Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Kuthumi

The Master Control of Harmony

I greet you in the name of the Presence of Harmony! It has been my joy and honor and privilege for many years now to carry the Master Control of Harmony wheresoever I chose to move across the face of this Earth, and wheresoever I am invoked to assist those beloved lifestreams who show interest in the teaching of men to become a harmonizing Presence in themselves, and through themselves the Master Control of all circumstances.

Every Messenger who ever came from the Court of Sanat Kumara, sooner or later had to be the controlled power by which energy was channeled into constructive and beautiful form through them. Until that accomplishment is woven into the energies of the lifestream, the secrets and powers of the Sacred Fire that are held within the Kingdom of Harmony cannot be released in their fullness into the receptive consciousness of the teacher first, and through him imparted to his students.

So, in a measure does the teacher become responsible for the amount of Truth and Understanding flowing from the Everlasting Fount, because upon the control and mastery of his own energy does the message and the truth which flows into the lifestreams of the students in a Movement depend.

Within the heart of those great Retreats and Sanctuaries which dot the surface of this Globe the most exquisite balanced control of energy forms the pattern for daily and hourly living.

If any of you were to step consciously in your physical bodies within such a holy and sanctified place, your first impression would be one of exquisite peace and relaxation. This accounts for the fact that even in the orthodox world, the Kingdom of Heaven is described as a place of exceeding peace.

In my service to Life, representing as I do that great embodiment of Cosmic Harmony, whom you have come to know and love as Lord Divino (The Buddha), it becomes my joyous opportunity whenever given entrance into the consciousness of a devotee of the Truth, to remind the outer self that HARMONY - like Mercy, Love and Compassion is not a negative quality, but a powerful and positive force belonging only to the strong, and cultivated through century after century of self-discipline.

It is often thought that individuals who sleep within the lethargy of inertia are expressing and experiencing Harmony, but nothing can be further from the truth! Those Messengers who are embodied Peace are not only Masters of the energy which is their own allotted gift from the Source of Life, but they are the constant Masters of the whirling sea of emotion and thought force of even the physical bodies of those who are around them.

We all sat with the great Æolus and discussed the coming opportunity when the attention of the Illumined, as well as the aspirants, will be focused on the great Teachers, the Brothers of the Golden Robe and my humble self. The Beloved Æolus, in speaking with us suggested that we must emphasize that every facet of expression through the entire Seven Rays is embodied Harmony: whether it is the strong drive of ordered service in which every wheel fits into its proper place; whether it is the Harmony which comes from understanding, or the Harmony which is within beauty; the Harmony that lies within the compass of the scientific balance of Life; or that within the glory of our Beloved Jesus‘ worship and ceremony: or the perfection and Harmony within the Seventh Ray.

We are so desirous of coupling the knowledge which feeds the intellect and stirs the feeling with that definite application by which those of you who are chosen to wear the Golden Robe may become the Master Control of the energies that are yet within the compass of your sphere of influence.

It is the service of the Brothers of the Golden Robe to, in some manner, infiltrate the consciousness of those lifestreams who are given the opportunity to contact and blend with their own Christ Selves, against the mass pressure of the tides of energy which form the lower atmosphere of Earth, until they can at least sense the power of the Presence within the Heartbeat.

Again and again in the East, century after century is the student turned to that Teacher of Teachers - the Sacred Fire within the heart, until he can recognize its voice and comprehending its Truth, lean no longer on form of any kind - neither Guru nor Master, nor any externalized manifestation of the One. In our beautiful East, where the heaven is open, and the Cathedral of Life provides the natural setting for the development of the soul, it is not difficult for the individual to become quiet enough so that the impressed directives of the Master opens the way for that communion by which soul growth and development and spiritual maturity are attained.

When we turn our attention to the West, the entire current and directives of our endeavors must adapt themselves to the rapid pace with which the vibratory action of humanity at present is so deeply enmeshed. I long for the opportunity to take you collectively, as well as individually, into an aura that has been protected and sustained undisturbed Harmony for even thirty days.

