Summer Conference Address

Beloved Serapis Bey

July 6, 1966

Good Morning, my fellow musicians! 

I greet you thus, for you are each a performer in the great Cosmic Symphonic Orchestra, whose purpose is the rendition of the Harmony, Beauty and Perfection comprising the music of the Spheres. 

Since you have all been 'tuned' to the most perfect pitch your vehicles can attain at the moment, in preparation for this Class, today as your Conductor, I have been listening to the Harmony which is emanating there from. Commendable! In fact, quite good, but there is room for further improvement. You might think, 'there he goes again in his role as Disciplinarian.' Perhaps! 

Does not an accomplished, skilled Conductor of an Orchestra endeavor always to bring out the very best potential in every musician under his direction? Surely, that is his mission - to encourage each member, at the same time never being lax in his acceptance of what the individual performer can do. In my position at the moment, as the Conductor of the Symphony in which you are playing a very important and prominent role, I must keep you on your toes, as it were, so that you will not relax in your efforts and rest on your laurels, and be satisfied with your present accomplishment. 

You are aware that a great part of my Service is with the Holy Christ Selves of all belonging to this Planet, and I KNOW the glorious Perfection of your Real Selves. So, if I appear to goad you on, please understand that I, too, am accountable to my Superiors for your development along certain lines of endeavor. So please accept me, and love me, for the Service which I must obediently, and gratefully, render along this avenue of harmonious Expression of Light. At times, should I seem relentless in my prodding, be assured that the motivating power behind the action is Pure Divine Love, for the Supreme Creator of all life, and individually, for you. 

Further, when the fellow musician at your side plays a dissonant note on his instrument, it is certainly not your prerogative to criticize him in any way, either emotionally, mentally or audibly. You must remember at all times that someone more accomplished than your outer self is designated to listen to your rendition, which I add at times does send forth some rather 'sour" notes, and the Higher Intelligence would not deign to enter into a feeling of a negative nature. Each individual is responsible for his own accomplishment, and the Director is the Holy Christ Presence within his heart, not in some remote place in the Universe, but anchored within his being. 

Why do I tell you all this? Because in my endeavors with your lifestreams, I know that you are, each and every one, ready and able to be the Christ Expression in the world of form! This is what you have been trained for, and it really goes without saying, but I wish to further impress this fact upon you, there is no criticism or condemnation in the Holy Christ Self of your actions, or those of another lifestream. 

If you should, through lowering your consciousness to the level of the outer and register in your feelings the imperfect actions of another individual, need I remind that your own "I AM" Presence can render the service of transmutation and purification, and the Ascended Beings have offered to assist you in your progress on the Path. To name a few in this specific Service, Beloved Lady Astraea, Kwan Yin, and all the Beings on the Seventh Ray of Transmutation, Beloved Lord Michael, and many, many others with whom you are familiar. The time has arrived when you should fully realize that when you give recognition to any imperfection temporarily manifesting in another lifestream, you tie in to and make that same negation a part of your own world. This is truly elementary, but there are a few chelas who have not as yet loosed the tentacles of this imperfect action. I say - let go, let go, LET GO, now and forever the habit of criticism which is of a most destructive nature, and when you cling to it, you just 'keep the pot boiling'. To that practice, I say, in the Name of the Cosmic "I AM" Presence, through the Powers of Pure Light - BEGONE!!! Be thou transmuted into Perfection now, and forever! 

Sufficient on that subject! It is no more! 

And now, speaking of instruments of harmony used in the physical appearance world, aside from the Radiation of one's own being, beautiful music does render a tremendous service in the world of form, and wise is the chela who avails himself of this assistance. May I modestly say that I find I can pay holy homage to my Creator through renditions of Perfection on the glorious stringed instrument known to your consciousness as the violin. And surely one knows how that instrument sounds if the artist is not accomplished. All instruments, invisible and visible, give forth harmonious sound when the performer is accomplished in its particular art. Constant practice is necessary to be a proficient artist, and to become more adept in the expression of harmony throughout the Universe. 

You have been apprised of the Musical cognizance of Beloved Kuthumi, who truly is a Master Performer at the Organ. I could go on and on naming the various Ascended and Cosmic Beings, who enjoy and employ this privilege. 

