Thanksgiving Class

Beloved Lord Divino

Shamballa, Long Island, USA

November 27, 1969

Children of the One Supreme Source of all life, come into the embrace of the Light of my Being, as we prayerfully give thanks to the Father-Mother God for Individualization. We the Sparks of Light who have journeyed forth from the God-Parents and have ignited into ever-expanding Flames of Light! 

How I love you, kindred pulsations in the Body of the Eternal, and as we humbly acknowledge and accept that we are activating the Light of the Universe, we consciously add to the Light of the World - the Planet Earth - to whom we have avowed our service at this time. 

May I humbly tell you that our mighty Lord of the World Gautama has requested that I convey his Blessing to you and his Gratitude for your frequent visits to the Central Focus of the Spiritual Hierarchy. 

Shamballa is ablaze with the Light of the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy who have come here at this time, as is the yearly custom. You know that this is a period of so-called festivity and that joyous energy is filling the atmosphere of the Earth as we convene in Spiritual Communion. Many of the Brothers and Sisters of the Hierarchy have not had the opportunity during the past months to informally enjoy each other’s Presence, and it is requisite that we have many consultations preceding the Meetings at the Royal Teton, when we are required to present our plans for the New Year to the Karmic Board. 

Beloved Gautama, in his great Love and Wisdom, is constantly giving audience to the Members of the Brotherhood and listening to their suggestions as to plans which they believe will advance the evolution of this Planet and its inhabitants. Our Beloved Regent, Sanat Kumara, is here from the Planet Venus and it is his pleasure, and mine, to confer with our Brothers and Sisters regarding their ideas before these plans are placed in the Consciousness of Beloved Gautama. Many consultations take place and a certain amount of screening, as you would say, is necessary, for it is the polished gems, not the uncut stones which are presented to the Lord of the World. 

Beloved of the Light, it is impossible for you in your present consciousness to conceive the responsibility of the consecrated Office of the Lord of the World. He is enjoined to see that sufficient Light is constantly emitted from the Planet to keep it from dissolution. Where the chelas and others enjoying the gift of using the Earth as a Schoolroom for their advancement in the Light do not emit the required Light through the release of constructively qualified energy, Lord Gautama and the Brotherhood must make up any deficit! 

With the destructive vibrations flowing forth at the present time from so many sources, please feel our deep gratitude for your dedicated Service during this year of 1969. There is a marked increase in the release of your Light since the Summer Conference. Through the tremendous Radiation which came forth from the Suns of the System at that time, much of the remaining dross in your blessed lifestreams has been transmuted and your consciousness is more alert to the promptings which are being given to you, through your willingness to dwell within the Cosmic Consciousness. We are gratified in the extreme that the descent into the human way of doing things is being diminished and there is no more appropriate time to tell you than when the Spiritual Hierarchy are celebrating the Celestial Thanksgiving at Shamballa! 

Our Beloved Holy Æolus who has trained so many of the chelas of The Bridge to Freedom is here, having such a great Love for the children of the Earth that he has come and will remain beyond the Four-Day Class to which the chelas are attuned! I bow to the munificence of his Presence with us. 

The Beloved Jesus, who was my body on Earth at the time of his Ministry, and Beloved Kuthumi and my humble Self are in frequent consultation; Kuthumi devoting himself primarily to the Illumination of the Youth of the Planet and Jesus to the World Religions. Our mighty Hilarion, Hierarch of the Retreat at Crete, has graciously offered his assistance to Beloved Jesus in the taking under his guidance the agnostics and skeptics, Jesus having a tremendous assignment with those of the Christian belief! It is necessary that he infiltrate the consciousness of those who are severing their ties with orthodoxy, so that they follow the instruction which is being given to them in the Inner Realms and that they do not go off the deep end, as the saying goes. 

Under Beloved Kuthumi's guidance, there has been a notable improvement in the thinking of the youth of today, due in a great measure to the removal of fifty percent of their destructive karma, through the magnificent Dispensation granted to Beloved Mother Mary at the Summer Conference. Kuthumi and those who assist him are ever vigilant that these beloved ones do not add to the karma yet remaining which is of a negative nature. I wish to assure you that there has been a mighty infusion of the Will of God into the consciousness of the children upon the Earth, for our magnificent Exponent of the Will of God, El Morya, serves ceaselessly toward that end! 