Long before my own personal Victory, when I endeavored to draw the spiritual community at Crotona, my contemplations led me to believe that in the silence this Peace and Harmony might be established sufficiently so that aspirants at least could find the way Home. Some thought that discipline of the silence severe, and so it was - for it made every man face himself and without the crutch of words or contact. He had to walk along back into that Secret Place of the Most High and there abide, becoming cognizant through that endeavor of the Christ. Many of you were with me then, but for all of that, you still remain enmeshed in this consciousness from which we would set you FREE!

As the Beloved Saint Germain is intensifying the Radiation of the Freedom Flame, we are preparing to accept the consciousness of those of you who wish to go beyond the collective unfoldment of the group to that height of understanding which you all once knew, and which is thus but a reawakening of the dormant memory which stirs within you when we come together, but which does slumber again when the stimulus of our Flame and Presence withdraws.

With each such coming, as our Love enfolds you, that memory intensifies through the folds of your outer consciousness and you sleep not as soundly as before. So, in patience we return again and again, and yet again gently feeding that Immortal Flame of Life within your hearts, we know that in so doing, one day you also will become that Master Presence.

May I thank you on behalf of our Beloved Morya, whom I love as much as Life itself, for your kindness and willingness to serve with him. It was not so long ago that we sat together and he spoke of the Design that he held within his Heart which he felt would help our Beloved Saint Germain as he faced another crises in his constant endeavor to serve the peoples of Earth.

I promised to stand by his side, for I love him, and I love the service in which our Hearts Light has bound us together in a friendship which has been one of the sweetest experiences of my individualization. It is a beautiful thing for me to see that his circle of friends grows larger and that those who feared him fear no more, but have accepted the kindness, the sweetness and the great love that is within his Heart.

As the days unfold into years, and as you come to know us, and join in closer association with us, I am sure you will cherish those friendships. As you do - it brings us each into such a sweet association that enables us, through you, to serve the race, and you, through us, to taste the Glory of Heaven long before the day when your own individual Call is come, the final page in your Book of Life written - your record balanced and your hearts return Home!

We who have passed this way, know well this yearning and the sacrifice entailed in remaining, for we, also, struggled with opinions, and we, too, hoped and felt disappointments through the accumulations of human selves, and yet we, too, stopped to build again upon the ashes of our previous endeavors.

I stood and saw my beautiful school at Crotona burned to the ground, within it all the records of a life - all the exquisite achievements of pupils in whom I had invested all the energies of my Being, art work, the like of which had not been since the days of Atlantis; sculpture, marble figures dashed from their pedestals and crushed by vandal's hands. Gardens and exquisite trees destroyed - until only rubble remained of a Vision into which I had invested a life.

And yet the experiences within that life were such, that they did enable me to become Master of Energy! My Teacher said, “You are now a Harmonizing Presence which will never again be disturbed by any external distress nor any internal weakness. You are fitted to enter my Service, and become Member of my Court, and one day soon, if you choose, shall wear my cloak upon your shoulders!” I was happy then, that although the tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw my dream destroyed, that I held a certain peace even in that suffering.

If you could see each one, beloved children, how you build up that Mastery, you would really welcome opportunities to flood the Flame from within your own God Self through energy of a turbulent nature, and one day when you stand before Lord Divino (The Buddha and you feel the Benediction and Blessing as he confirms your appointment as that Presence, you will be happy indeed for every endeavor along this line.

I am grateful for your Calls to Nature. I am sensitive to the song of Nature and to her cry, for it was in the Cathedral of Nature that I found my Peace and my Ultimate Victory. Even yet, wherever I am, so long as I remain within the orbit of this Earth, I sense and respond to any cry from the Earth or the Nature Kingdom, the four-footed kingdom, or your own body elements when distress causes unhappiness. I have felt for the peoples of India and China where famines wipe out millions of lifestreams. I feel exceedingly for the people in every Nation who suffer, because the creations of humanity have been such, that Nature can no longer abundantly supply them.

Where there are conscious students, where drought, flood, or pestilence, or any kind of distress appears, it is so unnecessary. We always look with hope that one may open the door that we may render the service and bring the balance. It is one thing for the unconscious masses to suffer, but it is an indignity to our own Life and our Friendship for those who are our Heart friends to allow such suffering in their presence.

May I commend you on your endeavors, and encourage you in my commendation to go further, in applying the LAW OF COSMIC HARMONY!








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