Our Beloved Kwan Yin

Goddess of Mercy, lovely Kwan Yin,

Guiding us on - our Vict'ry to win;

God's great Forgiveness; his Mercy too,

In Love unceasing, flow forth from you.

We feel the Pow'r of thy Mercy Flame;

Through invocation, thy Love we claim

To e'er outpicture thy great God-Pow'r

Raising the Earth in this Cosmic Hour. 

To Mercy's Temple there in Peking,

In adoration, praises we sing;

Angels surround with Beauty Divine

All those who serve in thy Holy Shrine.

Sisters of Mercy; Brothers of Love;

Each one directing Light from Above

To bless Earth's children - set them all free

In the Ascension - Love's Victory. 

Kwan Yin, we love thee, and in thy name,

Enfold all life in thy Mercy Flame.

Blest Violet Fire of God's Seventh Ray,

Blaze through the Earth; bring in the New Day.

Now Elementals and Angels too

Shall with all men acquaintance renew;

As they then God's Divine Plan discern,

Heaven to Earth shall once more return. 

MELODY – Original