When your harvest is presented on Sunday, I know that it will be pleasing to the Beloved Gautama, for in the majority of instances the chelas of The Bridge to Freedom and other dedicated activities will have a distinguished offering of Light. I most humbly bow to that Light... you are now beginning to realize that it is through the harmonious release of God's Holy Energy through you that all Good comes into manifestation. 

Returning to the activities of our Beloved Lord of the World, following the audiences given to the Members of the Hierarchy and the plans placed before him, he prayerfully enters deep, deep within the Heart of the Supreme Source and there the decision is made as to who shall be the Sponsor or Sponsors for the coming year. This is a tremendous decision, for in his illumined Consciousness he sees those Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy who can dispense the momentum of their Beings along their chosen avenue of Service which will result in the externalization of that God-Good which will be of the greatest benefit to the Earth and her evolutions at this time. Revere, oh revere, the Holy Gautama for his glorious Service to the Light! 

A number of years ago, at the suggestion of the Beloved Sanat Kumara, I brought to the attention of the chelas the subject of "the soul of mankind" which dwells within the etheric consciousness. I now repeat, in an abridged manner, that the "soul" is the accumulated consciousness resulting from man's experimental use of life... action and reaction. The nature or tendencies of the soul result from your use of life through the ages. Your soul endures in and between embodiments and will continue to live until it is transmuted into the Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame within your heart; the soul is the shadow or lower self that thinks and feels apart from the Christ Self. The personality ceases to be at the close of an embodiment, and is the same to a degree in each embodiment. 

Within the soul is a thirst for Light, for the soul knows that it must become identified with the Spiritual Nature of the Immortal Flame of God dwelling within; that it must become ALL LIGHT to be freed from the disturbing or negative activities of the human consciousness. This hunger and thirst is the God-given impetus that is provided for the training necessary for the soul to perceive and know the fullness of Truth. The greater the soul's hunger for Godly living, the greater the impetus by which that soul can rise. 

Those lifestreams whose souls are a thirst for righteousness sometimes are very unhappy during the time between the striving and submission to the Christ, for they see others around them whose thirst is more dormant and as a result go merrily along life's way without experiencing these pangs of hunger. No man escapes from the soul-craving for Godly living and all shall one day, in this embodiment or succeeding ones, be required to make the decision that there is a greater Power than the human consciousness and must submit to that Divine Love through his free will acquiescence or submission to the Christ within. 

Now I am not re-telling this for the chelas alone, but for the reason that the souls (or the etheric consciousness) of mankind en masse must be purified. Some orthodox religions pray for the 'souls of the departed' and that is good, but how about the souls of those yet in embodiment? I humbly counsel you to pray for the souls of all mankind... in other words, call for the purification of the etheric consciousness, not only of yourselves but of all mankind, in and out of embodiment. 

While we are endeavoring to bring an emotional stability to all mankind, while the soul persists in its tendencies, the emotional purification is delayed to a degree. I counsel you to heed this advice, so that the Christ Presence, which is the REAL YOU, can daily take more dominion in your beings and worlds, and as this refining process is taking place, you will find that you are being further prepared to be the Wayshowers of men! 

Thank you for your kind attention, and now please feel the Benediction of the Holy Assembly here at Shamballa and as you follow your individual purification, always bear in mind that you are the "Lay Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy" and are the Teachers of the Masses, and that which we in the Inner Realms ARE, you shall become... the time to be determined by you, each blessed ones!

Lovingly and gratefully,

"I AM" the Buddha


"I AM" the Light that lighteth every man

Who comes to live on this dear Earth;

"I AM" the Light and I will give to all

Who will accept their soul's rebirth.

Come unto me, the Source of your own life,

And open wide your dear heart's door;

I'll enter in and fill your world with Peace

Such as you've never known before.

"I AM" the Light of God that never fails

To answer every earnest call.

"I AM" the Light expanding through each one

To bring God's Freedom now to all. 

Come unto me, all ye who need my help,

And open wide your dear heart's door;

I'll enter in and point the Way for you

To live with God as once before.

"I AM" the Light of God that never fails

To answer every earnest call;

Give me your heart, your body, mind and soul;

I'll give the Ascension now to all. 








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