Summer Conference of the

Spiritual Hierarchy

Beloved Polaris

Rocky Mountain Retreat - Wyoming, U.S.A.

July 4, 1969

Hail, thou children of the Light I, Polaris, who bear the name of the North Star, have come into your midst today with a very important message. I ask you to listen attentively to what I have to say! 

As you perhaps know, Beloved Magnus, my Divine Complement, and I form the axis for this Planet Earth. While I have the northerly position in this Rod of Power, Beloved Magnus has the southerly position. Corona Borealis, or Northern Crown, is directly associated with my service to life and Corona Australis is aligned with Beloved Magnus. 

It will be of assistance to you to know that the Silent Watcher of Australia is Beloved Aurealia and Beloved Ahmura (Ah-mu-rah) is the Silent Watcher of New Zealand- this section of the Planet being associated with the rising Continent of Lemuria can be greatly assisted by your recognition of these mighty Beings of Light who hold the Divine Plan for that portion of the Planet. 

At this cosmic moment in the Earth's evolution, every electron in the universe must fulfill the Cosmic Fiat that Perfection as outlined in the Divine Plan and held within the Heart of every Silent Watcher! Therefore, you will recognize how important it is that you give recognition to the Silent Watchers and draw their great Love and Power into the Earth and her substance. 

Your Holy Christ Self, or individual Silent Watcher, is patiently waiting to release the Perfection through you which is your God Identity and it is for this reason that we are continually counseling you to put your house in order meaning, of course, the purification of your four lower vehicles, through the Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire. 

Since I have the great privilege of being a Messenger from the Central Sun Magnet, it is my responsibility, in conjunction with the Service of Beloved Magnus, to bring about the perfect alignment of the Earth as we straighten her axis. I have come at the behest of beloved and mighty Alpha and Omega. Through the activity of the All-Seeing Eye of God, it is a simple matter for us to see what is taking place in the consciousness and vehicles of any part of life, and since some of the chelas are still entertaining the negative vibration which is engendered by the very destructive activity of fear, I have come. 

Many of the chelas have been, and are, concerned because they reside in certain sections of these United States where it has been reported that there will be cataclysmic action. Children of God, cataclysmic action of a sort are taking place in your own worlds when you permit your selves to be the victims of emotional outbursts. The electrons fly off center as a result of these upheavals. 

In our service of straightening the axis in which we have been engaged for many a year, we have firmly but gently been releasing as much Cosmic Power as the bodies of the peoples of this Earth can stand at any given time, and when we see any negative reaction in the lifestreams of those abiding hereon, we are required to ease up in this action, so to speak! 

The Cosmic Law is embodied Mercy but when an Edict which was issued a long time ago has not been fulfilled, it is the responsibility of those engaged in some specific service to present ways and means by which more co-operation may be given by the lifestreams abiding on this Earth. 

Beams of intelligent energy can be drawn forth from the Star Polaris and my humble Self and these cables of force can be anchored into the vehicles of those chelas, and other unascended beings who are willing to unremittingly hold true to this service and form part of that Cosmic Cable, and through the beam of your attention you can tremendously assist us to gently draw the Earth back into its perfect orbit! 

I, Polaris, shall tie my energy into all the lifestreams of this Earth and with a similar service being rendered by Beloved Magnus, the re-adjustment or alignment of the axis can be one of scientific Perfection and the knowledgeable chelas will be the recipients of unheard of Blessings for their participation in this marvelous service. Naturally all lifestreams will be benefitted by this activity but the chelas' record on the Book of Life for this cooperation will be in letters of blazing Light! 

Let us begin this Service RIGHT NOW! Please remember it is a voluntary one and shall not be imposed upon any of you! However, I believe the chelas in attendance at this glorious Class will gladly cooperate when they consider that I have come into your midst at the request of the Sun behind the Sun!  (The chelas observed a respectful silence at this point.) 

As the axis is the spinal column of the Earth, it is essential that you straighten your own axis and I do not infer that this can be done by physical force, it must come from within. However, posture does play an important part and through this service the electrons which make up your vehicles will rejoice when they see that you are willing and endeavoring to straighten your spinal column! Please do not become tense in this activity. Many of you for reasons pertinent to your own lifestream have allowed your physical bodies to relax or slump, and as a result your spinal column is not in the erect position in which it should be. Please do not try to force yourselves to sit or stand more erect in a sudden burst of enthusiasm! What do you think would have happened to the Earth had we jerked this Planet through a sudden release of Power and so it is with your own vehicles. The balanced activity of life is an important Truth which you should bear in mind at all times. 

Please sit or stand as erect as possible and do not try to look like wooden soldiers, but forgive me, each of you can carry your vehicles in a more stately manner. There should always be a certain flexibility which results in poetry of motion. 

When we received this assignment from the Central Sun, Beloved Magnus and I anchored a part of ourselves into the vehicles of every one of you. However, since you were not outwardly conscious of this activity you did not give recognition to our service. From this day forward, I wish you to realize that you are inexorably tied into our Beings. I counsel you, in Divine Love, to take a moment each day, and a moment is all that is required, to turn your attention to Beloved Magnus and myself and I assure you, you will soon find that your lower vehicles are much lighter and not burdensome! I reiterate, the electrons in your garments are happily anticipating the restorative power which will ensue from this cooperation. 

I would like to add, in the daily remembrance of this service in which you are invited to participate through your free will decision, that you will be an active line of force in the interstellar motion of bringing the Earth into true alignment and will give Beloved Magnus and myself great individual assistance and, as heretofore stated, your Book of Life will contain the fact that you have so chosen to assist in this Cosmic Activity. You are privileged beyond your present comprehension to be permitted to consciously cooperate in the straightening of the axis. If you so choose within your blessed hearts to do so, this evening when you are in your etheric garment, you will be brought by one of my Messengers to the Throne of Beloved Vesta, whom we are privileged to have at this Holy Assembly, and she will personally place this investiture upon you! 

I counsel you to wear well this Cosmic Authority and to continue assiduously in the purifying activity of your beings and of all life, and know that the spinal column forms the Rod of Power through which the Light of the Cosmos flows, and through that channel flows along the arteries of your being, blessing every cell of your garments. 

Always bear in mind that the cohesive power of all life is Pure Divine Love and whenever we, your Elder Brothers and Sisters, present a Plan to you through which the Fiat of the Cosmos for Perfection may be fulfilled, it is an Edict of Love for the Godhead - the Supreme Source of all Life. 

In the greater oneness of consciousness which you shall henceforth enjoy, and in conjunction with Beloved Magnus, I now further energize the Beams of Intelligent Light from the Star Polaris and as the Heavenly Realms ring out with the beautiful Harmony of the Celestial Spheres that there are now consciously dedicated chelas who have chosen to render assistance in the further straightening of the axis, we give you the Benediction of the Light of the Eternal of which we are all a part. From this day forward, be not concerned about your location on this Planet for wherever you are, the Cosmic Tone of Harmony flowing through your beings shall be your assurance of Cosmic Protection as you consciously add to the Harmony of the Universe through the positive God Qualification of the Sacred Essence of life flowing so generously through you. 

In Love Divine "I AM"








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