The Treasures stored in Heaven

Beloved Saint Germain

May 22, 1965

Dear friends of the ages, precious grails through which the "I AM" Presence has gifts of such Beauty to release, I come at this time of intensified cleansing of the lower vehicles of the chelas, and all mankind, to urge you not to pass up the opportunity which is yours. You can receive great assistance in this process of Purification, during the time when the accelerated activity of Transmutation takes place at the Temple of the Violet Fire in the Etheric Realm over the Island of Cuba, August 15 through September 14, 1965. 

On the subject of Gifts, have you recently thought of the 'treasures laid up in Heaven'? The blessings which you have accumulated during your various sojourns on this sweet Earth are pulsating with great intensity in that great storehouse, your magnificent Causal Body. Certainly those Qualities or Virtues are not there just to make a halo for your glorious Individualized "I AM" Presence! 

Be God-in-Action 

To emulate God is to be munificent, and the Virtues and Blessings which you have in your Causal Body are to be used for the benefaction of all life. 

Time and again we have reiterated that when the chela can accept in his feelings that there is no separation in the Universe, except that entertained in the outer consciousness, there is no reason to be bound by limitation of Good of any kind. 

Your accumulated God-Gifts  

I appeal to you to permit the Gifts of your Causal Body to express through you to bring forth the externalization of the Golden Age of Freedom now! This is possible of accomplishment through your wholehearted cooperation, and the acceptance of the Violet Fire of Transmutation as the Agent which can sweep all the debris from your lifestream on a moment's notice. 

Hidden somewhere in your being is the reluctance to accept the fact that the Violet Fire IS a Divine Activity of Transmutation that changes imperfection into Perfection. Those unwilling feelings must let go before you can put into practice the Divine Alchemy of Transmutation and witness the IMMEDIATE activity of purification. This can, and shall be done by those blessed chelas who have sufficient Faith in my words, and realize that I would not appeal to them to exercise the Power of God which is always at hand and can accomplish so-called miracles in the wave of a hand. 

Vestment of God Powers  

When you have divested yourself of old concepts and purified your lower vehicles, your glorious God-Self will vest you with undreamed of Powers to assist in the ushering in the Permanent Golden Age. Oh, how well I remember the vow which you each made before descending into the Plane of Earth, pledging your life to the Cause of Freedom. Every time I think on this particular activity which took place, there wells within my being such gratitude for the friends who accepted the bands of forgetfulness so they could be my co-workers on the Earth! 

Do you not feel the stirring within your being as I drive home again the fact that a vow in the name of the Spiritual Hierarchy is a very serious matter, accepted only from those staunch lifestreams upon whom we felt we could depend and that their labors in the vineyard would bear the Fruit of Perfection! 

Vigilance is Imperative 

An important point which the chela should always bear in mind is that after he has used and used and used the Violet Transmuting Flame and does not have the ever-recurring impacts of the free will mis-use of God's Sacred Energy, he permits himself to become lackadaisical. It is at such times as he thinks, well I am rid of that, some perhaps infinitesimal pulsation of the former impurity has not been removed in the purging activity, and up it crops for purification. This is the time when the alert chela does not hesitate for a fraction of a second but should with the tenacity of one clinging to a life-raft in a raging sea; know that faith in the buoying activity will result in his salvation. One never knows the amount of accumulation of imperfection, and should not for an instant let up on the application. 

While an individual wears a flesh garment alertness is of prime importance, and the use of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation should be engaged in daily. 

NO ONE CAN BE SURE that the hidden iniquities have been completely replaced by Perfection. The lower vehicles are always subject to the tendency to generate impurity in some form. However, be of good heart, this is less likely to occur when the chela has been constant in his application, and as a result has learned how to be in a State of Grace through the conscious sustaining of Harmony. Two different rates of vibration cannot take place at the same time, and the harmonious chela attracts a like Virtue. 

I admonish you always to remember the old adage - 'like attracts like’, for where Harmony abides, naught of a destructive quality can enter. 

The purer the Chalice of your consciousness, the more freely can the Gifts of your Causal Body flow for the enrichment of your world, as well as for all mankind. 

We await the hour in great anticipation when the Essence of Divinity, Pure and Sacred, flows through you carrying the Gifts of Healing, Illumination, Peace, Beauty and the manifold Virtues of the Godhead for the Blessing of all life, everywhere. 

Your Friend and Counselor, Saint Germain







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