The Tolerance of the Seventh Ray

Beloved Saint Germain

Dear to my Heart are your spirits! Dear to my Heart are the very elements that make up the sweet garments that clothe your soul round, and dear to my Heart are those blessed consciousnesses into which we are constantly pouring Light, understanding and comprehension - endeavoring in every way to enable you to understand the power within your heartbeat! 

Oh, beloved friends, accept my gratitude! Accept my hand through the veil! Accept my arms warm about you in an embrace of brotherhood for your service to Life - for your love of Life and for willingness to bend your knee before the Power of the Universe and ask to be shown the Will of God! It is in this asking, this invocation, this upward reaching from your soul that we are granted the opportunity to return on the very beam of your own energy into your world and speak with you - thus making a true and living fact the credo of the Christian Church where the Communion of the Saints is an affirmed part of the belief of each individual - that is for the greater number of the communicants! 

Beloved heart friends! The Vision of Tomorrow is incorporated into the energies which you give willingly today! How can I draw into a short space of time all that I would say to you. I am like a father endeavoring to give the entire wisdom of a life lived - to a son, in the matter of a few moments. Yet, somehow, I must endeavor to touch the high points of the understanding within the Ceremonial Ray that you may take heart and move forward, knowing that there is a beautiful Plan and Design that shall be externalized, because it is the Will of the Eternal, and it must be done! 

You know that this is the activity of the Violet Ray - that it is the activity of Ordered Service and Ritual, that it is the activity where mankind, Angels and elementals will again be drawn together in conscious cooperation and, hand in hand, walk together along the path of evolution where they will serve together, build together, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and worship together in Ceremonials which your blessed hearts cannot yet conceive possible of manifestation in this third dimensional plane. 

As there are so many different types of lifestreams among you, representing the Guardian Spirits, not only from the planet Earth, from other planets of our System and from the Sun, but also from the elemental and the Angelic Kingdoms, it is difficult for you to receive into your varied consciousnesses the Divine Plan as a whole. Each receives according to his own evolution, his own development, his own awareness and capacity to understand, and to him all the others seem perhaps bewildering, uncertain and confusing in their reception. 

I see your hearts, I see the strengths and I see the weaknesses. I see the tenderness in each of your souls, not unlike the down on a baby's head. Yet I know - for now I see with Freedom's sight, that tomorrow's world is being built today through the consciousness of individuals willing to sit at the feet of the Masters and accept their word, their understanding, their promise, as much of the Vision as their blessed minds can accept - as much of the Truth as their feelings can absorb. 

Beloved ones, be of good cheer! How think you I feel? For many centuries have I tried to establish a World Brotherhood - where every man will love his neighbor, and the good of all life be the paramount feeling within the heartbeat, and even yet, among the chosen, that consciousness of separateness abides! Oh, my beloved hearts, you are building a Foundation today just as surely as we, that innocent humble Family in Galilee building a Foundation in, through and around a few fishermen, which became the strength of a Dispensation that lasted for two thousand long years. 

The Christian Churches have developed their Ceremonial Activities to their greatest height, and now we are in the first sub-ray of the great Seventh Ray, where all are asking for the Will of God. Some say that Will is to make a "joyful noise unto the Lord". Others say - "Oh, no, it is to breathe rhythmically and harmoniously in the Silence." Yet others say - "oh, no, it is to go forth and teach the Word with the tongues of Angels - and other say - "No, it is embodied Brotherhood." Yet others say - "ah, I feel it is to be Incarnate Beauty." Many say the mathematical precision of the Law is Truth - the in-going and outgoing force of Love - and they describe it as the Fifth Ray man sees Truth. We have also those blessed ones where devotion is so great and they say - "ah, no, the ceremonies must be completely devotional!" Do you see, - yet ALL are right, for all of the Seven Great Rays now combine. To all I say - BE TOLERANT of each other’s Service!





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