Thanksgiving Class Address

Beloved Lord Ling

Shamballa - Long Island

November 23, 1972

I bring you the Essence of the Flame of Happiness to assist you to more fully comprehend the meaning of that Mighty Virtue. Please accept this Gift. Kindly be seated.

There are many words which describe Happiness, - pleasure, delight, elation, rapture and so on. To experience true Happiness, one must enter the Christ within his heart and give that Divine Self the reins of authority for his lifestream. This cannot be done in a haphazard way, but through humbly surrendering the lower self, and kneeling at the Throne of the Father-Mother God in deep gratitude for the privilege of individualization!

All service rendered in the knowledge and feeling that the God Presence "I AM" is the Doer is accompanied by the Flame of Happiness, that buoyant attitude which causes the Light to flow through you, expressing in your eyes, your facial expression and the radiation of your being. Happiness is not a mask which one wears to cover inner negative feelings, it is a radiation which expresses God-in-action.

Since the Supreme Source has given Me the great honor of representing the Flame of Happiness to this Earth, My every act, word and deed carries the Essence of that Virtue! I feel I am one of the most privileged Sons in the Kingdom of Heaven to be entrusted with the dispensing of that Virtue, and wherever I am, it is My responsibility to change the lesser feelings of all the evolutions into the higher vibration of Happiness. I could go on and on, and perhaps wax eloquent upon the Gifts of this Virtue, but it is My desire this Holy Day to impress your world with the feeling of Happiness. You can greatly assist Me as you travel on the Path to Spiritual Unfoldment, if when any inharmony or depressing attitude attempts to touch you, you will remember that negative vibration is not from the Heart of God. God's Love is Happiness for you and for all Life.

Naturally you are mature enough, sufficiently developed in the Light that you understand that Happiness does not mean a giddy or frivolous attitude, - simply put, the feeling of Happiness is the conscious awareness of the fact that you have been sent from the Heart of the One God in order to expand the Borders of His Kingdom!

Oh Children of Light, viewing the Blueprint or Divine Pattern for the Planet Earth and Her evolutions, one sees the glorious picture of the Kingdom as envisioned in the Heart of Our Creator! Looking at the Pattern which the Earth is presently expressing, and seeing here and there the dedicated chelas and other lifestreams who are using their energies to restore this Earth to Her Divine Perfection.

It is most gratifying to all the Hierarchy to witness a chela sending forth a particular call here, another a Ray of Light there, and the many places and conditions emanating more Light than previously because of the dedicated energies of these blessed ones.

Yes, I have come today to commend you for your service to Life, but I have also come to impress upon your consciousness that the Transfiguration of the Earth could, and should take place in a more accelerated manner. You have been counseled time and again to keep the Light of your Spirits burning, and not to permit the shadow vibrations to dim that Light, so I counsel you with all the power of My Being to remember that 'no one knows when the Bridegroom cometh!'

You should begin every day with the buoyant feeling of Happiness, - of anticipation of the opportunity which is presented to you to add more Light to this Planet, and with the knowledge that you are the 'Elect', chosen to serve in this transcendent project of Redemption and have volunteered at Inner Levels to be a Radiating Center of God's Pure Love!

I am happy to say that this year has brought a tremendous improvement in the release of the Perfection for this Earth, not-withstanding the many public expressions or demonstrations one sees to the contrary! Fertile seeds have been planted and they shall come to full flower.

Now there is an expression which is being frequently used - 'The Silent Majority' - this statement is particularly apropos of the chelas and all constructive peoples of this Earth who are quietly holding to the reconstruction of this Planet.

Many good individuals do not realize they are participating in the Divine Plan to bring the Will of God forth for this Earth by holding true to a constructive purpose in whatever part of the Globe they may be. They are listening to the 'still small Voice' within, and are adding to the Light of their Causal Bodies.

Our Beloved El Morya in His most purposeful way is definitely infiltrating the consciousness of all world Leaders with the feeling and acceptance of God's Will! You know that Mighty Morya is a tenacious Being of great Love and Power, and will never let up in His efforts until the Will of God DOES express on this Earth! He has pledged His energies to assisting the Beloved Saint Germain - and a Vow from El Morya guarantees accomplishment in the Light!

Now I would ask your kind indulgence as I turn your attention to My Beloved China - at the time when She was known as Cathay.

Cathay, the Land of Beauty, where the Lotus bloomed in profusion, and the Jasmine mingled with the delicate outpouring of the mystic herbs; where the sky is as blue as the eyes of the Heavenly Madonna, and the grass as green as the lifeblood of Pure Nature.

Cathay, where Art and Beauty were considered more important than time and money; where loving souls might spend a lifetime in carving a miniature Ivory of such delicate build that its completed form may be no larger than a thumbnail, and whose lines and form could be seen only through a glass of magnifying intensity; where the ogres of commercialism and the pressure of outer living did not steal from the soul the energy that was lavishly expended on the paintings that have endured even unto the present day.

The leisurely living of a refined people, poised in their calmness, serene in their spiritual perception, and as expressive of their Presence as the pure white lily, the swiftly flying bird or the butterfly of priceless wings.

The children of Cathay who followed Nature so closely that they did not find it worthless to spend an entire embodiment in tracing the delicate wings of the butterfly on their exquisite screens.

Such were the beauties of the land that drew the spirits of Europe across the uncharted ocean of the Atlantic and precipitated the founding of your Nation, - for America was but an incident encountered on the road to Cathay. Yet the American Continent had to be reserved for later exploration because She is the Heart of the Planet, and before one reaches the Heart, one must travel many paths to find the true meaning of his existence.

So you can see why it is important that I am privileged to serve with the Beloved Kwan Yin, Lord Lanto, Confucius and Others, to blend the energies of the East and West.

China shall rise again in glory and dignity, as will the Head of this Planet, beloved India, and with the Heartbeat of the Planet pulsating from America, we shall again see the Perfection of the Supreme Source which is held in the Heart of the Planetary Silent watcher, the Mighty Immaculata!

The Plan of the Father-Mother God in which you are consciously participating is a glorious one, - and you shall find Happiness - for that Flame is alive within you......discover It and determine this moment that you will bring more Light to the Planet and Her evolutions through the release of this Virtue to all Life.







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