The Temple of Comfort

Our Beloved Maha Chohan is the Being whose obligation and responsibility to life is to supervise, guide, guard and assist those Beings who represent the Seven Rays of endeavor to the planet Earth. Each Chohan serving under him has a specific service to render in developing every Angel, man and elemental who belongs to the Ray which the Chohan has qualified to represent. Thus the comforting radiation of the Maha Chohan is received by the Seven Chohans who serve under him and, in turn, each Chohan intensifies, energizes, qualifies and directs the specific radiation which he has been trained to create and develop.

This individual Ray pours out to all the evolutions above mentioned and stirs the spiritual nature of those who chose to come forth from the Inner Realms, taking embodiment upon the Ray which he directs into the atmosphere and vehicles of all belonging to his evolution.

Every self-conscious intelligence has developed, through eons of time at Inner Levels, specific powers and activities which form the widest bands of colors in their Causal Body.

Then, at the time when individuals are chosen to embody, just so many are chosen from each Ray (according to the momentums of qualified energy which represent the color bands in the Causal Body). Each such a one becomes the responsibility of the Chohan of the Ray he represents in the world of form. It is then up to the individual Chohan to help the embodied Angel, man or elemental to release from his own Causal Body the full gathered momentum of his talents, powers, gifts and activities for the blessing of the race, as well as for his own personal development and mastery.

Many lifestreams (not awakened spiritually) come under the "mass protection" of the Chohan of their Ray. Those who are ready to consciously endeavor to release from their Causal Bodies those gifts and powers of the Ray to which they belong, come under the specialized individual attention of their Chohan. In times of national, international, planetary or Universal crises, each of the Seven Chohans endeavors to stimulate the desire within the outer consciousness of as many as possible upon his Ray to reach up into their own Causal Bodies and draw forth the stored-up momentum of good which is there, releasing it for the enrichment of the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of the people, as well as their protection and general advancement of the entire evolution.

When individuals capable of such service are found, they are given every assistance by the Chohan who is Supervisor of their Ray. When specific service is required and added stimulus desired, the Chohan has the right to appeal to the Maha Chohan (who is his immediate Superior) for advice and assistance in developing a chela of possible merit to the Evolutionary Scheme.

At the southern tip of India lies a beautiful Island wherein is located the Temple of Comfort of the Maha Chohan. This great Focus of Light is beneath a great tea plantation, hidden from the prying and curious eyes of man. In this serene Focus where the chelas and the Masters themselves learn the mastery of Cosmic energies in order to be an impersonal comfort to life, the Beloved Maha Chohan concentrates the cosmic quality of Comfort and Peace to all life; not only to the humankind evolving through Earth's evolution, but the life of nature, the forces of the elements, the Angelic Kingdom, the bird life, and the four-footed creatures as well.

The Maha Chohan and the Seven Chohans gather at this Focus to discuss ways and means of best benefitting the human race. Looking out upon the blue waters where the Indian Ocean and the Bay of Bengal meet, the Temple of Comfort is not only a Spiritual Sanctuary but a physical place of rest and respite from the cares that beset the day of the very few so privileged as to be invited to enter its sacred portals. The large Council Chamber holds within itself the actual Focus of the Comfort Flame.

Exactly what does this mean? It means, in essence, that through many ages the Beloved Maha Chohan and his predecessors in Grace became interested in the virtue and quality of Comfort. They desired to magnetize the Comfort that abides in the vibratory action of the Kingdom of Heaven and make a radiating center of that Comfort Flame in India. Just as the radiation of the physical Sun warms, lights and sustains our planet Earth and our Universe, so too do these particular Spiritual Foci form radiating centers of definite, specific God Qualities which are beneficial to the spiritual awakening and development of the Divine Nature in humanity.

All individuals who desire comfort of any kind, mental, emotional or physical, are welcome to attend this thirty-day Council in their etheric vehicles, and to all such, ministering Angels come upon call, invocation or prayer.

Only those who desire to give comfort, to become through individual application and prayerful service, Comforting Presences to others are accepted by this Great Lord, through whose body passes all the energy that sustains and animates the evolutions in and upon this Earth. It is a great honor as well as a great responsibility to accept even an ounce of his priceless energy.

For this reason the mankind of Earth who are allowed the privilege of becoming his guests during this thirty-day cycle will do well to endeavor, through the cooperation of the Holy Christ Self, to become in themselves radiating centers of comfort and peace to all in their homes, environments, spiritual centers, and the world generally.





Holy Spirit - Gift Divine -

May our hearts thy Grace enshrine;

Comfort bring with gentle voice -

Bidding all anxious souls rejoice.

Breathe through us thy Holy Breath;

Let us in thy Comfort rest;

Peace and Healing from thee flow;

Angels will guard these Gifts below.

Guide us by thy Holy Might;

Bless our eyes with thy pure Light

Gift, all other Gifts above

With us abide, O Perfect Love.






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