An Appointment and Blessings

Beloved Sanat Kumara

The Great White Brotherhood is the Governing Body representing the Father in the evolution of the humanity on the Earth. 

It is my duty, responsibility and great Joy as Regent, serving with the Beloved Gautama, Lord of the World, to flood mankind with Love and Light, bringing about the unity of each lifestream with its Cosmic Source. 

To this end we employ Representatives who carry the Will and the Plan of the Hierarchy to the intellectual consciousness of the people. Under these Representatives advanced souls are drawn who choose to become conscious coworkers with the Hierarchy in furthering the Divine Plan. 

These Representatives with their bands of spiritual helpers are outposts of the Divine Spirit and are carefully chosen at Inner Levels and prepared as Radiating Centers for God's Light at various points on the Earth's surface. 

Each of you, beloved faithful chelas, will have a Cosmic Office in the Spiritual Hierarchy of the future, and the present period of training is to evolve and awaken your consciousness which can be used in a cosmic measure in this New Day. The appointment of your lifestreams as members of the Hierarchy, devoted to the furthering of Godliness, took place many, many centuries ago. Your earthly bodies, however, have never had such an appointment until now. 

When your physical bodies are consciously appointed Outposts of the Ascended Ones by my Personal Presence, you assume an Office as a Representative of the greatest Hierarchy in this Universe. 

Carry well, dear ones, your responsibility and know that your appointment has been carefully studied and manifests only after great care and study of your individual lifestream.






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