Thanksgiving Class

Beloved El Morya

Shamballa - Long Island

November 26, 1972

Good Morning, my friends, I have come to deliver a sermon. Will you please be seated and relax.

My SUBJECT - The Will of God!

This morning when I was thinking "what shall I tell those blessed ones", and as many thoughts were gathering in my Consciousness, all of a sudden I felt a strong Ray of Light come my way, and it was from Beloved Miriam, telling me to take it easy - "be easy on them" - and do you know what I did - I sent her a Ray which was the equivalent of your word "SCRAM"! So here we go!

The Will of God is the Divine Will for this Universe and all Life upon it. Anything less than God Perfection is NOT the Will of God!!!!!

When I hear individuals glibly say of some imperfect condition manifesting in themselves or in the world of another "it is the Will of God", I say NONSENSE - nothing could be farther from the Truth. You have been told time and time and time again that the Will of God is Perfection, you have been given instruction after instruction, we have released countless tons of energy endeavoring to reach your consciousness, to convey to you the meaning of God's Will.

You are among the elite upon this Planet... serving consciously with the Spiritual Hierarchy.

You have the tools of the Sacred Fire, that glorious Violet Transmuting Flame; the First Ray; the Fourth Ray - all Rays are means of Transmutation and Purification, because where you put the Will of God, which acts on any and all of the Seven Rays you have Perfection.

I do not wish to seem harsh with you. I do not like to be called a Taskmaster, but if you hold those feelings, all right, that is your karma - somewhere along the Path you will have to transmute it.

Now, when you see a condition that is less than Christ Perfection, yes, I have been repeating the same thing over and over, and I am going to do it today... anything that is less than Christ Perfection... it is your obligation to make a silent Call for God Illumination for that individual or for yourselves. If it is manifesting in someone else's world, and the conditions are auspicious, you might mention something of the Spiritual Law which might elicit an answer.

Do not drum the Spiritual Law into people in the outer world. Speak to them, see how they respond, and then go on from there. Surely after all these years of training, you know how to handle these situations.

This is not intended for anybody in this room, or for any particular chela, but if the shoe fits you, wear it. Unless you are an Example of Perfection in your own worlds, people are not going to look up to you when you say 'this should be done, and that should be done".

Work on yourselves first. The Cosmic Law has given Grant after Grant... Dispensations that have removed tons of imperfect energy from your worlds. These causes and cores of imperfection have gone into the Sacred Fire and are no more, but while you yet have a breath in your body, and the human consciousness is still alive, you can create more discord. When you see conditions in the world around you that are less than perfection - and many there are - it is up to you to get busy and transmute them.

How do you know that at some time on your Earth's journeys you have not added your energy to that particular condition?"

I should like to speak to you about the Goddess of Opportunity, the mighty Portia, that Beloved Lady, when she acquiesced along with other Members of the Karmic Board to your taking a final embodiment, expected you, and still expects you to seize the opportunities which are presented to you daily to bring God's Realm into manifestation on this Planet!

O, my God... Almighty Father, would that I could place my hands over my ears and over my eyes when I see and hear chelas agree with imperfection and gibble-gabble among themselves about some distressing condition in others, or about some manifestation which is distressing to them because it is expressing in another's world.

I counsel you with all the Love of my Being to go into the Secret Place of the Most High and learn that the will of God is such a glorious path to travel. I KNOW the Will of God.

I KNOW what it means to wear a flesh garment, and I was no 'Angel Boy'. For that very reason I am determined. I have pledged my energy to help each and every one of you fulfill your Plan of God's Will.

When this blessed Planet came forth from the Hearts of Helios and Vesta it was a beautiful Garden from God's Heart... and look what humankind en masse has done to that place of Beauty!

Permit me to give you a simple simile. If you had a dear friend who had a lovely piece of property, and some chaotic condition came along and despoiled that property or brought some devastation in whole or part, you would rush to give assistance to your friend in whatever way you could. May I ask you a question... do you consider the Father of us all a friend? O, you do when you are in the Silence, but if you actually knew the meaning of that word 'friend' which is so deeply embedded in the Consciousness of our Beloved Saint Germain, you would, every day, with every breath you take, resolve to restore this Garden which God has placed in the Universe. Remember, you vowed to assist in the redemption of the Planet Earth, and it is your obligation so to do!

You think I am severe? Dear ones, love takes many forms. Parents who love their children really discipline them, and discipline wears many garbs. I refer to the discipline which wears the cloak of Love. No Master loves the chelas any more than I. I LOVE YOU, each and every one, and that is why I prod you on, and I shall continue to do so, by repeating the Law which has been presented to you time and time again. I make this plea to you today, join with me in placing your ALL upon the Altar of Love; say "Saint Germain, our friend, we SHALL REDEEM THIS PLANET - we shall give you all the help we can, so that she can be moved into the next orbit without undue chaos".

As I look into your hearts, I know you will! Just think for a moment and send your love to Beloved Saint Germain... (Silence)

Now I well know that Thanksgiving time is a time of festivity. It is a time of Holy Gratitude to the Father-Mother God for the blessings bestowed upon us and upon all Life. You have been indeed blessed with the Releases which have come through, and the Earth is being drenched in Light. These Addresses came to you because you are favored chelas.

The thought comes to my mind, when a little child has been disobedient and the parent has to use some disciplinary measure, the heart of that parent keeps saying "As soon as I think THAT got into his feelings, and he understands WHAT I mean, I think that I shall give him a Cookie". Well don't think that I am giving you a small 'cookie' when I tell you that I love you with all my Heart! Try me!

Many glorious Plans are being contemplated by the Spiritual Hierarchy assembled here at Shamballa. We are preparing, as you know, to go to the half-yearly Council at the Tetons, and every Being here is exploring the Consciousness of the Father-Mother God for ways and means of further assisting in the redemption of this dear Planet, and I know that you, too, will do the same.

You have been told that the Angels of Adoration were gathering up the energy on Thanksgiving Day - the energy which they were going to bring to the Forcefield, the Thought Form over this entire Island. Well every Master on every Ray wishes to infiltrate the consciousness of the chelas with our Gifts, the Gifts of all of the Rays, so today standing within this glorious Thought Form are Angelic Beings of every Ray, and the Thought Form is wearing a magnificent Corona of Rainbow Light. It is blazing forth its beauty, and as a special Gift, the Directors of these Angelic Legions are now coming into this Sanctuary, and they are permeating your Beings with all the Blessings of the Seven Rays. We hope that, after this Energy courses through all of your lower vehicles, that you will have a greater compatibility with the Angelic Kingdom.

They are so desirous of serving with you, and of serving your Light. Invite them into your world each day - it takes but just a moment - a thought, a loving word, or even a loving command and they will come to assist you, or send them some place on this Planet, where you think their particular Service will do the most good. They will obey you. The Brotherhood of the Angels and Men shall manifest, and in the not too distant future.

So, as I conclude this 'sermon' which I attest is filled with Love, the Love of all the Spiritual Hierarchy, of all assembled here at Shamballa comes forth to bless you, and shall travel with all the Angels of the Seven Rays all over this Planet for the next twenty-four hours, to bring the Gifts of God, a Harvest of Light to all humankind. Know that as these Great Ones of Heavens Realms send you their Benediction, an abundant measure of that Pure Love comes from Lady Miriam and your devoted and determined friend, El Morya. Thank you.









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