Easter Class

Beloved Paul, the Maha Chohan

Shamballa - Long Island

April 13, 1974

Beloved children of the One Breath, raise your consciousness to me, the privileged Dispenser of that Holy Elixir for the Planet Earth, and drink freely of the Essence which sustains your being. Permit me to anoint your vehicles with the ever-present Love of the Father-Mother God. I pray that I may stimulate your consciousness with the Happiness which fills one's being when he, without reservation, dedicates his life to doing the Will of God, then will he be filled with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, which is a Gift of the Third Ray.

The Holy Breath was an important factor in the Resurrection of the Master Jesus, when his body had been laid in the place prepared for him and the tomb was closed, the Holy Christ Self gathered up his pure lower garments into itself and he rose into the Father's Home.

On the third day, the Angels of Resurrection directed the Power of that Flame and rolled away the stone, so that those who came to the Tomb could bear witness to the fact that the physical body of Jesus was not there. He then appeared in the blazing Light of his Holy Christ Self to give testament that he was truly alive, and that there was LIFE after so-called death.

When Jesus appeared in the atmosphere of Earth after his Resurrection, it was to undeniably imprint upon the consciousness of those who saw him that his appearances were not a figment of their imagination. He came to firmly establish the fact of "The Resurrection and the Life" for the peoples of this Earth, and to give credence to the Law which he taught, when he said "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life". That was the purpose of the founding of the Christian Dispensation and of all others to follow.

When Jesus made the statement “I AM" the Way, the Truth and the Life" he was not referring to his individual Being. He was stamping upon the ethers that God - "I AM" is the Way, the Truth and the Life, - the Path to follow in one's journey on this Earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. That statement will live forever.

You are well aware that the Members of the Spiritual Hierarchy, with whom you have the privilege of contact, continually stress the fact of becoming the Christ in Action, in order that your way of life will prove to others that all must attain a similar consciousness.

The Master Jesus came in a physical garment, and the evolution of the peoples of this Earth has now advanced sufficiently that they can accept the fact that Jesus, the Christ, was the Exemplar and that all who have preceded or followed him into the Ascension had comprehended the Fact that one must open the door to the Christ Consciousness and dwell therein before his Ascension can be an accepted fact.

It is the privilege of the Holy Spirit, whom the Maha Chohan represents, to release the first Breath to the incoming lifestream and to withdraw it at the time of discarding the Physical garment.

Please bear with me as I endeavor to clear up a misconception in the minds of some of the chelas regarding a departed soul. The question has come into the minds of some of the chelas as to how long it takes to gain one's Freedom in the Light after making the Transition that all depends upon the untransmuted karma. Some actually believe that an individual, a chela, who has served the light faithfully proceeds immediately into the Father‘s Heart upon his release from the Earth garment.

I irrevocably and undeniably make the statement that before one gains his Freedom in the Light that an appearance must be made before the Lords of Karma to see what balance must be paid on the ’Other side", should it be decreed that the individual is not required to again embody on the Earth.

Beloved friends of Light, it is a great kindness to any departed chela to send your Love to him, and make the following or some similar statement, "I AM the Purification and Resurrection of (then mention the name of the one who has made the Transition). In so doing you lend energy to assist that one into his Freedom.

The Ascension Temples under the direction of the Beloved Serapis Bey were established in the Inner Realms for all who leave the Earth-plane who do not have to re-embody, not for the masses alone as some believe. When one devotes his life energy in an embodiment serving the Spiritual Law, which means that the OPPORTUNITY has come for his Freedom in the Light by balancing as much of his karma as possible while in embodiment, he has the privilege of serving in the Ascension Temples to accomplish this.

Many years ago Beloved Serapis Bey said to the chelas, that written across their Etheric Garment was 'Candidate for the Ascension’. Candidate does not mean accomplishment. That statement means that they were being given extraordinary assistance to reach this Goal. The only one who can make that statement a positive fact is the individual himself, through the submission of the lower consciousness to that of the Christ.

Freedom does come quickly for some chelas, but for others a longer time is required.

You have been given reams of instruction through the Grace of the Seventh Ray Dispensation under the direction of the Ascended Master Saint Germain. The Divine Alchemy of the Sacred Fire has been presented to you, and there is now a possibility for you to balance your debt while yet in a physical garment and be the Christ-in-Action while yet on Earth. We repeat and repeat the counsel that you become the Christ, for as Jesus showed the Way, so should you.

The Spiritual Hierarchy is most cognizant of the fact that this requires constant vigilance upon the part of the chela, but as previously stated, you have been provided through the years with the way to outpicture this consciousness. Oh, blessed chelas, this dear Star, so close to the Heart of our Lord and King Saint Germain is being now readied to move into the Orbit of Uranus, and that time is not in the distant future. Can you not let go of the human tendencies of the ages and let the Sacred Fire purify your lower vehicles and prove to the Beloved Saint Germain that the time has now arrived for you to LET GO, AND LET GOD.

The individual who occupies the Office of the Maha Chohan is often thought of as a gentle Master, true, but all the Beings in Heaven's Realms express Divine Love at all times, and our Love expresses in very positive and dynamic counsel when required. Do you think that I could release the Holy Breath of the Father-Mother God qualified by anything but Divine Love?

Blessed ones, I have come expressly today to tell you there is a possibility of your being the Christ while still in embodiment, and that you owe a debt to the Cosmic Law for the energy so lavishly showered upon you. How I wish that I could gather you up into the waiting arms of my Being and hold you there, bathing your garments with my Love for all Life, to keep you from suffering further 'pain' of resistance to the bending of the knee to the Christ. Cosmic Law has ordained since the beginning of time that each individual must surrender to his Christ Self, and that humility is an attainment which only he can accomplish when striving for that Estate.

I pray with all the Love and intensity of my Being that you can accept the Presence of the Beloved Jesus who will speak to you tomorrow. He holds great expectancy in his Heart that there will be those who will receive Holy Communion from the Cup of his Consciousness which he will offer you, and that you will truly bend the knee, not for just an hour, but for the balance of your sojourn on this Earth.

The Prayers and the Love of the Cosmic Holy Spirit Æolus and my humble self enfold you as you endeavor to cross the Threshold into the Christ Consciousness.






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