A Letter of Gratitude

Loyal Bridge Students: 

As the bright New Spirit of the New Year unfolds her Pristine Robes and prepares to record on the sensitive substance of her Light Body the events of 1963, I turn my loving thoughts toward those heart friends who have believed in me and my endeavor through the long years when the ground was being broken, the seeds planted, and watered with your very life blood and your tears. 

Now above the ground have come the shoots of a strong and beautiful plant which shall bloom in the Garden of our Lord, with every man, woman and child a blossom, and then a matured manifestation of the God Design. 

To those of you who helped us with the planting, who turned the good earth that the tiny life might breathe, and who has stood to see the fruits of your faith manifest in the happy enjoyment of the newer students, we bring our deep and abiding love and gratitude. 

Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three is going to be a Year of Accomplishment, with the feeling worlds of mankind adding their blessing of Truth, Grace, Beauty, Healing and Scientific Perfection. 

This is a time of great opportunity for you, each blessed student, when the Goddess of Truth, the Beloved Pallas Athena, blazes forth her mighty Ray of Truth to illumine you and, in turn, for you to expand that glorious Flame for the blessing of your fellowman. 








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