On Precipitation

All activity of life is a form of precipitation, the bringing forth of an idea as the energy passes from your own God Presence through your various vehicles and propelled into manifestation as THEY (the lower vehicles) see and feel it. A little reflection will show the chela that to fill his world with Beauty, Health, Opulence and Perfection of every kind requires but the conscious harmonious control of the Pure God Energy flowing so freely through him, and stamping that essence with Divine Love, Comfort or whatever the requirement or desire may be. This is elementary, but a Lesson not as yet learned by my good and faithful chelas.


On Divine Love

This great Creative Power, the mightiest in the Universe, is a substance which must be imbibed, nurtured and USED if the chela would become a conscious co-creator with the Father of us all. The purpose of the instruction of the Spiritual Hierarchy is to illumine the chela that through the use of free will he can become a true son or daughter of the Almighty in this physical appearance world, by example - a wayshower to those not as yet so privileged as to know of our existence in the Universe.


On Reverence for Life

Every individual must one day learn that it is required of him that he respect the life in his fellowman; those with whom he is required to associate through family tie, business or social connection. One must develop this respect for all life in order to advance up the ladder of evolution.


On the Selfless Joy of Service

All the Ascended Host and Cosmic Beings experience the ecstasy of serving, knowing that in so doing the Borders of the Father's Kingdom are widened and when this service is extended to those in the Third Dimensional World great is their happiness in the fact that those who have temporarily left the Heaven Realm are drawn more closely to that Sphere as the Blessings of the Father enfold them.


On the Ascension

This glorious Ascension Flame is a part of my very Being and I wish at this time to stress the importance of its use by the chela. Each one must cleanse his four lower vehicles and divest them of any sluggish and impure condition which he has invited to become a tenant thereof. Cleanse your lower bodies by inviting the Ascension Flame to abide therein and make of your garments a Temple fitting for the Indwelling Christ. In so doing, you prepare yourselves for your destined ultimate Goal - the Ascension in the Light.


On the Angelic Host

The Angelic Host plays an important part in scientific endeavor. How? Wherever they are permitted recognition and are invited to render assistance in the redemptive process of the Planet Earth and its evolutions, their service is great. Since two types of energy cannot be active at one time, in the same place, the invoked presence of the Angelic Host raises the energy of the person, place or condition into a higher vibratory action. Scientific, indeed yes!


On Selflessness

You all know that it was my privilege while yet in embodiment on the Earth to learn the Quality of Selflessness, seeking no recognition for service, at the same time witnessing the progress of my sisters in the Arts and the resultant acclamation. My constant gratitude goes to Beloved Charity for her assistance and instruction which resulted in the development of this Quality from within myself. I AM so very eager to assist you if you call to me. The reward of learning to and becoming selfless is so far beyond seeking outer acclaim, that I kindly recommend this joyous art of living to you.


On Raising the vibratory action

As Beloved Hilarion has pointed out, the Angelic Host renders tremendous assistance in raising the vibratory action of the Planet and its evolutions. In the glorious religious ceremonies in which the Angelic Host is given recognition, they seize the opportunity to raise the vibratory action of the participants, as their attention is directed on High. In this Golden Age now dawning, the Angelic Host can and will, render assistance far beyond your present comprehension. There will be an awakening to the Presence of these Beings and their Service for, and with, mankind in the not too distant future - and I say with all the Love of my Heart - God speed the day!



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