Summer Conference

Beloved Serapis Bey

Conference of the Spiritual Hierarchy,

The Teton Mountains, Wyoming, U.S.A

July 2, 1969

Aspirants for the Ascension, Greetings, come into the Flaming Embrace of the Light of the One Consciousness! 

It is a great privilege to address you at this magnificent Assembly where we are all guests of the mighty Lord Lanto and Beloved Confucius and all the so gracious Brotherhood of the Royal Tetons! What a glorious outpouring of Light is bathing the Planet and her evolutions, and through the infiltration of this holy essence all shall move forward in that Light. 

The Rocky Mountain Retreat and the Focus at Luxor, which "I AM" privileged to represent, function in a manner similar to the pulsation of the Holy Breath - the outgoing flow from the Teton Retreat and the inbreath at Luxor - the centrifugal and centripetal force or rhythmic activity of life. The two Retreats can be likened to the pulse beat of the Planet and is one of the reasons why there is such an affinity between the two Foci, for they must serve in rhythmic expansion and contraction, providing a circle for the continuous flow of the life-force for all upon this Star! 

Speaking of this activity, one of the means through which the chela can tune into and consciously become aware of these rhythmic currents is the oft referred to power of the attention. As one centers himself in the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame his attention is, by natural law, at that point. He receives the pulse beat of the "I AM" Presence, then as the breath through the heartbeat flows constantly through his being, life is sustained in the lower vehicles of expression. 

Entering deeper into this 'River of Force', he feels at one with the Cosmic Rhythm of Life, and he does this through the power of his attention, in obedience to the Divine Plan! 

This activity is similar to an individual who turns on a switch to light a room in his home, and as he does so he dips into the greater source of the electrical power. The communication from his consciousness sends waves of energy to his physical body and the obedient hand turns on the power which brings more light into his environment. The power of the electricity is there all the time, but it is through the desire for more light and through the intermediary of the attention that more light is released. 

Further on the power of the attention, I would like to impress upon the chelas the fact that it is not judicious to go into prolonged periods of meditation and permit the mind to go off into flights of fancy. We do not have to go into detail to tell you what would happen to a man who did nothing but eat all the time - his digestive organs could not handle the excessive intake and he would not only become obese but, ignoring the other instruments of functioning in the world of form, he would become unbalanced and no longer continue to serve as a useful citizen in the world of form! 

Oh children of the Light, heed the loving and wise counsel which our great Lord of the World Gautama has so often given. He attained such an accelerated Consciousness while still walking the ways of this Earth, through the Middle Way of Balance! Permit that great tool, the power of your attention, to blend with the Christ Presence within and you will find that in fifteen minute periods of meditation you can receive greater benefit and advancement upon the Path than if you had lapsed into what you consider deep meditation and a lethargic condition developed, where in an unguarded moment you could become the prey of the sinister force. 

Please listen attentively when I tell you, with true conviction, that I have recently seen some very sincere chelas entrapped by the practice of prolonged meditation - communications from them to Headquarters of The Bridge to Freedom has proven the 'web' with which certain chelas were enmeshing themselves. At my personal direction, these letters were consigned to the Fire Element so that the substance in them could not continue to release its negative vibration and, through the Mercy of the Fire Element, was returned to the Universal for repolarization! 

"I AM" not just relating something that could happen - it has taken place in several instances, and the chelas will never know until they are Free in the Light the compassionate service which was given them by the Cosmic Law through this activity of transmutation! I counsel you to be very careful and to realize that contemplation and meditation, while similar, have a very fine line of demarcation! 

In the stepped-up Radiation flowing through the Planet today, the wise chela will learn, if he has not already done so, the necessity for contemplation, and for balance in his meditation. 

Remember your daily meditation should not be for long periods at any one time - use, oh use, the balanced wisdom which we lovingly present to you. Through the power of the attention and sending forth a harmonious radiation to all life from the center of his being - the "I AM" Presence is the Doer, setting into motion a constructive vibration which will assist and be your gift to all life! 

On a lighter side, you will remember that a few years ago I had the privilege of speaking to you at the Summer Conference on Long Island and I referred to you as "fellow musicians". This is a Truth - you are all playing upon some instrument of life, at all times, and the resultant qualification of your energy should go forth as a blessing to life. When an actual physical instrument is employed, say the organ, piano, violin or other musical medium, any upon which you have developed a certain dexterity, or through any mechanical transference of sound which may be available, the harmony from God's Heart can permeate the evolutions of this Planet. Those of you who have the gift of a beautiful voice can also send forth the euphony which can perform miracles, so called, to change the dissonance on this Earth into harmonious sound. 

