Accelerating the Vibratory Action of Your Vehicles

by LaMoray

Beloved ones, I have come to assist you in accelerating the vibratory action of your vehicles.

Upon awakening and, when standing on your feet, as you ask the Golden Man to fill your world, I counsel you to amplify the Three-fold Flame through the four lower vehicles before you amplify the Golden Man. Why? You see, there is an Unfed Flame within each body, and when amplified it gives the Golden Man a greater opportunity to expand within that body and give it added assistance, for the Golden Man will work through that Three-fold Flame.

If the Golden Man has to enter the etheric body and amplify the Threefold Flame in that body, the Golden Man is doing all the work. You will note that I have mentioned the 'Unfed Flame', and the reason is, the Threefold Flame in the three inner bodies, has not been nourished by the attention of the chelas.

Now, by assisting the Golden Man through your attention in amplifying these Three-fold Flames, you could ask some particular Ascended Master Quality to pour through the Three-fold Flame to your fellowman - such as Harmony, Peace, Love, Kindness, whatever Quality you are prompted to release. If you need Purity within your own world, or Healing, ask that it be drawn through the electrons of your four lower vehicles, amplified by the Angels of Healing, Mother Mary, or the Master Jesus, Beloved Hilarion, or whoever you desire to give the assistance. In this manner you start the electrons obeying the command.

Now what happens? They begin to move at a greater speed, with greater release of the Ascended Master Quality, and they force the accumulation of discord, that which is causing you pain, out of that organ, out of those electrons. The pain is there because the electrons are not vibrating at sufficient speed to force it out of the vehicle.

In using the Violet Flame, what does it do? When you call for the Violet Flame through some particular organ, it automatically speeds the vibratory action of the electrons, and the Violet Flame dissolves that accumulation, that discord, which is in the wedges.

So you see to raise the vibratory action of your world is so simple IF you would but set the thermostat for your world when you awaken in the morning. Think about it for a few moments and amplify the Threefold Flame through each of your vehicles, and then select the Virtue or Quality you desire to outpicture during the ensuing twenty-four hours, and ask the Golden Man to regulate the electrons within your four lower garments, amplified by the Ascended Master who embodies that Quality or Virtue.

If you will do this, you will be amazed at the progress you could make in a week's time and greater progress in a month's time. You would very shortly become a chela with a controlled rate of vibration through the four lower vehicles. Now what is this activity going to do to those four lower garments?

If you have the electrons vibrating at the same speed, aren't you going to draw those four lower vehicles into alignment under the control of the Golden Man?

The more you use this activity and set the pattern for the day, the more poised, the more balanced, and the greater the radiation that will pour through you, and that which usually irritates or disturbs you, will not do it anymore.

This will stabilize the nervous system, and I invite you to call to me to give added assistance through the Golden Man, to stimulate the vibratory action of those electrons. It sometimes takes a little time to get the sluggish electrons moving at an increased rate of vibration, and I will lovingly give the Golden Man assistance if you will call to me. 

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On this specific day, set aside for the honoring of the mothers of the race, in and out of embodiment, I add my blessing in gratitude to the spirits of yet-bound individuals. You each, no matter what form the present garment you are wearing, have had the privilege of motherhood in some embodiment. This, of course, was necessary to balance the two aspects of Deity, the Father-Mother principle. So when I say that I bless the mothers of the race that includes each and every lifestream who has sojourned, or is using the Earthplane as a habitation at this time.

Kwan Yin





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