The Control of Energy

Lady Meta

To the students on the Pathway of Life who are seeking so earnestly the Truth of Life, I come. 

The intellectual mind of man has so long sought intricate expressions regarding the Solar System and the Universe to which he belongs, that he can scarcely believe or become still enough to understand that the Truth of Life is merely THE HARMONIOUS EXPENDITURE OF THE ENERGY OF HIS LIFESTREAM IN A MANNER THAT DOES NOT DISHONOR THE ELECTRONIC SUBSTANCE LOANED TO HIM BY THE CREATOR OF LIFE. 

The Activity of Life, as presented by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, is defined as 'The Law of Energy and Vibration'. It is an educational formula which endeavors to teach the student that the misuse of the energy of his lifestream creates limitation and discord in his world. It shows him, unmistakably, that the harmonious control and expenditure of energy, through his individual lifestream, is the way of the Master. Mastery is what all lifestreams are seeking. self mastery is the ONLY mastery there is. 

The individual, who desires to become more than a human being, must learn that the road to self mastery does not lie only in books or pamphlets or lectures. It is a road traversed by the expenditure of God's Energy in a harmonious expression of the one life. 

Throughout the Discourses and instruction presented by Saint Germain and the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, there is repeated again and again, like the main rhythm of a glorious masterpiece, the one admonition - TO CONTROL THE ENERGY WAVES THAT PASS FROM THE LIFESTREAM INTO THE UNIVERSE. 

Saint Germain shows plainly in his Instruction that people resent persons, places, conditions and things because they have not MASTERED THEMSELVES. No man will advance beyond the threshold that leads to the Open Doorway of Truth, until he acknowledges fully that no lifestream in the Universe, no set of circumstances, no appearances on the screed of maya can possibly disturb the rhythmic expression of his own Divine Pattern, unless he chooses to give the direction of his energy to that appearance. You are either the master and controlling, directing intelligence of the energy of your lifestream, or you are mastered by any expression that can change the quality of your energy into anger, condemnation, hatred, depression, etc. 

In the world of men, where many lifestreams are 'rubbing shoulders' through karmic ties and the natural activities of daily living, man is prone to allow any passing force, spoken word or idiosyncrasy of another to completely change the pattern of his thought and feeling processes, and destroy his harmony and peace. 

When man determines to BECOME the Ascended Presence, all this must give way and he must become like the Sun and continue in his peaceful orbit, letting as they will, the waves of human emotion dash hither and thither, not allowing them to touch his equanimity or disturb his tranquil heart.