Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Holy Ĉolus


I Am the Spiritual Representative of the Holy Spirit to the planet Earth and the Angelic, human and elemental kingdoms evolving in its atmosphere. There is a similar representative of this august Presence, embodying the nature of the Holy Spirit, enfolding every planet of our System which presently embodies Life. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are manifold, and one who is interested in developing the Divine Nature and becoming imbued with the Holy Spirit in himself, is wise to measure his progress along the seven lines of development necessary to become a balanced, God-free individual on Earth or in Heavens The Seven Chohans, who represent the developed consciousness of one of these gifts, will assist all so desiring to bring to maturity the same nature through invocation, contemplation and proximity to Their Individual Ray. 


Gift: Tolerance and forbearance. 

"Forbear to speak, my brother, and more important still, forbear to judge, allowing thy precious energies to surge forth to condemnations silent or otherwise, for you see but appearances and not the motives that stir action that prompt certain activities of your fellowmen and the more important activities of the Great White Brotherhood, whose ways are strange to lesser men". Forbearance is Mastery. The immature rush forward to expression, right or wrong. The mature forbear and move in Wisdom's Robe. Forbear to speak the sharp reproach, to repeat the unkind gossip, forbear from hasty actions spurred by righteous indignations or selfish interests. Rein in that human self which has the impudence to act before your God has spoken. Then in dignity, let the God that beats your heart make things right. This gift of the Holy Spirit makes the tolerant man, upon whom the foundation of the World Brotherhood can be built in beauty and in the assurance that it will stand against the winds of adversity, the quicksand of condemnation, the cataclysms and storms of accusations, the false appearances that cause the man not anchored in that wisdom to act before communion with his God! 


Gift: Illumined obedience, spiritual humility, respect for God and his representatives. 

Representing the very positive Ray of Power, mankind does not understand that spiritual humility, surrender of personal will, and absolute submission of self is the requisite of those who apply to become exponents of the Will of God to other men. He has the right to command who has first learned to obey! The chela desiring to really know God's Will must be willing to set aside all pre-conceived opinions, to guard himself against the conscious and more subtle unconscious promptings of his lower nature, and the almost imperceptible inclination to clothe the desires of self in the glamorous and self-righteous garb of 'God's Will', thus salving the discomforting barbs of conscience. To sincerely ask for God's Will, to insist upon illumination concerning its purpose and design, and to live in a state of listening Grace is to become one of the few who are truly about the FATHER'S BUSINESS.


Gift: Wisdom, understanding, inspiration. 

"With all thy getting, get understanding." This is a statement which is yet an accurate signpost upon the Road to Mastery. Lack of understanding causes half of the differences that arise among the peoples of the Earth. The desire to understand before jumping to illogical and unfair conclusions is the sign of a great man. Most of the peoples of the Earth want to be understood, but few are desirous of endeavoring to understand others. A world brotherhood, any Cause - spiritual or secular - can only be developed when we find men and women whose hearts have been touched by the Holy Spirit with the desire to understand he who desires to understand opens the door of his consciousness to Truth and becomes a magnet through which illumination and comprehension flows. Those who reject everything with which their conscious minds and feelings do not agree, without desiring to understand, miss many opportunities for service, for friendship, for blessing. In the greater and fuller spiritual progression, such individuals ofttimes miss the key to the Ascension of their own lifestream, through applications proffered but rejected, by conscious or unconscious intolerance, bigotry or egotism. One of the most repeated cries that go out from the Halls of Karma is the remorseful "If I had only understood!" 


Gift: Fortitude, Constancy, Spiritual Endurance. 

"Endurance unto the end of the road bringeth the laurel wreath of Victory, the seamless Robe of Immortality and best of all, the happy consciousness of fulfilling one's Vow to Life in Worthy Service." Proficiency in any type of service, in any avenue of self-expression, is determined by constancy and consecration of endeavor toward the achievement of the goal set by mind and heart. The many, who flit, like the humming bird from flower to flower, enjoy the temporary reward of pleasures, but the few who set the compass of their souls toward Mastery must develop and express that Gift of our Beloved Holy Spirit, fortitude... endurance... constancy. To these few we look for the arduous task of laying a spiritual foundation that will hold the structure of mankind's future evolution in safety and progression toward the Divine Plan fulfilled. 


Gift: Consecrated Service for God and to man. 

Those who rise above the childish consciousness of being recipients of God's gifts, the unconscious beneficiaries of the protection and opulence of Nature's kingdom, are the few who join the Beloved Jesus in his statement "Heretofore the Father worketh - now the Father and I shall work." A parent is filled with joy when the child of his bosom comes to a point of maturity, and desires to joyously assist in the development of the interests, business and endeavors of that parent. How much more is the God of Life delighted when the children of his heart raise their heads from the personal enjoyment of the senses and ask - "What may I do, Father, to assist you?" These become the ones imbued with the Gift of the Holy Spirit in consecration of Life to a purpose, a cause, a spiritual development. They are said to have vocations, and truly have they been visited by the Holy Spirit; not by chance, however, but because they voluntarily asked "What may I do?" and their consecrated energy is the answer to that humble, sincere and beautiful question. 


Gift: Piety, reverence, grace 

"The man who is imbued with the Holy Spirit is easily distinguishable from the masses because of his natural reverence for all things holy, and his respect for the beliefs, faiths, devotions and consciousness of his fellowman, even though his own Light may remind him that such orthodoxy is not necessarily the fullness of truth. Absence of scorn, spiritual pride and bigotry distinguish such a man from those who proceed upon 'crusades' of one kind or another, endeavoring to promulgate their individual concepts with the cruel sword of intolerance rather than lighting the soul through love. Humble, unostentatious reverence for God that does not offend the sensibilities of his fellowman through outward show, but rather radiates through him in loving grace, is the Gift of the Holy Spirit which is embodied through the Sixth Ray. 


Gift: Spiritual dignity, equanimity, poise, and balance. 

"The man who is blessed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit through the Seventh Ray is one who realizes his Divine Heritage as a Royal Heir to the Divine Nature of the Father and whose every thought, feeling, and spoken word is a rhythmic ceremonial whereby the precious gift of Life is drawn, qualified and released to widen the borders of God's Kingdom. He becomes the representative of the Most High, scattering in largesse his own qualified life, and in truth is, everywhere he moves, an expanding Sun of God's living, healing, opulent, beautiful Presence." 

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The chelas are going through a tremendous refining process, and in many instances, this causes imperfection to come to the fore. The reason for this, when knowing of their existence, you can set the Purifying Fires into action. Allowing the Christ Self, giving it full authority in your being and world, will result in the REAL YOU expressing, and will make you more receptive channels through which the Light can flow to illumine and bless the inhabitants of this Earth. Your constant and continued cooperation with the Christ Self will result, in the not too distant future, in your final polishing of the Jewel which will be your pure lifestream. 

You are in the process of restoration of your vehicles, so that when the outer garment, or physical vehicle, is consigned to the Fire Element, in the process of cremation, the other three lower vehicles can be absorbed in their Pure State into the Christ, and in full freedom blend and become ONE with the "I AM" Presence.

Looking upon the magnificent Jewels which your lifestreams represent, all I will say further is that the Creator in all his glorious artistry has projected forth the most exquisite Jewels, far beyond human comprehension, and you will one day shine forth from the many Facets of the Body of the Eternal, to expand the Borders of his Kingdom in ever increasing Perfection. 

Sanat Kumara




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