO FACE, in the full blazing power of the Flame of God's Will at Darjeeling or, if you are not interested in meeting me there - I SHALL FOLLOW YOU HERE! So we shall meet face to face until you cognize and accept for yourselves and all of life some of that Beloved Prince's magnificence and manifest it in God's Holy Name! 

Once sentimentally I wrote 'The Last Rose of Summer'. All right, that's gone! Now let's have our First Rose of Spring - the Spring of enthusiasm in your heart, which like a mighty fountain rises and is sustained until mankind are all cognizant that association with Divine Beings, understanding of their Law and manifest expression of it does bring greater harmony and capacity to serve the Ascended Host of Light and all imprisoned life. 

We are, of course, beginning today (January 1, 1961) the Year of Illumination. The Great God and Goddess Meru and Beloved Nada, All are desirous of giving the Illumination Flame to and through you and all imprisoned life. They are beautiful Beings and their Love and Light is unparalleled but withal we, the Beings on the First Ray, shall continue to emphasize the power of utilizing the God within you which enabled you to enter this Activity and today TO ACT IN A CONSTRUCTIVE MANNER for the blessings of all imprisoned life. It is not enough to accept; it is required that you BE in 1961 a Greater Expression of Divinity! Turbans off or turbans on, WE ARE DETERMINED BY THE POWER OF OUR LIVES to set you Free and to set all life Free! 

Application should never cease 

What is the purpose of having to constantly re-create your Mantle of Light? You should be enabled to sustain its Protection and ENERGIZE IT BY THE POWER OF HERCULES AND AMAZON and expand it daily. You should have a permanence of God-qualified energy about you after all these years; a permanence of radiation through which can flow at will the gifts and powers of the Sacred Fire! That Sacred Fire which has no limit and which, through you, and others, can render miracles of which the human or outer self knows nothing. I SPEAK TO YOU EACH AND EVERYONE AS I STOOD WITH YOU BEFORE THE KARMIC BOARD LAST EVENING and gave again the pledge of my energies to match your own, that I shall expect your energies NOW, one-pointed to set life free! 

There is a lot of life on this Planet, a lot of lovely Beings on Excelsior; there is also that other Planet created for those of you who wish to sleep on or move with the vibratory action of the present Earth people BUT BY GOD those who remain on this Earth are going to vibrate like those Beings who represent the Seventh Root Race and its Lord Manu, Saithrhu and this Earth shall be returned to the beauty and perfection She had in the beginning. The laggards can go! Incidentally, some laggards have proceeded marvelously on this Planet, whereas some who came from other Stars have become so enamored of the laggards that they are below them in the spiritual process of evolution. 

Who is a laggard? 

Now who is a laggard? You will know. All you have to do is enter into the aura and atmosphere of such a one and if you have not a positive radiation of energy in, through and around you, what happens? Two laggards! Is that wise! IT SHALL NOT BE FOR THE CHELA IN WHOM THE ASCENDED HOST HAS INVESTED SUCH ENERGIES AND SUCH POWER THERE SHALL BE TWO ALERT GOD-FREE MEN AND WOMEN WHERE ONE PREVIOUSLY HAS BEEN! If one individual can through affinity of vibration draw another down, cannot one individual with affinity of vibration draw another UP! It is as simple as that! 

As the spiral of life goes higher and higher, years matter not, so does the spiral of the entire Planet and your lifestreams ascend to that peak where you are ready to either enter Nirvana or become like us, those who choose to serve on lesser Stars.

Mercury shall go into the Sun (Helios and Vesta) by the energies and powers of our Light. That means that your Earth horizontally will move closer to the orbit of Helios and Vesta. Think ye what that shall do to the vibratory action on the peoples, some of whom cannot stand the sight of the physical Sun, even veiled as it is by the gracious clouds of mercy which hide the Sun behind the Sun. One day, however, there shall be not such clouds of mercy. You shall stand like the Zarathustras and face the Sun God, the Sun Goddess of your System accepting their mighty Power and then disseminating It in grace. 

Our Initiation in Persia to face the Sun God 

One of our Initiations in the early Ages in Persia was to render just such a service individually. Seven of us were chosen, in seven groups, making forty-nine aspirants. Seven of us were chosen at a time to ascend the forty-nine Temple steps, and then as we stood at the top step the veil was rent, we had first to look into the physical Sun, see the orbit of Helios and Vesta and the SACRED FIRE which is around it and then go through that Sun on the solar highway to the Heart of Alpha and Omega, without any by-pass and then return consciously, stepping down the vibratory action of our vehicles into the Temple in Persia - THAT was before our Ascension - and we were required to retain both sanity and balance, humility and wisdom gained from knowing WHAT one day we, too, should be! Sun Gods and Sun Goddesses in our own Being! 

Of each group of seven, six could not look upon the Light of Helios and Vesta. Of the forty-nine who took the Initiation, only seven remained who had through the Grace of God, tenacity of purpose and oneness of Being reached into the Presence and stood before Alpha and Omega, absorbed their Light, Power and Efficacy and returned to the Earth! Where think ye came the Chohans of the Rays? 

Learn what you have been taught 

Now "I AM" not asking you to go so far for without tremendous assistance it would not be possible for you to return. We have not the time to seek for you in Cosmic Tides with so much Solar Activity going on connected with this galaxy alone. "I AM" asking you to learn what you have been taught and to act upon what you have learned, and to be what you have said, and to become fitting representatives of the God of Freedom!








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