Easter Class Address

Beloved Lady Master Meta

April 11, 1968

Beloved Co-Servers in the Kingdom of Heaven, I greet you with great Love on this Holy Thursday as we all prepare for the Celebration of the Feast of the Resurrection which our Beloved Jesus so beautifully and capably demonstrated for the people of this Earth. 

You will note that I have stated "Co-Servers in the Kingdom of Heaven" and that statement bears acceptance in your consciousness and feelings. There is no place in this universe where the Kingdom of Heaven is not present. God is All, God is Universal, for no manifestation can take place without the use of God's Energy. The pity, oh the pity, that disobedient mankind have chosen to besmirch this Pure Energy with the impure cloak of their human thinking! 

It is the responsibility of every chela who knows of the Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire of Transmutation and Purification to change this unclean garment which the Earth and her evolutions wear, and restore all into the Perfection held in the Heart of the Planetary Silent Watcher, Immaculate. When working on a specific Project for a certain locality, I humbly counsel you to enlist the assistance of the local Silent Watcher, who so lovingly and faithfully nurtures the Divine Plan within her Heart. If you are not aware of the name of your local Silent Watcher, just send your Love to her and she will gratefully assist you in energizing the God-Concept! 

Beloved ones, the Thought Form for this Class is a beautiful Chalice, over which is a beautiful Dove of Peace with a golden aura. We shall endeavor to fill this Cup with the Essence of Peace, through God Illumination, using the energies released by the chelas, which of course all ties in to the Resurrection or Resuscitating Energy of the Celebration of the Victorious Accomplishment of the Beloved Illumined Master of Peace, Blessed Jesus. 

At the request of the Beloved Holy Ĉolus and the Beloved Maha Chohan, the blessed Doves which are in your custody have been using the Cosmic Dove over Long Island as their energizing center since the Transmission of the Flame Class honoring the Resurrection Flame. As they traverse the Earth, at your direction, at least once in the twenty-four hour period, they come to receive added strength from the magnificent Dove which pulsates in the ethers over the Central Focus of the Spiritual Hierarchy. There they are given the assignment of going to the United Nations and filling the beings of the Representatives of the Assembled Nations with the Peace of the Holy Spirit and then they continue to the destination to which you may have assigned them. 

Our Beloved Maha Chohan has requested that I tell you that the efficacious Service which is being performed by these Messengers of Peace is of great magnitude, for you have chosen to ac­cept Their Reality and have cooperated with the Directives given by Beloved Holy Ĉolus at the time of their assignment to serve with you and to follow the God promptings and missions on which you dispatch them. 

You are aware that the Beloved Sanat Kumara is my so revered father, and whenever I have the opportunity of speaking with you, every thought, word and blessing with which I may be privileged to endow the Earth children brings his Blessing and that of my beloved mother, the beautiful Lady Venus. I remember with such happiness the day you were informed that you would have the honor of channeling the Light from our Star, Venus. It would be impossible for me to attempt to describe to you the joy which all the inhabitants of the Planet felt. Beloved Sanat Kumara, in his Wisdom and Pure Divine Love, had been doing this for eons of time, and now the children of Earth were to be made aware that they, individually, could assist in this glorious activity. Through your acceptance, dedication and constancy, the Earth has received such a tremendous amount of assistance and when you are Free in the Light, you will be grateful that you chose to follow the Directives of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Please continue this glorious and important Service! 

A major portion of my Service is from the Temple of Truth over the Island of Crete, where, you will remember; I chose to engage in the Activity of Healing with other members who so lovingly joined with me to direct the Rays of Healing there from. Mankind, in general, thinks of healing in relation to the physical vehicle not being aware of the other three members who comprise the lower self. The three invisible vehicles reflect their consciousness on the physical and it is a simple matter in the God-Free Realm to know at a glance that which man entertains in his consciousness. As healing means restoration, we know that anything less than Perfection requires the application of the Purifying Agent of the Sacred Fire. 

My gratitude to you is so deep, beloved ones, for the dedicated Service which you are giving to restore the Planet and her evolutions to the Perfection which she once enjoyed and which is ordained that she shall again out-picture. As you continue to remove the causes and cores of the accumulated pulsating vortices of evil from their presence in, through and around the atmosphere of Earth through application of the Sacred Fire, the Love and Gratitude in the Hearts of all the Spiritual Hierarchy expands and enfolds you, and this is a propelling God Power which assists you in your own evolution. You know that "I AM" an Exile from my own Star, having chosen to lend whatever assistance I can in cooperation with Beloved Sanat Kumara and the entire Spiritual Hierarchy and I shall remain for as long a time as my Service is required! Oh, children of the Light the bread cast upon the waters returns with such glorious Gifts that my Heart overflows always with Gratitude and I wish to share my Happiness with, you as you give of the Holy Essence of Divinity to others! 

