Beloved Lady Hope

Shamballa, Long Island, NY, USA

January 17, 1970

Beloved Flames from God's Heart, great is my privilege to bring the Virtue of Hope to this dear Earth. "I AM" so honored to be invested with the authority to ensoul the Thought Form for this year in the Radiation of my Being! 

Since I have a developed momentum of Hope, I should like to discourse upon that Quality for a moment! Hope contains within itself the buoyant feeling of the Fourth Ray upon which I serve. You have often seen a little child break a toy - for instance a little girl pulling the arm off a doll and the dejected feeling that encompassed the little one; but when the mother noticing the plight of the child puts her arms about her and assures her that her doll can be mended, brightness comes to the child's face. The happiness which is manifest when she is told that the doll will be "made new" is an example in a very small way of what Hope and Trust can mean. 

Hope and Trust go hand in hand. One must have Trust otherwise there would not be Hope! Trust goes hand in hand with Faith. For anything to manifest, one must have Love. Wisdom, or the discernment to have Faith in the accomplishment, through Love, brings us to the Three-fold Activity of Life. 

Another simple illustration... when a son or daughter goes on a journey for the first time unaccompanied by either of the parents, there usually is concern in their hearts until their offspring has safely reached his destination, and through Love and Faith they await word of his safe arrival. To witness the Hope for this accomplishment through Faith is a beautiful sight, and the Love engendered is a glorious radiation. 

Also when Hope is given to a despondent individual the vibratory action of that one is raised. 

While most of the people on this Planet do not know of my Reality as a Being, I assure you that whenever or wherever there is a requirement for Hope, there I am. I am within every heart and all that is required for added assistance from my Being is to consciously invoke that aid! Every pulsation from my Being anticipates the moment when someone will express the desire for the Virtue of which I have a goodly momentum, and I can always draw forth more Hope from the Supreme Source, for the more a virtue is dispensed; the more freely does that Essence flow into the being of the sender. 

God's Love and Light is ever-expanding and I eagerly anticipate the day when the chelas will realize that all the riches of the Blessings from the Cosmic Fount are his, once he employs the balanced activity of Love, Wisdom and Power. 

How many times have we directed your attention to the Nature Kingdom and the resurgence in the springtime of the Divine Plan which is within the seed, bulb or tree! 

There is always an intensification of the vibratory action of Hope in the spring, and all the Kingdoms feel the expectancy of the activity of the Resurrection Flame. Truly the Easter Season is the time of Cosmic Expectancy! 

May I direct your attention to the glorious Thought Form for this year? When the Pattern is released each year, there is Hope in the hearts of the Spiritual Hierarchy that the message or directives so given will outpicture in the world of form. I would not attempt to convey to you my feeling of ecstasy when I received the privilege of guarding the Thought Form and I bow in all humility for this service. Every Breath I draw from the Father-Mother God flowing from my Being is charged with the energizing power of Hope! Can you not see the Wisdom of the God-Parents in the Divine Union of my Being with that of the mighty Gabriel, my Beloved Complement and how Gabriel has been referred to as "The Announcer" or Forerunner of Good Deeds? Witness how we are of one specific activity! Where the Flame of Hope is, there also is the Beloved Archangel Gabriel ready to impregnate the consciousness and feeling world of the God-Good which is about to manifest. 

Every activity of the Cosmos is precise and when called into action through Love manifests to the degree of Faith within the heart of the one drawing forth the manifestation. There are no half-way measures, as you realize that when you give forth a pound of energy in application, to use that illustration, there is no way to receive half a pound for a pound so invested! Balance is the order of Heaven and it is only in the world of form where the entity of greed enters the picture. 

As previously stated I am within the Flame in your heart, but may I request that you be consciously aware of my Presence, particularly this year and I trust when we come to the termination of the twelve-month period, we will be so well acquainted that you will recognize and accept me as a permanent part of your being! 

Beloved of the Light, enter into the Consciousness of Perfection daily, until your lower vehicles so enjoy this uplifting and stimulating existence you will never descend into the lower vibratory action of the human, or lower, self! 

Come into the embrace of my Love, so that I may make you consciously aware of the glorious feeling which is the natural activity of the Radiation of the Virtue of Hope. 

Your Sister in God's Heart, LADY HOPE.

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"There is no human being that does not have the Divine Plan and Pattern within him and it was written that man was made in the Image and very likeness of God - that image, or likeness has been shrouded around by personalities until so few have come to flower. 

Where every one of the elements to be as recalcitrant as mankind who have used this Earth, there would be no spring, no violet, no crocus, no lily, no flowering shrub. Elemental life, inferior to that of humankind, has expected the resurrection power and created the rhythm of spring, summer, Harvest and Rest. What Nature has done, what Jesus did, what a few very exceptional lifestreams before Jesus and after him have done, is the destiny of all this race and those yet to be born!"

Beloved Hope







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