Summer Conference Address

Beloved Vesta

Shamballa: Long Island, NY, USA

July 16, 1971

Come, O Sons and Daughters of Heaven blessed by the Father-Mother God as Representatives of Light upon this Planet Earth - come thou into the embrace of my Being and let me hold your consciousness within my Heart: 

Thank you for your Love - will you kindly be seated. 

Please give your undivided attention to the activity of this day, when you shall be the recipients of extra-ordinary Blessings from On High. It is my desire to fill your consciousness with more of the feeling of God's Holy Light which emanates from the Focus of Beloved Helios and me. Toward the fulfillment of this purpose, I have brought with me today a Representative from every Temple around the Sun of this System. Feel, O feel their Presence with you! They are enthroned above this Sanctuary in a great Circle of Light, all facing outward, and in the very center of this sphere is the Luminous Presence of my Beloved Helios. There are Legions and Legions of the Seraphic, Cherubic and Angelic Host in attendance, and throughout the twenty-four hour cycle their voices will release, in rhythmic pulsations, the glorious songs and tones representative of the various Temples around our Sun. At the given signal, at the appropriate time, the melodic rendition of the Keynote of the Temple of each of the Envoys will flow forth and this magnificent Harmony will course through your beings and then resound throughout the Planet, blessing all her evolutions - and thus expand the consonance of the Universe: Never in the history of this Earth has she been blessed with such a glorious outpouring of stabilizing music which will permit the Light of our Sun to enter and illumine the feeling worlds of all mankind. 

Visualize the great Messenger from each Temple leading the Angelic Host in this Music, and I say to you with all the conviction of my Being, as the Angelic Legions carry this Radiation around the Planet today, the Earth and her evolutions shall receive the greatest therapy she has yet known - lessening the causes and cores of imperfection and filling all with at least a portion of God Illumination. 

I trust that you will all realize the Cosmic Import of this physical Focus at Shamballa honoring the activity of the Holy Spirit. We have a tremendous privilege for you today - all the Suns of this System under the direction of the mighty Alpha and Omega are sending a direct Ray into this Sanctuary in gratitude for the manifestation of this wing dedicated to the Holy Spirit. Unbounded joy flows from the Heart of Beloved Holy Ĉolus, knowing that this Light Focus will do much to hasten the establishment of the Permanent Golden Age upon the Earth. Since last Sunday all the Hierarchy have been sending forth a paean of Praise to the Supreme Source that this physical Focus has come forth which will serve as a Magnetizing Center for the precipitated Temples which will come forth upon Long Island as she becomes purified - all the grandeur of the Divine Design held in the Heart of the Beloved Silent Watcher Clove SHALL ONE DAY MANIFEST for this property the contour of which shall be altered somewhat at the time of physical changes upon this Planet. As Atlantis arises and Long Island becomes an Island in an Inland Sea, she will rise in great spiritual and physical height! Nothing for anyone to be concerned about so long as they are in a State of Grace. 

To be in existence, all Life, in all evolutions, constantly uses the Breath of the Holy Spirit, so it is auspicious that this physical Focus has been made manifest, for while the Holy Breath of God is present in all Life, this Focus signifies to the illumined chela that the Breath of the Holy Spirit keeps the heartbeat steady for the Planet, and Shamballa is the Spiritual Center of all Life, of all Religious Activities on this Earth. 

Pour forth always loving and sincere gratitude to our Illumined One - the mighty Lord of the World - Gautama - for it is his Light which holds the Balance required for the Earth. In these days of so much confusion and confrontation on this Planet, remember that the Light of Lord Gautama makes up whatever inadequacy there may be. By this I mean that all in God's Kingdom proceeds in scientific precision - there must be a certain amount of Light as an aura about this Earth to keep her from dissolution, and Lord Gautama has pledged to make up any deficiency. 

We are convinced that the chelas having again been apprised of one of the Services of Lord Gautama, they will direct their attention at least once a day to this Holy Being, and in sending their love to him, it will show him that without question the chelas will add Light and more Light to the Earth by the release of their God Energy in a constructive manner. 

I wish to impress upon your consciousness to take very seriously your presence at this Cosmic Outpouring of Light all through these eight days, and not to just bathe in the ecstasy of the Radiation while you are in the classes, but to remember all during your ensuing years on this Earth that you have been privileged beyond your present comprehension, and carry within the Sacred Chalice of your hearts the expanded Light which you will receive in proportion to your acceptance that you are 'chosen of the Lord'. 

I shall now return to the Musical Activity which is taking place in the Inner Realms today and being released to the Earth. We are prayerfully hoping that some among you, who have musical talent, while this Harmony is pulsating in the ethers, will be able to consciously tune into the melody and be able to bring it into physical expression for the benefaction of others. O how wonderful it will be when, as we turn our attention to this Focus, we may witness some or all of the chelas sending forth their voices in. Love to the Suns of this System through the glorious Music which is infiltrating this Focus and all of your vehicles this day! 

Let me give you a prompting which I trust will be of assistance to you. Some years back, the Beloved Isis came into the atmosphere of Earth to bring the Light of Understanding to the human race, and she suggested that you become compatible with the Seraphic, Cherubic and Angelic Host, who are Emissaries of the Universal "I AM" Presence, that the Seraphim travel along the Spiritual Highways as Messengers of the Most High from Sun to Sun; that the Cherubic Host are primarily feeling Beings, Holy Grails that carry the Essence of a particular Sun to a designated Planet in the case of the Earth, they come into the Aura of Beloved Helios and my humble self, and carry the Virtues which we are privileged to embody to the evolutions of this Planet. 

The Angelic Host is Messengers sent forth by any Cosmic or Ascended Being to bring the Gifts of any Ray or Rays to the children of the Earth. 

I have given these heretofore presented facts to impress upon your consciousness that our Beloved Lord and King, Saint Germain has stated - and it shall come to pass - that the evolutions of this Earth shall walk and talk with the Angels, and that the Brotherhood of Angels and men shall manifest on this Planet! 

Invoke - O, invoke these glorious Expressions from the very Heart of God, and do become more compatible with them. They are not just beautiful fluttering Beings, but Expressions of tremendous Love and Power. It is imperative that some of the children of Earth magnetize the Radiation of the Angelic Kingdom, for they, like all of us in Heaven's Realms, require the attention of some of the people of Earth to render additional service - this is Cosmic Law! The evolutions of this Planet must give more energy to receive additional blessings from the Heavenly Realms! 

I now counsel you to enter deep, deep within the Flame of your beings, and there bend the knee of the human to the Christ Presence and surrender your all upon the Altar of Love - Love for the Father-Mother God, - and in loving God, you must love all Life - Love the Lord, thy God with all thy being, for that is the fullness of Love - embrace all Life in that glorious Radiation, for thy God is in all Life! 

You have been prompted year in and year out and you have the capacity to do this NOW! Remember you are required to give a balance to Life for the blessings released to you during this Conference. If you do not, then we in the Realms of Heaven must make up the deficit! Surely you feel our Love for you! Do you not think the balance should come from you, the recipients of Heaven's Blessings? 

As I come to the conclusion of this release, I request that you be very, very still within the Flaming Presence in your hearts, as the Envoys from the Suns in this System release their Benediction of Light upon you. 

Heaven's Light enfolds you now and for all Eternity... Good Morning.


Vesta - God Mother of the Earth



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Great Helios and Vesta dear -

Sweet Father-Mother God;

We hail thy Name, we hail

Thy Flame; thy Light - thy Love adore! 

We sing thy praise through all our days;

Thy praise forevermore!

Comes now our Love to thee above

Just as it did of yore! 







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