The Ascension of Mother Mary

As we celebrate the Feast of the Victorious Accomplishment of Beloved Mother Mary, on August 15th, it is fitting that we review her very own words regarding this glorious period in her life:


"Finally, within about nine years before the close of my embodiment, I said to Peter: 'If you will build me now a small house and chapel apart from the community, by the edge of the stream, I shall cloister myself and prepare to meet my Maker'. 

This was done and there I lived the rest of my life. Mary of Bethany and other beloved friends would bring flowers, candles and fresh fruit. I spent those years in contemplation of my Lord; in reminiscence of the early days of my life; my first Christmas and all the years with Joseph; the parting while Jesus went into India so soon after his Father had left the Earth; his triumphant return; the Resurrection and his own Ascension. 

It became physically difficult for me to climb the Hill of Bethany and John kept the vigil for me. I began to enter more into the world of the 'beyond' than the world of the 'here'. Finally, in May, right after the Pentecost, I said to John: 

'Call the disciples and apostles home, for before August closes her radiation, I shall have joined my son'. 

You know, it took a great deal of time - sometimes months - to reach individuals who were in faraway places like Greece. They all came home, but in the meantime, I had asked that a small chapel be built on top of Bethany's hill, just a very simple one. On the 10th of August I walked up that hill, having asked that I might be alone on this occasion. I placed my feet in the shining footprints of my son as I ascended that hill. For three days and three nights, I remained there in that chapel fasting and praying. By then, all of the disciples and apostles were home and they came up to the hill for me. I descended from the hill with them into my own home and there I spoke to them, the original disciples particularly. 

I told them that I would leave this world and that on the 15th of August my Ascension would be completed. I asked them how they wished to pursue the rest of their course. John said: 'I shall follow you, Mother, as soon as I hear the voice of my Presence'. 

Paul said: 'Knowing my nature, I shall take no chances. If I have earned my freedom, I shall take it!' 

Peter, James and Andrew said: 'We shall tarry until he comes again. We shall endeavor to do throughout the Christian Dispensation, Mother, what you have done throughout these thirty long years.' I blessed them all and then the other members of the community came in. I blessed them too. Then I closed my eyes on this world to open them in the Presence of Joseph first, then Jesus. As you know, they placed my body within a rocky tomb and sealed it for three days. During this time I was free in the Higher Octaves, preparing for the Ascension of my physical form. Then did I return and raise that flesh form. I called it to me, absorbed it into my own Holy Christ Self and consciously entered into the Heart of my Presence as my son did before me. I left within the tomb a white rose for each of that community. That is why the white rose is particularly dear to those who were a part of that service. 

When they rolled back the door from my tomb, they found the body was gone and the fragrance of the roses filled the place. They then made the Holy Day which is now called 'The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin'. 

After that in my full God-freedom, I enjoyed renewing my associations with all those who had assisted me on the other side - Lord Maitreya, Gabriel and Raphael, Jesus and Joseph, Anne and Joachim, Elizabeth and John (John the Baptist) and all who had gone before. Yes, with Judas too! 

Then came the crowning of my humble self for service. In a great and mystic ceremony similar to that in which Beloved Saint Germain and Beloved Portia engaged in the month of May this year (1954), the Beloved Master Jesus placed on my head the Crown of the Queen of Heaven for the Christian Dispensation. Cosmically, I became the Mother of the World. I have remained so until recently when I turned over to Portia, the Goddess of Opportunity, that great office for the New Era. 

So this morning, beloved of my heart, I give the white rose of friendship in memory of a conscious Ascension. Remember, the day when you too lay aside the garments of flesh and stand God-free, I shall greet you, both as a Friend and as a Mother. 

May the blessings of our Lord Jesus and God in Heaven be upon you always. Good morning!"








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