At Crete, it has been my pleasure to instruct others, Ascended and unascended, in the direction of the Light Rays, and I would welcome volunteers from among the ranks of the chelas who would like to employ this phase of the redemptive process. All that is required is that you ask me and I shall consider it a privilege and an honor to so instruct you when you are out of the physical garment at night. 

Remember always that you ARE a Precipitated Light Ray from the Heart of God - the White Fire Body directing the Light along the Silver Cord into the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame, the Christ Presence within the Heart. It is a beautiful restorative and restful activity to visualize the descending Light and when it enters the Heart Flame to be so in God-control of the lower vehicles that they step aside in obeisance to that mighty Light, the very Essence which comprises the Body of the Father-Mother God. As the Christ Presence concentrates on the healing of a person, place or condition, the color of the Ray can take on the activity which it is felt can best accomplish, in the most efficacious manner, the restoration to God Perfection. Where there is hatred, the glorious Pink Ray can flow to enfold the one to whom it is directed, without the individual who is sending forth the Ray taking on the imperfection, for all healing of imperfection is done through the Father within, the lower vehicles stepping aside in honor to the Presence of God "I AM". 

It is not necessary for me to travel with you along the Rays and colors in the Spectrum, for you have become aware of them through the years, but to enumerate a few - the Golden Ray of Divine Illumination or Peace, the Green Ray of Truth, the Violet Ray of Transmutation and so on. All Rays are Healing Rays, and the chela has the free-will choice to use the Ray or Rays to which he or she has a particular affinity or momentum. 

We have not elaborated on the Activity of the direction of the Light Rays for it was necessary that a certain amount of purification take place in your own vehicles to avoid the possibility of your tying into and allowing the imperfection which you might be endeavoring to change into Perfection from entering into your own vehicles. I have now applied to the Beloved Lord of the World, Gautama, and after consultation it was decided that I might enter into the experiment of training the chelas at night in this activity. When we find that the inner vehicles can accept that they are merely instruments through which the Light can flow, and are not the directors, according to human thinking, of this restorative power, we will most happily release the worded instruction to you. "I AM" personally convinced that you are on the threshold of expanded Healing Activities and I hope and anticipate the horizon of your Service to widen to a most magnificent Celestial Sphere of Influence. 

And now a matter of great importance: As you are now engaged in the expanded service of being the Cups through which more Light is brought to the Earth and her evolutions, I most dynamically call your attention to the fact that you remember daily to call for your own expanded Protection. You will remember that Beloved Archangel Michael gave you a special Armor of Protection, but in order that it be sustained, you have to give it recognition, else it will be dissipated. If the powerful and mighty Lord Michael personally dons an Armor of Protection when he serves in the psychic and astral realm, do you not realize it is essential that unascended chelas do not sally forth where Angels would not tread without Special Protection? 

Oh, it has been such a pleasure for me to come into your midst, and I trust that after this little informal talk, you will feel the pull of my Heart and come into the Presence of the Beings who are so desirous of assisting you in the directing of the Light Rays, and be assured that I shall consider it a tremendous privilege to further assist you! 

I now direct the Ray of Pure Divine Love, the Violet Ray of Transmutation and the Crystalline Ray of Purity through your lower vehicles, in preparation for the glorious outpouring of the Flame of Resurrection on Easter Morn. 

God bless you! I love you, each dear chela,  

Your Sister in the Light, Meta




O Meta dear, thou we adore;

Be with us always we implore;

Thy Healing Pow'r will set Earth free

In Holy Light - a Sun to be.

God's Will Divine our pattern is;

It grants each one Eternal Bliss.

So help us now God's Will to do;

E'er held within thy Heart so true. 

Our new-born children and our youth

Shall bring to Earth God's Flame of Truth

From Realms wherein they did prepare

To God's great Cosmic Banner bear.

O Meta dear, to thee we call -

Protect, supply and guard them all;

Their parents and their fam'lies guide;

And may thy Love in all abide. 

O Meta dear, may Heaven bless

Thee and thy Loved Ones with success -

Sanat Kumara, our blest Lord,

And Venus, too - by Earth adored.

Their Patience and Eternal Peace

Will hasten our dear Earth's release;

And in Light's Pow'r, again set free,

All life will dwell and serve with thee.





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