Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Holy Ĉolus


Life within itself has a natural power of increasing, amplifying and multiplying its gifts, keeping those gifts self sustained for so long as the Divine Will of the Universe decrees that their beneficence shall bless the Universe.

In the season of springtime, humankind witnesses the natural activity of resurrection, of eternal Life and of multiplication of the gifts of good through the Nature Kingdom particularly. That propensity within Life to increase which enable one seed to become many, one bulb to become a productive cluster of blooms, is also present in the Life of humanity, God's greatest creation upon this Earth.


Humanity is the director of Life. Life is impersonal, obedient to the directing intelligence in man. If man directs that life through any avenue of the senses into discordant appearances, innocent life rushes forth and amplifies the appearance for that is the obedience within itself.

When man chooses and determines to direct his attention, his sense consciousness, his thoughts and feelings toward the Kingdom of God and its inhabitants, life will amplify the nature, qualities, powers and activities of this Kingdom to him. Its inhabitants and its beauty, peace, purity and perfection will become the atmosphere and environment of such a man.


Because Life has within itself the natural power to multiply and amplify the pattern or plan which it is called upon to ensoul, humanity must learn that he, being co-creator with God, should take care as to the pattern and plan designed in his mind. You see, it is the Law that the impersonal life must fulfill itself through that pattern, whether it is of perfection or of imperfection.


Humankind has been taught that his life energy flows into whatever his attention rests upon, energizing, amplifying and increasing the object upon which his attention rests. Herein is the power of man and herein also is the clue to release and relief from limitations of every kind.

As man chooses consciously that upon which his attention rests, his life flowing into that goal will amplify opulence, health, beauty, peace, and the fullness of God's Kingdom. Today, man is a result of the inversion of this Law. He has allowed his attention to rest upon all manner of evil, and his life, obediently entering into the object upon which his attention rests, amplifies and multiplies the appearances of limitation, discord, disease and distress.


The interior life of humanity is externalized on the screen of Life - in his body, his home, his family, his affairs. When there is imperfection living in the aura and the world of an individual, it is proof positive that somewhere, sometime, obedient life rushed forth to animate, magnify and increase some form created in the mind and consciousness of such a one. If life will obey the destructive use of the creative centers, it will in like manner obey the constructive, conscious use of these creative centers of thought and feeling. Herein is humanity's hope of conscious redemption through individual control, mastery and use of his own life.


The shadows of human appearance which have been fed by man's worries, his fears, his doubts, his passions, angers, appetites and lusts, have become very real to him. For the most part, even with sincere students, these appearances are accepted in feeling (although conscientiously rejected in mind) as more powerful than God!

These shadows are the shackles and limitations of the race. They press heavily upon the consciousness of mankind through the sense reports and pressures of feeling, and the greater their pressure the more of humanity's life flows into them, giving them more energy and sustenance to plague and distress him. The natural propensity within life increases the appearance of limitation while humanity's attention is held upon that appearance. This same propensity within life increases the transmuting, purifying, raising Power of God which dissolves the appearance when man's attention is held upon God. This is a test of spiritual fidelity, constancy, faith and reliance upon God's Power to become the ONLY PRESENCE ACTING!


As I have said previously during my ministry in Judea, I was aware of the appearances created out of the minds and feelings of humankind and thrown upon the screen of life. However I never accepted them as having any power except what a man invested in them. To me, the Presence of God was the Supreme Power always. Armed thus with a realization and a consciousness that as my attention rested serene in the Power of God, I withdrew all power from human appearances whenever the individual consciousness who desired assistance would cooperate with me in faith.

These appearances, fed by the life of the one in distress, immediately ceased to be. However, if the individual refused to relinquish to God the power from the appearance, he did not receive the assistance. The same is true today for every man.


When man accepts the fact that he has created every appearance in his world by consciously or unconsciously feeding his life into a form of limitation, he has come to a place where he may move forward rapidly in setting his world into Divine Order. The same life which animates his limitations will flow into forms of opulence, beauty, harmony and perfection THE MOMENT he shuts off the old pattern of imperfection and consciously designs in mind and feelings a pattern similar to that which we externalize in our Realms of Light.

When humanity has been told "to lift his eyes to the hills" the truth within that simple aphorism is merely that man, raising his thoughts and feelings toward his Maker, ties his life into the SOURCE OF ALL GOOD. Then that life begins to amplify, augment, magnify and multiply the gifts, powers, activities and radiation of that Source. Thus the personal life, aura, world and environment of every man reveals WHERE his life is flowing, because what is contemplated in secret is manifest in the substance of this world.








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