Easter Class Address

Beloved Saint Germain

Shamballa: Long Island, NY, USA

March 28, 1970

On this Holy Saturday morning I come to you, my dear friends, who are proving this tact by lending your energies to the purification and raising of this Sweet Earth to her true God Estate, and I enfold you, each dear one, in the Mantle of my Love. Will you kindly be seated? 

Beloved ones, the mighty Holy Amethyst is standing over the Planet this morning rendering a magnificent service. Please visualize her in an aura of intense Violet Fire completely covering the Earth in its activity of Transmutation. Every tiny particle of Light within this Mantle is a minute Maltese Cross and the garments of all peoples, all the Kingdoms on the Earth and the very Earth itself are being infiltrated with the substance which is within the Violet Fire... and every Being serving on the Seventh Ray at this time has offered to come today and form a Circle or Violet Fire around the Planet. 

This expanded Circle or Violet Fire will remain around the Earth until Resurrection Morn. All those who are tuning into the Class today will, through their acceptance of the Violet Fire as a true Agent of Transmutation, emerge tomorrow morning greatly purified by this tremendous activity. According to YOUR Faith shall it be done unto you. 

At the concluding Class tomorrow morning, the Angels of Resurrection in shining raiment will take up their assigned stations in a similar Circle of Light and this Flame shall penetrate all life and the Earth itself with the buoyant, joyful Radiation of the Resurrection Flame. In this instance all the particles of Light will take the form of tiny Easter Lilies. You have heard it said that on Easter Morn even the smallest form of life... the grains of sand, the plant life, the four-footed creature, the winged bird and man feel the uplifting activity of the Resurrection Flame through which the Beloved Jesus demonstrated the triumph of the Christ over the four lower garments used to function in the physical appearance world. 

Truly is today the Feast of Cosmic Expectancy, with all life awaiting the inflow of the Resurrection Flame whether the consciousness is aware of it or not. On Easter Morn there is a Benediction upon all life and it is auspicious that the chelas accept the opportunity provided to enter into the Consciousness of the Christ. 

We have stated, according to your Faith shall it be done unto you. Every lifestream on this Earth who BELIEVES that he can be restored to his God Free Estate can cast off the impurity which still manifests in his lifestream the very instant that his FAITH IN GOD is firmly established within his consciousness. I refer to the Faith which does work so-called miracles and it is only the human tenacity which does not let go of the concepts built through the ages which delays the manifestation. Each of you has accepted the Truth that the Christ does dwell within you. The majority of the chelas do feel that glorious pulsating Flame within their beings. 

I pray, oh my friends, that you will surrender your human TODAY as the mighty Activity of Transmutation is taking place and in the name and by the Love of the God who created you, I say LET GO, LET GO, LET GO of the human and in true obeisance to the Creator of us all, let that Christ Presence be the Directing Intelligence in your worlds from this day forward! O dear Father-Mother God, I humbly pray that these beloved chelas will surrender their all on the Altar of Pure Divine Love! 

You have seen a disobedient child refuse to accept the loving guidance of its parents and stubbornly defy that guardian and have its own way. You, the chelas, who have been given reams of Instruction through the years, forgive me, are stubbornly refusing to follow the advice which we present to you. We see the glorious Christ pulsating within you... OPEN THE DOORS OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS; let the Violet Fire do its perfect work. Bend the knee of the human self and on the tide of the Violet Fire flow into the Perfection which you truly are. Your human consciousness is an illusion and anything less than Perfection interferes with the full expression of the Immaculate Concept. 

Oh, could you see the Holy Mother Mary in her great Love blazing her Light through your beings not only today, but always. Beloved Mary has a tenacity which you do not yet realize and she will not let you go until you are FREE in the Light of your God Perfection. The human clings to its way of doing things, which is a negative aspect, but Mother Mary has shown you that amid all the travail of the Mission of Beloved Jesus on the Earth, she firmly held to the fulfillment of his Divine Mission and through magnification of the Lord, in her great Love she has offered to do the same for each of you and she will hold the picture of that Perfection until it does manifest! 

Will you not lovingly assist her in letting the Violet Fire PURGE your beings this very day, and enter into the glorious Resurrection Flame on Easter Morn? You surely know that when you become ONE with the Resurrection Flame, the Light of the World and the Universe is expanded, and that is part of your Mission on this Earth. 

As the Reigning Monarch of the Seventh Ray, I am required to bring forth the New Age, and quickly! I beg of you to let go of all defiance of the Spiritual Law and serve with me, as is ordained by the Supreme Source. 

Through the ages men have sacrificed themselves for their country because they had Faith in their homeland... your true Homeland is the Kingdom of Heaven, right here on Earth, where men shall again walk and talk with the Angels. The Earth must become a Utopia for the Cosmic Scheme of Evolution contains only Perfection and God's Holy Estate must, and SHALL, manifest for this Planet to keep her in Cosmic Orbit! 

I am not just making statements which you can accept while you listen to or read my words. I have a very dynamic side to my nature which I seldom present to the chelas, but the hour is at hand when I say with all the Love of my Being for the God who made us all - YOU MUST LET GO OF THE HUMAN WAY of doing things and enter the Cosmic Consciousness! On this day when Beings of Heaven's Realms are here in their glorious Love and offering you every opportunity at their command, I say to those of you who truly love God... love me... will prove that fact and from this moment forward give allegiance only to the "I AM" PRESENCE and let the human tendencies flow into the great Sea of Violet Fire and be transmuted into Light. 

Oh God, our Creator, I pray that I have touched the hearts of these beloved, sincere children and that they will remember my counsel and will become your true Representatives on Earth - and I pray that these words will be remembered thirty minutes from now and that they will never again lapse into the human consciousness! 

As I raise my right hand as a signal, the greatest purification of mankind shall take place and may all accept this Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire! 

DESCEND Oh VIOLET FIRE into the beings of all the chelas who are aware of our Presence in this universe and transmute all human concepts DESCEND, DESCEND, DESCEND into all life on this Planet and with all the conviction of my Faith in God I say, Children of God, be thou the Christ from this hour forward 


Kneeling in obeisance to the One God, the One Light in all there is - all else is transitory and shall be no more, be thou oh children made whole! 

The Ascended Master Saint Germain







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