The following Breathing Statements are to be repeated four times on corresponding months,

preceded by the following first part,


1                 2                  3

First time,             "I AM"        inbreathing  the Flame of 


1970            Name of Temple    4                  5                  6                  7        8 

Jan. 17         Transmutation          Lord Zadkiel's   Transmuting   Power   of karmic debts   and ties 

Feb. 21         Liberty   Lady Rowena's  Tolerance    Forbearance          Love and Blessings 

Mar. 21        Resurrection Jesus' & Mary’s Healing-Feeling Hope Redemption & Resurrection 

Apr. 18        Ascension    Serapis Bey's        Constancy Buoyant Joy and Power of the Ascension 

May 16         Mercy          Lady Kwan Yin's   Mercy  Forgiveness Love   and Peace 

June 20       Precipitation          Beloved Confucius' Precipitating Power from the Royal Tetons 

July 18         Illumined Peace   God Himalaya’s        Patient Love Instruction Wisdom & Truth 

Aug. 15        Comfort   Beloved Maha Chohan’s Gentle Spirit Comfort Love and Peace 

Sept.19        God’s Will   Beloved El Morya’s Illumined Obedience to do God’s Will 

Oct. 17         Illumination   God & Goddess Meru’s Divinity Knowledge Silence and Radiance 

Nov. 21        Shamballa   Beloved Gautama’s Masterful Balanced Feeling of the Middle Way 

Dec. 19         Precipitation   Beloved Confucius' Precipitating Power from the Royal Tetons





        Musical Keynotes for 1970

Retreat of Beloved: 

Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst        Blue Danube                    Strauss

Lady Rowena                                     The Marseillaise                       Roget de Lisle

Jesus and Mary                                 A Perfect Day                          Bond

Serapis Bey                                       Liebestraum                             Liszt

Kwan Yin                                            In a Monastery Garden            Ketelbey

Confucius                                           Evening Star                            Wagner

God Himalaya                                     Love's Old Sweet Song              Felton

Maha Chohan                                     At Dawning                                Cadman

El Morya                                            Pomp and Circumstance             Elgar

God and Goddess Meru                      Faith of Our Fathers                 Hemy - Walton

Lord Gautama                                     Song of India                           Rimsky Korsakov

Confucius                                            Evening Star                            Wagner











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