The Cause of Freedom

Beloved Maha Chohan

March 7, 1964

From the beginning of time, man has served the Cause of Christ, the Cause of Freedom and so on. Hundreds of thousands of people have subjected their individual will, comfort, personal satisfaction and desire to a Cause. Exactly what does this mean?

Behind all such universal movements, there is some great Intelligent Being who has been awakened at inner levels to a Higher State of Consciousness than the mass of mankind whom he is serving. This Being has become aware of the God-Design, Plan and Pattern of the Universe to some degree and has interpreted that desire and design through the medium of his own consciousness and conveyed it to a group of disciples, constituents and devotees. 

This individual created a Cause at inner levels, a Focus of the Flaming Substance of the God Power, and each person who was invited to be a member of that Cause offered the energies of his own lifestream, his emotional, mental, etheric and physical substance to feeding that Inner Flame and to drawing the purpose and design of that Cause into manifest form. 

Enthusiasm is the Flame of God. The more enthusiasm that can be aroused within this offering to feed the Flame - the more of the substance of their emotional bodies, their mental efforts and their physical sacrifice is poured into that original focus, the greater the outpouring of the result or the effect which has to ensue. 

You are now serving the Cause of Freedom, beloved chelas of my Heart. All who have become interested in this desire and design are giving the substance of their lives in a greater or lesser degree to that Cause, and the effect resulting from that Cause in the physical appearance world will be multiplied by the energies of each such one. 

The Cause of Freedom is sending out rays of Light into the world of maya which will bring the effects of Freedom in mind, body and affairs, and those whose energies have been dedicated to that Cause will be the natural Open Doors through which the effects will first manifest. 

The time has now come when those who have been contributing factors to Freedom's Cause in any locality through the substance of their inner bodies, as well as their physical assets, will be the manifest example to the masses. 

Oh, my faithful and beloved children, can you glimpse some of the joy and gratitude which is active in my Being for your participation in the bringing forth of the Central Focus of the Brotherhood on Long Island - the very Heart Center of Freedom! The full comprehension of that which you are doing will not be revealed to you until you are Ascended and Free, and when you stand before the Lords of Karma, truly will it be said "Well done, thou good and faithful chela."


'I AM' the Flame of Enthusiasm blazing through my being and world to bring

FREEDOM to all life! So be it! Beloved 'I AM'.






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