The Great Conflict

Beloved El Morya

April 30, 1967

There comes a time in every man's evolution where he must decide between negative forces or the God Authority of his own lifestream. This conflict has been fought in the soul of man since the first strong spirit determined to break the magnetic pull of Earth and return to God. You might say it is a place on the road to Mastery that is reached at different times according to the progress of the initiate. 

The mass of mankind moving together will go through this battle en masse and its mental and emotional upheaval will record in the physical world as violent upheavals which, even today, are taking place, witness war and public demonstrations and the rampages of the Elements. 

Those of you who have chosen the Path of Mastery will have already weathered the conflict and stand serene on the 'far shore' to be better able to assist your struggling brothers and sisters and draw them one by one from this distress. 

You can better understand why we of the Spiritual Hierarchy repeat, and repeat, the fact that it is essential that our chelas learn to become the Presence of God in action at all times. We do not come to BORE you with repetition but as a child in school has to go over and over the lesson presented to him until it is imprinted upon and become a permanent part of his consciousness, so it is in your case. You are our Representatives on this Earth and it is expedient and necessary that you function as such. 

Every lifestream upon this Planet must decide, by free will choice, what forces are to act through his vehicles. Only experience can teach him that devastation results from the opening of one's consciousness to the forces of imperfection. Thank God, the chelas have learned that through contemplative soul searching and the employment of the Sacred Fires of Purification and Transmutation, those destructive patterns which have been set up in the past can be removed from their worlds and affairs, and replaced with the magnificence of the Gifts of God. 

Now, forgive me if I step on anyone's toes, but it has taken a considerable amount of time and energy on our part to accelerate your consciousness thus far, and by the very Nature of my Being, I expect ACTION by the accepted chelas to assist their fellow traveler when negative conditions present themselves! Why do they set foot on your doorstep? For the very reason that you have become Radiating Centers of the Sacred Activity of Transmutation! If you were to encounter some individual upon the street who was very ill and asked you to get assistance for them, there is no question in my mind that you would seek out the one to give necessary succor. 

Doesn't common sense tell you after all the training which you have received from the Great Beings of Light that when inharmony of any kind comes to your attention, that you do not have to seek others to change the condition into God Harmony, knowing with all the conviction of your being that the Presence of God "I AM" is within you, willing, waiting at all times to express Perfection through you and any other part of life. 

Every lifestream is constructive because it is part of God. You must learn that and recognize always that any destructive activity which is apparent is but a force playing through instruments that have not yet learned to distinguish between God and human creation. 

If you profess to be our Representatives of the Light, I must insist that you become aware of your responsibilities towards every living soul and stop letting your instruments be playgrounds for every passing shadow. Every lifestream on Earth is dear to us, and so it must be to you. 

Remember always that one whispered prayer, one strong call, one steady unwavering thought might hold the balance for the Light in the heart of one where conflict rages! 

A stern Taskmaster? Indeed "I AM" and when my Retreat is open to the chelas in August you can expect ACTION! 

Lovingly, "I AM" the Will of God in ACTION

El Morya of Darjeeling.







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