New Year's Eve

Beloved Lady Miriam

December 31, 1972

Beloved ones,

I am Lady Miriam, and I bow to the Light within your hearts as we all join our Spirits in the Unity of the One Life! (Will you kindly be seated.)

At the moment I am speaking to you directly from the Tetons, and I shall speak briefly until the appointed time for the release of the ThoughtForm for the Year. Let us now, in Cosmic Consciousness, setting aside the human, enter with the Light of the Beings assembled here.

On a raised dais we see three throne chairs, in the center the glorious Lord of the world Gautama, flanked by Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan, and Lord Divino, the Buddha. Three steps below, there are throne chairs facing these three Beings for the Sponsors of the Year, the mighty Polaris and Magnus, and our blessed LaMoray. A tremendous Light is blazing from all of these Beings!

Now I must tell you, dear ones, that during the Ceremony at the release of the Thought Form, I am required by Cosmic Law to remain silent so that I can absorb the Form into my Being, thus I ask you to enter into the Silence with me until I am permitted to resume my talk with you.

This is a moment of Cosmic Expectancy and great will be the release of Light. (Chelas enter the Silence)

Beloved ones, the Thought Form has been released and I wish to tell you that you have all passed a mighty test of concentration, and I assure you, this was not devised by me, but by the great El Morya who put you through this test. You all came through with flying colors.

Now to the Ceremony, as the great Lord of the World, our Beloved Gautama, raised his Consciousness to the mighty Immaculata, Planetary Silent Watcher, an ardent invocation went forth from his Heart, and we saw the blazing Light from the Heart of Beloved Immaculata enter his Being, and then the Thought Form was released from his Blessed Heart - a blazing Scepter of white Light - and in the center the Three-Fold Flame, the Sun of Even Pressure - beautiful indeed and very symbolic, my beloved ones.

As Beloved Gautama breathed upon this mighty Thought Form, it was received into the consciousness and hearts of all the Members present; then this Thought Form traveled on a pathway of Light above the Planet Earth, to remain there all during the year Nineteen Hundred Seventy-three.

Then the Beloved Lord Divino rose and descended the three steps as the Sponsors of the year stood. On a table before these three Beings were the glorious Crowns of Light and the Blessed Divino placed them upon the heads of each of the Sponsors. As this was done, they sent forth a silent prayer of gratitude to the Source of All Life for giving this honor to them.

They then took a Vow with all the determination and love of their Beings to carry out their assignment. Lord Divino then returned to his place at the side of the Lord of the World.

We then turned our attention to the Thought Form which is high in the atmosphere, and as we did so, we saw a great Star of Light appear in the sky, and it expanded and expanded. Out of this Glorious Star stepped Lord Micah, Angel of Unity, who has volunteered to be the Enfolding Spirit of this Year. O, how beautiful, my beloved ones, the blessed Presence of Lord Micah.

This portends great spiritual activity this year, and it is expedient that the chelas align their own vehicles with the Sun of Even Pressure, the Christ within their own beings, an unprecedented year awaits each of you and all Life as this opportunity of great magnitude is presented.

Now I should like to tell you a little about what transpires at the Tetons - the Rocky Mountain Retreat - at this time:

Beginning with the 15th of December 1972, dedicated Beings of the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton volunteer, in rotation, to form a mighty Magnet of Light to draw all Life on this Planet like moths to the Flame, so that the peoples of this Earth will come to the Tetons in their Etheric garments. It is a little different with the chelas, for they know of the Activity which is taking place and they are permitted entrance into the Mountain itself. The various others who, through heart desire, have been drawn by the Light congregated in the amphitheatre.

You also know that beginning this evening the presentation of the Petitions begins, and before I proceed any further, let me tell you that Lord Michael has spent an entire week going through the astral realm trying to interest the discarnates to let loose of the hold they have upon the Planet Earth, and to come with him into the Temples of Light! My beloved ones, seven discarnates have volunteered to come with Lord Michael, under protective guard, to the Rocky Mountain Retreat to present a Petition that they may be freed to assist others who are enmeshed in this psychic substance. This is a tremendous activity, for the pull of the astral realm is tremendous, and Lord Michael is going to stand with them in his Luminous Presence and guard them until they are FREE in the Light! This is something that has never happened before, and all praise to the glorious Michael, Protector of the souls of men!

For an entire week Petitions of the great Beings of Light and the chelas will be heard. They are numerous indeed, and it takes considerable weighing of the pros and cons by the great Karmic Board as to whether enough Light, enough Energy, will be released by the peoples of this Earth to warrant the granting of the Petitions.

If it was up to the Ascended Masters, the Petitions would be granted, because they would keep on releasing their Light in an unceasing activity toward this end, but that is not the way of the Cosmic Law, ENERGY must come from the children on Earth, and this activity of consideration of the Petitions will proceed all during this week, until January the 5th,when there will be a period of great rejoicing at this Retreat, when the Masters of Light will have what we call 'a Cosmic Vacation" visiting with each other, and with the chelas who come to the Retreat, feeling the heart pull from the Masters.

As Music is such a part of our Beings, on the evening of January 5th there will be a glorious Musicale, and I would advise each of you, wherever you are, to turn your attention to the activity at the Tetons on the 5th.

Those of you who are not within the sound of my voice will attend this Musicale in company with your Sponsor.

(Panis Angelicus is now played).

Thank you for the courtesy of playing the Keynote of my Being, and I extend to you the Blessings of the Spiritual Hierarchy, each and everyone, and particularly the Blessings of my beloved, El Morya, and my humble self. '

Good Evening.

Lady Miriam




"I AM" the Light that lighteth every man

Who comes to live on this dear Earth;

"I AM" the Light and I will give to all

Who will accept their soul's rebirth.

Come unto me, the Source of your own Life,

And open wide your dear heart's door;

I'll enter in and till your world with Peace

Such as you've never known before.

"I AM" the Light of God that never fails

To answer every earnest call.

"I AM" the Light expanding through each one

To bring God's Freedom now to all.

 Come unto me, all ye who need my help,

And open wide your dear heart's door;

I'll enter in and point the Way for you

To live with God as once before.

"I AM" the Light of God that never fails

To answer every earnest call;

Give me your heart, your body, mind and soul;

I'll give the Ascension now to all.








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