I further counsel you to keep tuning up your vehicles through the use of the Sacred Fire, and to use the outer musical instruments also, be they those on which you are accomplished or through listening to a beautiful rendition of some proficient artist. 

When the Seraphic Host and I Personally wend our way through the atmosphere, the Devas who accompany us on a specific Mission, are in most instances, giving forth the music which is contained in the greater position of Rubinstein's Reve Angelique - better known to many as ‘Kamennoi-Ostrow’. At any time that you feel you would like the benefit of the Blessing of the Seraphic and Devic Host, play this recording and you will be rewarded with a Benediction which will tune your vehicles to the Radiation of the Christ Presence - your own Individualized Director. 

Another word on the field of music. You are acquainted with the fact that music plays an important part in the healing of certain distresses of the mind and body. Even some of your emporiums use 'canned' music for the enjoyment of their customers and the greater efficiency of their employees. Oh, when I say ‘canned', I do so just to let you know that we in the Octaves of Light are aware of the various types of terminology used on the Earth-plane. There are, of course, some expressions we would not permit ourselves to recognize or tune in to. Naturally we clear the way for our entrance into any specific location, should our appearance be required there, by being tremendously insulated in the Protection which we have built through the ages, the momentum of which cannot be penetrated by human emanation. 

It is that very 'insulation' which you are presently building for yourselves, and I wish to further commend you, in that you have created a mighty fortification against the entrance of imperfection. Here I must again state, continue and be ever vigilant in your calls for the purification of the lower vehicles. You have done well, exceedingly so, but you must not willingly allow entry of further imperfection, by your acknowledgment of it in yourselves or in that of another lifestream. 

I most sincerely trust, and in fact expect, the Music which will emanate from the beings of this group of chelas, will be of a magnificent timbre as you proceed along the Path of Harmony to the culmination of this Holy Conference next Sunday, and which shall through your vigilance continue as you travel along the Pathway of Light. 

I apprise you of my expectations, for surely as the great Cosmic Host who are visiting Shamballa this week listen to your renditions, they will be most grateful for the progress which you have made in bringing forth the Perfection of your vehicles, and will be thankful, too, that the Energy which we have released to you for your Instruction and Illumination has found fertile ground. I wish also to tell you that the Beloved Harmony, also known as LaMoray is present at this Conference to render assistance, as he is requested to do so, when and where the requirement so demands, for you and for all life upon this Planet. 

I, personally, wish to thank you for your efforts in improving the vocal renditions of the Songs of Adoration and Praise which go forth at every Meeting. As you continue to keep on, keeping on, you shall become more skilled, for truly does practice make perfect. 

Oh, please feel the Happiness and Buoyancy of the Glorious Ascension Flame as it flows constantly into and through your beings today. All during this Class the Brothers and Sisters of our Retreat at Luxor have been sending forth a tremendous Radiation of this Sacred Flame, and are anointing your vehicles with its Holy Essence. You should be able to retain the buoyancy which accompanies this Service through the remainder of this Conference, and further, as you tune into the Radiation of the Ascension Flame. The knowledgeable chela, being aware that he has written across his etheric garment 'Candidate for the Ascension' will realize the importance of availing himself of the surging Power of this Flame and Its essential Service in his personal attainment, in the ultimate Victorious Accomplishment in the Light, which can be his at the close of this sojourn on the Earth. 

Me thinks I shall attend the Meeting this evening under the Direction of Beloved Kuthumi, and listen to the Harmony which shall flow forth from your beings. Yes, that will be a good idea, and I know my fellow in Service will not object to my being a Member of the audience. 

So, until this evening when we shall all be privileged to be in the Presence of our great World Teacher, Kuthumi, whose particular Service is with the younger generation and the incoming lifestreams, I shall anticipate this further close association. 

I wasn't so fierce today, was I? 

Loving and assisting you always until your call does come to leave the Earth plane so far as a physical garment is concerned, and then in further Service in the Cosmic over-all Pattern from the Realms of Light, 

"I AM"

Your devoted Friend and Teacher Serapis Bey






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