Easter Class Address

John the Beloved

March 31, 1972

To participate in the Classes honoring the Resurrection of the Master Jesus is a joyous experience, for I have loved him long and well! Beloved chelas of Light, I salute the magnificent Christ within each of you, and in all Life. 

Kindly be seated. 

Each succeeding year, as the Light intensifies at this Season, all one has to do is to turn his attention to the glorious Presence of the Master and see the brilliance of his Aura encompass the Earth. As the Thought Form for this Class, we have the luminous Presence of Jesus holding the Earth to his Heart and saturating the Planet with Light. It is truly a very majestic sight. 

Let us turn our attention to the Musical Activity which you so kindly participated in on Holy Thursday. This is a Cosmic project in which I am particularly interested. In our etheric Cities of Light over the Arizona Desert, We employ the harmonious tones of musical expression in our Healing Service. Several of our friends from THE BRIDGE TO FREEDOM Activity who have made the transition are now serving with me in the Temples of Music at this Focus. Yesterday the Angels of Music in the North American Continent brought this Energy to us to be further amplified. 

There are many Foci specifically dedicated to Harmony throughout the Planet that are serving in an intensified manner all during this Easter Festival. To name a few: over Honolulu in the Hawaiian Islands, Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand, Europe, Asia and the entire Earth sphere. All who dwell in the Realms of Light realize the importance and the efficacy of beautiful music in the process of stabilizing the Planet and her evolutions. During this Easter Season, we are accelerating the Radiation of Harmony everywhere, and this mighty Energy centered its activity over the Holy Land where the Goddess of Music and Beloved Harmony (LaMoray) are engaged in an activity of Peace and Purification for the Earth. 

It is truly a glorious sight to see the Angels of Music gather up a particular tone and lovingly carry it to that Focus. One could describe this service as a weaving of the Harmony of the Spheres or the blending of exquisite vibrations. The Essence of the theme of each rendition and the Hosannas and the Aves are blended with the vibrant tones of the mighty concertos. It is the Essence of Harmony which is combined and none need feel that one piece overpowers another! We witnessed what this balancing power accomplished yesterday, and the Angelic Host will continue with this service all through this Easter Class. 

We anticipate great accomplishment from this activity, and we are grateful to have the chelas participate, for music is an important means through which they may harmonize their own beings. As this Essence emanates from you, all Life is enriched thereby. May I suggest that you employ this method in your daily service of bringing more Light to the World! Be ever alert and be confident that you can qualify any rendition which you may play with whatever God Quality you may wish to channel to the evolutions of this Planet. 

Take the initiative and be guided by the promptings of your own Christ Self, and you may be assured that the Peace, Divine Love, Healing, or any God Gift you are calling forth, that the Angels who have a particular affinity to that Gift will rush to you and amplify the harmonious radiation by carrying it to an individual, a Nation, a specific cause, and so on! 

We are now in the Age of the Brotherhood of Angels and Men, and the medium of Music is an excellent means by which to draw the Angels to you, individually, and into the atmosphere of Earth. 

Sometimes as the streamers of Light flow from our Etheric Focus over the Desert, and I witness a euphony of glorious Light flowing to a specific project, I think would that the individual to whom it is directed and the well being which is engendered could see this glorious Light and realize it is the thoughtful gift of some Being in the Inner Realms or a friend who is praying for them, through magnetizing a blessing from the Father-Mother God to make easier his way! 

Can you understand what is taking place as all the Kingdoms are saturated with Harmony as we usher in the Golden Age? Through harmonious radiation your own lower vehicles will be merged with the Christ, and it is to the chelas everywhere that we appeal to participate in this balancing process. We have trained you to be AT ONE with your own Holy Christ Self - to stand alone with your Divinity - and in being that Christ you are performing the service of truly being a Cell in the glorious Body of the Creator, "I AM"! 

With all the Power of my Being, I say to you, each one, the time has arrived for your entrance upon the Spiritual Stage of Light. The Cosmic Tone of your being is required, and the time has long since passed when a substitute is required to balance your obligation, that is the sending of our Energy to a specific project, when you should be fully cooperating with us. You have reached the point where you should be standing in that glorious Theatre of Light and giving the performance which is divinely ordained for you. 

The Beloved Serapis Bey is such an accomplished Musician, and vitally concerned with this specific activity, that I believe he would be disappointed with me if I did not put some of his dynamic feeling into these statements! He has truly stated that music is synonymous with the Activity in the Realms of God's Perfection, for every thought and feeling of the Godhead creates a glorious sound and emits a beautiful color, clothed in an exquisite form. Creation takes place to the accompaniment of such beautiful music as would make the heart of man stand still. The rhythmic motion of the planets around the Sun contributes to the Cosmic Symphony and the forward motion of the galaxy is a processional of such magnificent splendor that words could not attempt to describe its inspiring, uplifting, energizing power. 

Please realize that it is your bounden responsibility to send forth the Harmony of your individual lifestream through qualifying the Holy Energy flowing through with a vibration which is akin to that of the Supreme Source of all Life! These are not just words that I am speaking, they are a Cosmic Edict, and as such must be obeyed! Oh, yes, you will, through your constancy, continue to be our chelas, but those of you who have the true resolve within your being to join with us in the harmonizing, the purifying of the Earth and her evolutions will remember that the release of symphonious Energy is the Edict from the Heart of God! You have available, through music, one means of bringing your own vehicles into alignment with the Christ! Employ it, I beseech you. The hour is not long distant when the mighty Silent Watcher Immaculata will raise the Baton of Light signaling the performance of all Life on this Planet, and I admonish you to be ready, each and every one! 

In order that I may be remembered as "the Beloved" I would like to add that the Music released yesterday has done much to clear away the depressing activity which has formerly exuded the radiation of sadness with the observance of Good Friday, and as the strains of Parsifal flow forth today, the energy of that Opera will be employed to further raise the vibratory action of this Planet! 

Drink deeply of my Love, blessed ones, of the Cup of Harmony which is offered to you, and individually become a Grail from which all who are athirst may drink! 

Good Morning


"Filled with an Inner Peace and exaltation, John and I walked to Bethany and there we remained until the days were accomplished and the Resurrection was fact. My Son, triumphant, visiting us thereafter, established a Focus for the Christian Dispensation and there we abode for thirty long years."

Beloved Mother Mary.






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