
Beloved Paul the Maha Chohan

June 10, 1973

Dear Hearts of Light, as we celebrate the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles of the Beloved Master Jesus, I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to come into your midst, and to have you recognize the Presence of the Holy Spirit in this Universe. Will you kindly be seated.

A great momentum of this Cosmic Event has been built through the sacred celebration each year, and as you well know what transpired on that day, I should like to speak first on what is termed 'a momentum'.

As one comes into embodiment in an infant body, he brings certain tendencies which have been built into his etheric garment in previous lives, and into his glorious Causal Body. From the moment he is given the opportunity of embodiment on this Earth, he is adding to or building a momentum, or accumulation of qualities depending upon his free will.

You will remember, too, that in the Inner Realms before one takes embodiment, he has journeyed through the Seven Spheres acquainting himself with the Radiation and Activities of each one, and at that time he developed a certain affinity to the Gifts of the Father-Mother God.

In these Realms he accumulated only Good, for the lower garments had not yet been provided for the activities of humanity's free will. The use of free will in Heaven‘s Realms creates only Perfection.

Now one may say, while in the Inner Realms, how does he have a leaning toward, or gravitate to a particular Ray and remain longer in one or more Spheres than he does in others? The answer is elementary. The Supreme Source has a glorious over-all Plan of Creation, and in order to externalize that Plan, as each Spirit Spark came forth from God‘s Heart, he came carrying a Blueprint which he was to follow. This was given into the keeping of the Holy Spirit of his lifestream, and as that Individual Christ Self came to abide in the physical form, it was 'bound' so to speak, by the human free will which would express through the lower garments.

All through the Ages in the various sojourns on Earth, the personality has been expressing its tendencies on both sides of the Ledger. As we retrace, our steps and our thoughts to the coming forth of the Spirit Spark, we know that the Holy Breath of God has been pulsating within that lifestream.

I have merely repeated the foregoing in an endeavor to have you get the feeling of the measure of the Holy Breath you have been using since you first came forth on the Outbreath of the Father-Mother God. The obedience to the Divine Plan was manifest until the completion of the last Golden Age, then the shadows began to fall as the activities of the human took precedence over the Divine, and the shroud of the human began to express itself and clouded the Beauty of the Earth, and in turn, the whole Solar System, on and on, for eons of time, did the shadows fall, and then finally - a beautiful Light came over the horizon - carrying the Edict that the Cosmic Dawn was at hand.

The wheel had turned and turned, and the Supreme Source issued the Command that the Plan of Creation must no longer be interfered with.

Then came forth, to the public attention, the various Members who became known as the Spiritual Hierarchy or the Great White Brotherhood for this Earth. You well know the story of the coming of the Beloved Sanat Kumara from Venus, and how his Love sustained this Earth, but I am referring specifically to the attention in the Western World to the Beloved Ones whom you know and are very aware of - our Lord and King Saint Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi, Djwal Khul and many other Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy concerned with the Earth - the God Parents, the mighty Helios and Vesta, and even Members of the other Planets in this System which are in the Blueprint of the Great Serculata, who serves with the mighty Alpha and Omega, God-Parents of this System.

I have purposely omitted mention of the Holy Spirit, for I shall endeavor this day to infiltrate your consciousness with the Truth that the Activity of the Cosmic Holy Spirit, through his various Representatives who have held that Office, has been releasing the Breath of God to you and every part of Life without cessation. In particular, I should like to direct your attention to the Beloved Æolus, who was my Predecessor in the Office of Maha Chohan, or Holy Spirit for this Planet Earth.

Consider, for a moment, the momentum of Pure Divine Love which he has for all Life. To ceaselessly keep the Essence of the Supreme Source flowing through his Being, then into my humble self, so that you and all Life hereon may be sustained. O, how I love the statement "through the Grace of the Holy Spirit". It is through Grace that you are in embodiment, receiving and dispensing the prana of the Father-Mother God.

Many are familiar with the words of the Beloved Gabriel in his salutation to the beautiful Mother of Jesus, the Christ, when he said "Hail Mary, full of Grace". It was because she was filled with the Holy Spirit and sustained that feeling that she carried out her missions so perfectly. Think of her tremendous assignment and the spiritual tenacity as she never deviated at any time from qualifying the Holy Elixir of the Breath with anything but Perfection.

Through the years you have been reminded to breathe rhythmically, to proceed in an orderly manner about your various activities, without letting the feeling of agitation intrude. Children of the Light, be ever vigilant - so that the Life Essence flowing through you is qualified with Harmony and is not seized upon by some yet untransmuted human tendency in your lifestream!

Blessed ones, I most sincerely commend you for your progress in the Light, for the purification which has taken place in your vehicles, either through continued effort on your part or through the Grants of Mercy from the great Karmic Board. Since I now see the tremendous advancement in the chelas, I am this day endeavoring to refresh your consciousness with the Service of the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus! The momentum of his Love for God and for you individually is an inspiration to all of us who serve under him and with him.

Before his elevation to his present Office, how many times he directed your attention to the activity of Reverence for all Life, for the Earth, which forms a platform upon which you may walk as you trace the pattern of your life thereon! He has spoken often of the tiny elementals, the little beings of the Elements; of how he cradled a stone in his blessed hands as he, too, walked this Earth - caressing it with his Love.

Let us now turn our attention to the Focus of the Holy Spirit in the Form of the Dove over Long Island, for the Radiation from its wide spread Wings now encompasses the entire Planet Earth and all her evolutions in the Grace of the Holy Spirit.

As the Ceremony of the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles is celebrated today, I am truly privileged, through Grace, to release to you and all Life the Benediction of the Cosmic Holy Spirit and I humbly pray that the FEELING OF THE LOVING GRACE AND REVERENCE FOR THE BREATH OF LIFE will become an eternally sustained Unction, enfolding your garments as you journey into the Realms of Perfection!

Let us now, you and I enter deeply into the recesses of our Beings, and send a Bouquet of Pure Divine Love to the Beloved Æolus, Cosmic Holy Spirit, before whose glorious Light and Love I do humbly bow. (Pause)

Good Morning

Paul, the Maha Chohan







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