Rays of Spiritual Illumination

The Ascended Master Lanto


Honorable guests, gracious ladies and gentlemen, I come to you to be your servant so long as you choose to abide within the comforts of our aura, the Flames from the heart of the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton. One day in the future, the Flame within your own heart will be your servant, and in that day, each and every one of you will again assume the full mastery which you knew and which I shared with you many centuries ago before you chose to let the shadows into your consciousness and create the veil between the heavenly realm and the realm where you chose to abide. 

As you invited the shadows through the senses into your consciousness, you came to a point where no longer was the spiritual intercourse and companionship between the Ascended Master Octave and the human, the joy of your daily and hourly association. Each man drew the veil himself across the bright and shining expanse of the Holy Christ Consciousness. Each one created for himself or herself a small sphere of consciousness in which he abode and through which he functions life after life. 

It is therefore the intent and the purpose, as I am told by my illustrious Brothers and Sisters of the Kingdom, to endeavor again to widen the borders of your individual consciousness through drawing to your attention our words, our purpose and Design in the universal scheme as well as our current activities. Each time that you voluntarily choose to open the door of your consciousness to one of our Presence and allow us access to those inner realms that you have held so long in shadows, you begin to dissolve individually that human veil. 

Each man in his own time, according to his own spiritual pace, comes at last to the point of spiritual awakening, illumination and awareness, when for him his own created veil is no more. For such an one the illustrious and magnificent Presence is revealed and the Masters, the Angelic Host, the Cosmic Beings and the Devas, again having been welcomed and entertained in consciousness become part of the daily association, and man again walks hand in hand with the Angels and in companionship with the God-free. 

We come to invite you to project your consciousness into our humble Retreat, which we have established and sustained through the ages in memory of the descent of mankind upon this Earth, in the hope that through the radiation which we could so sustain, we might, in time contribute, as each star contributes to the light of the night, the spiritual essence necessary and requisite to maintaining the soul life of the evolutions imprisoned in their own thought and feeling pattern. 

We are but one of many great focuses of the Light. We are but one humble part of a great Cosmic movement which is taking not only this planet but the Sun which created it and the Galaxy to which it belongs forward to a higher and more glorious destiny. We have heard from the God who has chosen to give us life and sustain us that it is a Cosmic moment of opportunity, and the Planets, the Galaxies, the Suns, and the Stars belonging thereto, gathering their celestial garments about them, must obey the fiat of the Eternal and be upon their way. 

The blessed Virgo, who has so long been your Hostess, is among those who have been summoned to a greater Life, a more beautiful destiny than that of carrying the weight of the shadows of all the creations of mankind. Those of us who love her, those of us who have lived upon the surface of this Earth, are determined within ourselves that Virgo shall have her opportunity and that the component parts that make up her glorious body shall not be destined for disintegration, due to the recalcitrant energy of the evolutions she has sustained to this hour. 

Now I am going to speak to you as I speak to every aspirant who enters the Royal Teton. You can feel yourselves entering within the heart of that mountain and standing in my Presence. Beloved, blessed ones, you have come, motivated by some intent into the compass of our aura, what brings you here? Will you ponder that in the days that are ahead? What exactly has brought you into the compass of our aura? Much will depend, beloved children, upon what you find is the answer. Every man, woman and child that goes upon a pilgrimage, receives into himself a blessing proportionate to that which was the actual motivating power behind the pilgrimage. 

I have seen a million pilgrims walking to Benares. I have walked among them as they entered the Sacred City. Some joined hands with fellow travelers for convenience sake, for certain protections against the jungles and the dangerous mountain passes through which they are required to make their way. Almost without exception, these people are conscious that a pilgrimage is a solitary and individual activity. 

Each one who walks upon a Holy Pilgrimage seeking Light, seeking Understanding and Mastery, must remember and keep before the mind’s eye throughout the entire course of such a retreat the motive which inspired him first, which caused him to gather up the reluctant energies of the flesh and at no small cost to self, propelled that flesh forward toward a destiny, whether it be Mecca, Jerusalem, Lhasa, the Teton, Titicaca or Suva. 