Speed the day when the Youth Groups can raise their voices in harmonious accord and serve as heavenly choirs to enrich the Earth and her evolutions. I do not wish to intrude upon the Youth Activity but I have been 'lending an ear' as one might say, to the Program which the Youth Groups are presenting at this Conference and may I say the World Teachers and others of the Spiritual Hierarchy are indeed happy at the expanded service which is taking place. I sincerely believe you will soon see and hear of many groups of young people willing to co-operate in this service. God, the Creator of us all, has offered Talents in profusion and through the diversified affinity of the chelas to certain avenues of expression of those Gifts can the Earth be enriched in a magnificent manner. 

There is a renewal of the desire for harmonious music coming forth in the outer world - you will notice I do not say a new form but a renewal for these gifts have always been present and were formerly employed but, with the retrogression of mankind into the human consciousness, they were shelved in their consciousness, so to speak. Beautiful music sends forth a cadence, which is essential in the stabilization of the Planet and one can easily trace the utilization of harmonious music in Spiritual Service all through the ages. 

There are so many gifted lifestreams who have Causal and Etheric vehicles filled with developed talents in the field of music who could do so much to forward the cause of Perfection; and many such are within this room. If any of you should feel timid about expressing your talent, please remember that timidity does not come from within but from the lower self. 

"I AM" privileged to hold within my Heart the most glorious melodies waiting to be released through some chela or chelas, and these melodies must wait until some blessed lifestream will reach up and take the ever-flowing Love of God which is within this Reservoir of Harmony! 

I pray that there will be some among you who will come to me this week, while in the etheric garment, and say something like "Master Serapis I will try (you know "try" is one of my favorite words) I will try to be an avenue through which the pulsating melodies from God's Heart can be released into the world of form!" I have placed my hope so many times upon chelas whom I knew could receive at least one of these glorious melodies, only to have those hopes dashed against the steel wall of rejection after the initial impulse of enthusiasm and they decided to embark upon other pursuits! We are not prone to or allow disappointment in the Realms of Light, so I promise that any among you who will direct their attention to me, either in the waking consciousness or upon entering the sleeping period, where I see a real dedication to this field of service that I shall ask for personal audience with the Lords of Karma! I shall present you to that august Body and ask for a special dispensation to have all obstruction removed from your consciousness which would hinder you from carrying out your desire to be of assistance in this manner! 

And- I shall take upon myself the responsibility for releasing the energy required to balance the scales and remove from your etheric garment any obstruction to this service which may be manifesting! I lovingly offer this assistance to any artist in this assembly - whether it be through the field of music or the medium of a canvas! 

Again I state, I shall take you to the Karmic Board I have already requested these august Members' permission to do this and have been given acquiescence to my plea. I trust you love the Presence of God which "I AM" sufficiently to say "I shall try - I humbly and willingly desire to be a channel through which some of the glorious Gifts of the Father-Mother God in the field of Music and Art may express through my lifestream!" 

This is not a gamble on your part you have nothing to lose for I lovingly affirm that I shall assume the responsibility to guard and guide you as you further venture into Cosmic Creation with the One Supreme Source of all Life! Turn on the switch of your attention; fill your world with Light, and more Light, and in that Light you shall find Truth - the Purity and Beauty of expression which is of God, for the Reservoir of Perfection is filled to overflowing. My so loved friend, drink deeply from this Chalice. Will you not try, can you not see that I have tried, and that through my repeated requests "I AM" endeavoring to assist you - and all life? 

In the upreaching of your consciousness, there are many avenues of service that can open up to you - through teaching, healing, transmutation and so on, and each and every one of you can be a glorious conductor of God's Gifts into the world of form. I assure you there are going to be many appeals to the great Karmic Board this week, and all the Chohans are waiting to take you under their special tutelage and sponsor you in the endeavor which is their special expression of God's Gifts, and spur you on in the avenue to which you have a particular affinity! Oh, give us the courtesy of your earnest desire, and then be ready for your presentation at the "Court of Appeals" - the mighty Karmic Board - for review as to your capability to fulfill our requests. 

It is my Heart's loving desire to give you every assistance to forward your own progress in the Light. You realize that I have given my Vow before the Cosmic Law to keep expanding the Ascension Flame until it embraces all the life upon this Earth and as the dedicated Director of that magnificent Flame, surely you realize that I long for you to feel and know its embrace while yet walking upon this Earth in a physical garment! 

All energy must emit Light, and this is accomplished through ascending into the Higher Consciousness of the Supreme Source of All Life! 

Come children of the Father-Mother God into the Heart of Light! 

"I AM" ever at your side

Serapis of Luxor







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