Summer Conference Address

Beloved Kuthumi

July 12, 1967

Good evening, my friends in the Service of the Light! It is with great anticipation of what you will do with the Directives which you are receiving at this momentous Convocation that I eagerly come into your midst. 

As our mighty Lord of the World, Gautama, has always counseled, Balance is the true way of life. And for the release of Energy which is literally poured into your beings, a balance must be given in Service ...be it in words of Instruction to other lifestreams, Decrees, Song or Music; all that is constructively sent forth to enrich the evolutions upon this Planet. Of course, I do not really have to remind you that it is the teaching of others not so privileged as you, those who have either been seeking Truth or those who have placed their blessed feet upon the Path, that is of the utmost importance. 

All of you, without exception, have been teachers of men in one manner or another as you have trod the surface of this Earth. As you are well aware, you did not come to this Planet for just this embodiment, but have been traversing its surface time and time again all through the various Ages that have expressed hereon. 

Please forgive me if by the following I seem to disparage your present consciousness, but I make this reference only to lovingly and kindly remind you that none of you, or any of the chelas under our direction, have actually plunged into the Reservoir of Cosmic Consciousness, that of your own "I AM" Presence, and by plumbing its depths brought forth the Gifts of God Perfection which you have stored in your Causal Bodies, built therein by your constructive use of energy in previous embodiments! 

Oh, the glorious Gifts which you have actually used at other times which are awaiting your use. You have them in your Bank, as it were, and yet you do not seem to grasp how to draw them forth and use them for the expansion of Perfection on this Earth. In your outer world financial system, your money earns interest when left in the Bank, but that is not the way with the Cosmic. You have to earn the interest, or dividends, through use of the God Gifts. The financial or banking institutions increase their assets through the use of your money while paying you a stated rate of interest. In order to do so, they must invest the currency. The only way Bank Notes, Bonds and Certificates of any kind gather interest for you, outside of the Banking Institutions, is when you use them for a constructive purpose in the world of form. Then, as a result, you add to the Love and Gratitude, or Pink Band, pulsating in your Causal Bodies. And let me assure you, when this is done in a balanced manner, with wisdom and discretion and you expand the momentums in your Causal Bodies; there is no interest in the outer world that can even touch the fringe of the benefits which you personally accrue. 

Oh, I have digressed into the financial which was not my original intent, but I have given this as an illustration of the accrued benefits which are yours through your own efforts in your many sojourns upon this Planet. 

Study your beautiful Holy Trinity Picture, the Causal Body of your own lifestream is not just a lovely background - it is living, pulsating Light with Gifts which are at hand NOW, at your immediate disposal through the simple process of turning your attention to the Christ Presence and contemplating its Treasures. Oh, please experiment, and quickly, with those mighty God Gifts and Virtues which are at hand. Reach into the Heart of your Causal Body through the attunement of your consciousness to the Cosmic, away from the petty distractions of the human. 

Kneel within your heart, in humble gratitude to Beloved Holy Ĉolus, who signified that the time was apropos for the release of the Instruction which came from his Heart, and is now yours in the Booklet "Divine Consciousness, the Treasure House of the Universe", and as you open the pages you will note that it is "The Jewel in the Heart of THE BRIDGE Teaching." There is nothing greater or richer, and a necessary adjunct unto complete Spiritual Freedom than becoming AT ONE with the Divine Consciousness. 

Consider how I feel, the happiness which is mine, as I say in humility, that through the ages I chose to expand the Band in my Causal Body of the Virtue of the Second Ray, that of Wisdom, Illumination and Understanding, and thus have finally, and I say that with great emphasis, qualified to serve as one of the World Teachers. I know the experiences of Earth experimentation, my dear and precious chelas. I trod the selfsame Path as you. I know its distractions and pitfalls, and having overcome the pull of Earth's so-called pleasures, "I AM" now privileged to enjoy the Gifts in my Causal Body, and I have an intense desire to inspire you to like, or greater, accomplishment. Oh Father-Mother God help me to impress upon the consciousness of these thy children, gathered here in sincerity, love and dedication to expand the Borders of thy Kingdom on Earth; help me to convey to them how magnificent is the acceptance and use of thy Gifts, so very, very close to being released, but requiring their acceptance and acknowledgement to so express in the world of form. 

Beloved of the Light, as the true Parent wishes all good for his children, and the true Teacher who has an avowed purpose in life desires to see exploration of the pupil into a consciousness higher than its present state, so do I from the Cosmic Level literally long to see you truly enter the Divine Consciousness, and actually experience the Oneness of all Life! There are no words with which to describe this state of being, and I must now rely upon the pressure of my Feeling through which I have been impregnating your feelings to spur you on to greater accomplishment! 

In the name of the Creator of all life, do visit with us in the Kingdom of Divine Consciousness and experience the ecstasy of being Co-creators with the Father-Mother God! For every effort expended toward this end, you will be rewarded a thousand-fold. (Beloved Kuthumi paused at this point to allow his feeling to flow through the chelas.) 

Now I wish to commend you on the expanded effort which you have put forth in the institution of "FREEDOM'S WORLD YOUTH LEGIONS". This introductory material which is designed to recruit the younger generation in the Legions of Beloved Saint Germain will bear a rich harvest, and as a result you will see a tremendous expansion of the Youth Activity. It is now the requirement of the Group Leaders to plunge into this heart and soul, as the saying goes. This spark must be fanned into a mighty Flame, and it is the responsibility of the Group Directors to happily and with buoyant enthusiasm enter into this Activity with heart and soul!

There is a very definite admonition which I must place before you and that is... at the very earliest possible moment when you have these young people interested, select one of them to be the Leader of the Group. Inform them in the beginning that is what will take place, after a period of training. I do not in any way infer that as soon as you have some of the youth interested that you should say - here is introductory material, now you carry on! Nothing of the sort, but you should take one of them who has the potential and personally train him or her to be the Leader, and have that one report to you; listen to their suggestions for interesting other youth, and when constructive, permit them to 'try their wings'. I qualify this with 'to a degree'. It is important that you give them some incentive in the very beginning of the instruction by letting them know this is a YOUTH GROUP. You certainly are aware of the adage - 'like attracts like'- and youth, as well as everyone else in the various stages of development, desire to serve with their own age group. Assuredly they must have guidance but the Program must be attractive to them, else they will go into other fields in their soul search. 

I hereby promise you that I shall Personally take each such individual who receives this introductory material under my Guidance, and when they are out of the physical garment at night, I shall take them into my Schoolroom - oh yes, we have youth training centers "Up Here" too, and will literally pound the Truth of Life into their consciousness so that it will become evident to them in their waking hours. 

So I advise you not to hastily reject some of their constructive ideas, for it might be that you will be shelving something which I have given to them, albeit 'watered down' or altered to some extent, but you should be on the alert for the kernel or seed of Truth in the ideas which they present. 

The thought has just occurred to me and mayhap I shall follow through on it, and that is, at some of these sessions at Inner Levels, I will have you "oldsters" - please overlook the reference - in an adjacent room in my Training Center, which I shall equip with a Screen, and sound effects, so that you may know what is going on and thus be open to the suggestions which come forth from the newly recruited youth. Yes, me thinks, that is a good idea. 

I wish to let you in on a little secret and that is "I AM" literally jumping with joy over the prospect of the further expansion of the Youth Activity. Risking the feeling that you might think Kuthumi has gone a little daft, as you would say, I shall close with "shall we all now dance?" 

Naturally, I refer to the buoyant enthusiasm which comes from true happiness of Spirit. 

And now to your visual enjoyment and instruction through the presentation of the colored slides. 

Good evening!






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