Think not that we are not delighted to find people interested enough to touch the hem of our spiritual garment. We are honored and very grateful beyond human words to describe. Can you understand that we have worked for many, many centuries, when no unascended lifestreams even knew we had Being, when there was no way and means of reaching the consciousness of even the most earnest, or engaging the interest of their energies. Then when we receive the interest and voluntary support of such a goodly number, our hearts do respond, and we give to you our heart Flame to be your servant. 

What shall ye command of my heart Flame? What shall you individually ask of it? For it will answer you! It is intelligent. It is the full gathered cosmic momentum of my Individualization and Being from the day that I was born out of the bosom of the Eternal. All of the consciousness, all of the prayers and aspirations that built my own Freedom, all of the love and devotion to this Planet and its evolutions are within it all are yours when accepted. 

Like the light of the Sun, or the air you breathe, so is the aura of the mighty Teton. Some absorb much. Some draw in the spiritual currents of that Sun and breathe in the finer ethers and vitalize the form. Some shun it, some, in the shallow breath, never know the vitality that is within the air. Some sitting in the aura of the Teton may perchance not exert their inner energies through the magnetic power of their own Heart Flame to vitalize flesh, mind, feeling and spirit, beloved ones. 

Free will is defended and held by the ego as the prize possession of self. Yet that very free will with which you are all so blessed, will not allow me to tell you how much or how little of the Gifts of the Teton you may accept. I give you all that the Teton offers. I give you all of Its Light and its Powers and its accomplishments. Drink deeply, I implore you each one. 

The discipline of the pilgrim, who has examined his motive and has found within himself the reason for his entrance or application for membership in our Brotherhood, is to develop the three Flames centered within the heart, the throat and the head, the encircling of the body with Light around the waist so that the animal nature be cut off, and the releasing of balance through the inner vehicles. 

If you will choose to be, forgive me, I know it is a hard task, less interested in each other and more interested in the radiation, we can assist you in the deep breathing, in the contemplation of the Flame within your heart, and I am sure you will find in your hours of recollection before you sleep each night, that you have accomplished something; you will have developed in your consciousness a certain awareness and in your feelings a greater peace, faith and power. 

Etherically, beloved ones, the mountain atmosphere as you know, represents a great purifying agent. Through the etheric bodies, into which are pressed, dear God, so many pictures and memories, draw those mighty Devas of the mountains, who will purify them as they do this great atmosphere. Forget not your evening of recollection over your day. Building thus, I will help you. 

I have asked for volunteers from within the heart of the Teton, - One to be the spiritual teacher of each member of this august company. Because of the tremendous activities within the Teton, it is no small sacrifice for them to choose to accept this service. Therefore, please, do not call your particular Brother until you are ready for your spiritual meditation, exercise and contemplations. Do not require him to remain beyond your actual contemplation, because the courtesy of the Brotherhood is such that if they accept a trust, they will not relinquish it unless bidden to do so. So do not ask them to remain through your social hours. When you choose to contemplate your own divine nature, and in the breath accept the deepness of the spiritual Light, invite your Brother and at that very instant, the sacrifice of Love is so great that no matter what goes on within the great council hall, that Brother will be at your side and remain until your contemplation, your spiritual exercises are completed. 

When the Karmic Board meets, you will be interested to know that the Retreats are heard in order, starting with Beloved Gautama and the Brotherhood of Shamballa, then Lord Buddha and his group, the Maha Chohan, the seven great Chohans of the Rays and then the other representatives of the focuses of Light. We are hoping that with your own contemplation and your wonderful inspiration and assistance of the Brother assigned to you that you too will have something of merit to offer. 

We want you to be happy. We want you to be relaxed. We want you to realize what the heart of a true pilgrimage means; a true Retreat, so that when you go home you will be rested in the body, vitalized in the mind, purified in your feelings, thought and etheric substance. If you will abide within my humble suggestions, you will, I am sure, benefit thereby. 

Weary not in your well-being. Through your own hearts many have been blessed, FOR GOD NEEDS A BODY!!! In every focus, and around every Retreat, some humble folks are situated who represent that Conductor, unknown, unhonored and unsung by the world without, but well known by those within. Remember I am your Servant and your Friend of the ages.






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