The Feeling World

Beloved Lady Nada

June 20, 1972

We are continually bringing to your attention the importance of maintaining a harmonious feeling world. I would like to point out a few facts for your consideration, as I note that you are all consciously endeavoring to attain that state of being. In a controlled feeling world one can create a Power-house which he can consciously attach to his visualizing faculty, and like a motor attached to a vehicle, precipitate the visualized picture into motion. 

You have learned that the feeling nature is the motivating power behind all thought processes and that thoughts are propelled into manifestation by the pressure of energy within the feeling world. Therefore, the more intensely one can feel the reality of his visualization, the more rapidly does the visualized ideation become manifest. The more Faith, Courage, Confidence, Intelligence, Purity, Light and vivacity within the feeling world, the more rapid is the conscious precipitation. 

You have learned that man has been precipitating through the very faculties of the Godhead from the beginning of so-called time, but the consciously directed manipulation of the processes of thought and feeling is mastery. You can see now from what you have read and studied regarding the ability of a Master to create conditions in a seemingly miraculous manner just how these wonders can become a daily and natural experience in your life plan. 

The life plan of the average individual is an uncertain series of experiences, resulting from the lack of control of the thought processes energized wholly unconsciously by the pressure of the feeling world, and catapulted by the very nature of each individual's being into expression. 

The natural activity of every lifestream is to consciously direct his visualizing faculties according to the wisdom of his Higher Self and to cut into the Universal Life Substance the pattern and form which he wishes to express, and then to pass the energy of his feeling world through this distinct and detailed pattern in a calm, effortless, but persistent manner until the inner design is manifested. 

Consider an artisan making a golden vessel, a vase or cup or any other object, first he makes a mold of a strong substance and then the gold is poured into the mold, thus the perfect vessel is formed first, and then the gold is removed. This is done in a methodical, tensionless manner. 

The thought and feeling processes of man can be controlled in exactly the same scientific manner, and the science of precipitation gained through practice will bring manifestations more and more quickly, and more and more perfectly as you gain the ability to visualize and concentrate, the QUALITY of energy in the feeling world is perfected. 

As you have workmen of various degrees of efficiency with more skilled hands and a more highly developed sense of artistry, so in mankind you have various developments of the mental and emotional nature, and some will find the controlled action of creation more easy of accomplishment than others - for example, some people are natural born singers or musicians, but all can, with the proper adjustment of the inner faculties come to a state of instant precipitation and mastery. 

In sensitive and highly developed people you will find an emotional nature that is quick to grasp Truth and quick to respond to external vibrations. While this is a great strength, it is also a great weakness, because the vacuous thought forms in the Universe can only retain their identity by the securing of energy from the feeling nature of some lifestreams which they can cause to respond to their presence through fear, irritation etc. 

Therefore, the feeling nature, in order to reach greater heights of spiritual attainment must be developed to an extremely quick response to a higher vibration and the necessity of "The Middle Way" is again brought to the foreground. 

To have a highly sensitive vehicle that can consciously enter the Realm of Divine Causation and yet find no response to externals of a discordant nature is perfect balance, and toward this end all must strive.

Lady Nada







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