The Truth never changes

Maha Chohan


"He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the Most High, shall abide under the

Shadow of the Almighty."                                 Ps. 91:1

Visualization: Contemplate the Heart of God and see within that Spiritual Chalice the Perfected Image of yourself and every member of the human race. Look upon your Spiritual Identity, seeing yourself as God sees you. 

Then turn your attention to your own physical heart, a replica of the Divine, and feel deeply the Presence of your Spiritual Identity enthroned within the Secret Place of the Most High. 

In feeling the Presence of your individualized God Self within your heart, become still, allowing that Inner Presence to radiate through you its peace, its intelligent Direction, its Confidence, its Commanding Mastery and Power. 

As your attention is upon this Supreme Master Presence, feel deeply that it begins to grow and expand until it fills your being, and where there have been two - yourself, the contemplator - and the Inner Presence, the Contemplated - there becomes one... the Wholly One! 

"I AM" created in the Image and Likeness of God, a Perfected Being, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. 

I accept, the Presence of God within me, drawing into my sphere of influence everything I require to express Perfection. 

I accept the Presence of God within me, blessing life wherever "I AM". 

"I AM" the Master Presence grown to full stature and I speak and command with authority.








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