The Cosmic Activity of Resurrection

Beloved Archangel Gabriel

I, Gabriel, welcome this opportunity to speak with you about the glorious activity of Resurrection, the Feast which we celebrate on Easter Morn! I most sincerely counsel you to prepare for this mighty outpouring of the Flame of Resurrection which is released at this time. I speak to you as a friend, directing your attention to the magnificent results you may attain in your own evolution by tuning into the Flame of Resurrection, invoking the very Spirit of this Flame to resurrect the Good in your individual lifestreams- to bring forth the Perfection of your own Indwelling Christ. 

As you know, your Causal Body is the Reservoir of the Gifts and Virtues of God which you have accumulated through the centuries, and to have them manifest in your own experience but requires your FAITH IN and ACCEPTANCE OF the Power within the Flame of Resurrection. The Beloved Master Jesus accepted and used this Power and applied it for his Victory in the Light. The majority of mankind has accepted the fact that the Beloved Jesus DID ACCOMPLISH the Resurrection of his garment from the tomb, yet most men now in embodiment were not present when that Accomplishment took place. 

I appeal to you to ACCEPT IN YOUR FEELINGS the efficacy of the Activity of Resurrection, and to manifest the Perfection of your own Indwelling Christ! If you delay this, it is merely testimony to the fact that you do not fully accept the Gift which is placed before you through the accelerated Activity of the Flame of Resurrection at this Holy Season. Come into the embrace of the Christ within your being and feel its enfolding arms eagerly awaiting you to ACCEPT its Blessing!

Archangel Gabriel



If each beloved chela will contemplate the activity of the Nature Kingdom in Its obedient use of the Activity of Resurrection to bring forth the Beauty and Perfection of that Kingdom, much can be gleaned which will prove to be of assistance in his own use of this Gift of the Father-Mother God. 

Year after year, the rhythm of the Seasons takes place, and the consciousness of mankind accepts, without hesitation or question, the fact that Nature is obediently expressing the Activity presented to it through the Directors assigned to this Service. 

Before our very eyes, we are privileged to witness the Miracle of Springtime, the sacred Resuscitating Power of the Resurrection Flame. Through many years we have been honored with the Instruction of the Great Ones; let us each now PROVE this activity of resuscitation in our own beings and worlds and assure the Spiritual Hierarchy that their Words of Wisdom have not fallen on barren ground! Each of us has the capacity to do this, through the Flaming Presence of the Christ within our hearts. 

We send you our Love and Gratitude for your Service to Life and we shall co-operate with you in the activity of the Resurrection of the Life and Perfection of this Planet and her evolutions, as well as of our own lifestreams. 

Enfolding you in the Love of the Resurrection Flame which the Beloved Master Jesus so lovingly and obediently used for his own Victorious Accomplishment in the Light, we are 

The Staff of







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