Resurrection Temple

Its Great Service to Life

The blazing Focus of the Resurrection Temple radiates forth its resuscitating power from the Etheric Realm over the Holy Land, where the Beloved Master Jesus lived and proved the power of resurrection at the beginning of the Christian Dispensation. 

This Temple is created of a substance which resembles "Mother of Pearl". The presiding Beings who magnetize and radiate this Resurrection Power are Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary. 

The purpose of this Focus is to continue to pour the power of resurrection that lies within life itself into the emotional, mental, etheric and physical consciousness of all the evolutions belonging to the planet Earth. 

The Resurrection Flame became a necessity for mankind and elemental life from the time when disintegration, degeneration, decay and involuntary dissolution of form issued out of the race. While the Angelic, human and elemental kingdoms consciously controlled the vibratory action of their vehicles, dissolution of form was a beautiful, rhythmic and natural activity. When the form, human or elemental, had completed the service for which it was designed, it was consciously dissolved; the component parts (electrons) released to the accompaniment of music, color tone and sweet perfume, for return to the Sun of the System for repolarization. Thus, during the entire time of manifestation, the vibratory action of the form was held in the rhythm set by the consciousness. This Rhythm was harmonious, beautiful and part of the Music of the Spheres. 

Although some forms vibrated more slowly than others, to provide certain condensations of substance required for specific service, no form was disintegrating, decaying or dissolving while it had a service to give. 

However, when the individuals from other planets and systems conveyed the capacity to generate seeds of decay into the consciousness of mankind, slowly the individual consciousness lost the capacity and power to govern the vibratory action of the physical and inner bodies. The causes that bred fermentation, rust, disintegration and decay manifested through the etheric bodies and finally on the flesh forms of mankind; also through the etheric bodies and manifest forms of the Nature Kingdom and even so-called inanimate form. 

Thus was born the specific requirement for an activity of quickening or a bringing back to life, thus resuscitating the Divine vibratory action in the Nature Kingdom and in man, when he should desire it. A Cosmic Being, Krishna by name, chose to draw through his own Consciousness a powerful momentum of this restorative, life-giving Flame from the Source of all Life. He then came Earthward; the Resurrection Flame anchored within his own Cosmic Heart, and established this Flame in the Etheric Realms over the Holy Land. 

Later, the momentum and power of that Flame became a very real and efficacious part in the Victory of the Master Jesus. Beloved Jesus and his Mother Mary offered to become the Guardians of this radiating focus of Light to release the Previous Sponsor for service in higher realms. Someday, among the sons and daughters of men, others will rise who will show great affinity to the vibratory action of this Flame. From among them will be chosen Guardian Spirits to relieve Jesus and Mary of this self-chosen activity of guarding and sustaining the Resurrection Flame for those among mankind and the Nature Kingdom who will require its assistance. 

Mankind has little concept of the loyalty, constancy, love and devotion required to hold a Flame which has been drawn from higher realms into lower realms, because the natural activity of all life is to seek its own level of vibration. The Flames which vibrate at a rate which is one with the perfected vibrations at inner levels, naturally desire to rise and seek again their Source. The magnetizing power of those Beings who continue to invoke and actually nourish these Flames by their own attention, love and devotion, is responsible for the radiating centers of God Virtue which have interpenetrated the astral and psychic realms with enough of God's Light to keep the soul alive and the spirit from entirely deserting the personal self in the course of the ages. 

The Resurrection Flame is also guarded by the great Archangel Gabriel. From the Heart of the Circular Temple it flows in a musical rhythm through the circular corridors which surround the Holy of Holies. In each of these corridors, Masters of the Power of Resurrection and their pupils absorb its life-giving essence. They radiate it outward toward the periphery of the Temple to those waiting in the outer chambers, whose Light has not yet made them sufficiently advanced to stand within the Heart of the undimmed splendor of the Flame. As the pupils advance in purity and the capacity to receive, absorb and direct the Flame, they are allowed to move inward toward the Central Temple. Then they are ready for the Ascension, they rise on the Resurrection Flame into the natural realm in which they are destined to abide. 

While they are accustoming their bodies and consciousness to the Resurrection Flame, they are also serving. The Cosmic Law does not allow the receiving of more than ordinary assistance without a balance of impersonal service. Thus from each of these corridors, under the direction of their Master, the pupils are constantly sending forth the Flame and Ray of the Resurrection into the kingdoms of nature. This assistance is also sent into the hearts of those who have been pointed out by the Silent Watchers as deserving of more than ordinary help in individual endeavors to resurrect the Divine Qualities from the accumulations of human living through the centuries. 

Our Beloved Maha Chohan has requested that the pupils (chelas) deliberately direct their consciousness toward this Temple during the thirty-day period when the Spiritual Hierarchy is present there; further that the chelas bring back each day the Ascended Jesus Christ feeling of the power of the Resurrection Flame. They should then use that power of Resurrection consciously to restore, resuscitate and bring to life in their own individual worlds, some specific God requirement which seems lacking. Thus, if the requirement is for health, the chela is requested to draw the power of the Resurrection through the inner and physical bodies and consciously attempt to restore the natural rhythm and vibratory action of the Holy Christ Self. If the requirement is for supply, the chela is asked to consciously draw the Resurrection Flame through the appearance of limitation and keep at it until abundant supply is within the governing power of the individual. Practical use of this Flame can and will assist the evolving consciousness. Also this affinity thus established will qualify certain ones to assist in the various Retreats and prepare for the day when such ones may become the Sponsors of the Retreats and Guardians of the Flames in the physical appearance world. 

Like all talents and virtues, there can be an inversion of the use of the power of Resurrection man uses it often in resurrecting memories of an unpleasant nature and experiences long since passed away which should be completely forgiven and forgotten - thus causing distress to himself and others. In the Resurrection Temple, man is taught to use the power of Resurrection only to bring to life the Divine Plan for himself and for those whom he is privileged to influence. 

Enter into the Resurrection Temple at least once in every twenty-four hours; bathe in its Flame; practice the use of the resurrection power that is within your own life to restore to you the perfection of Being which you knew with the Father before the world was! This is the invitation of the Ascended Host to all mankind during this Holy Easter Season. Accept it! Use it! Feel the resurrecting power of Divinity stir into action and then allow it to flow through your inner vehicles, your physical body, your aura and into the world in which you presently abide. Thus do you become a living Temple of Resurrection in yourself. 

Thomas Printz (El Morya)




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