Our Cosmic Library

The Cosmic Holy Spirit

There is only one Life that flows through everyone of the ten billion lifestreams belonging to this system of worlds. Every lifestream is a channel for the one Life. There is no difference between the Life that flows through each one anymore than there is a difference between the water that flows through the faucets on the main floor or the second floor of a building.

The Father of all Life and the Ascended Masters are constantly pouring their Peace, their Perfection, their Mercy and their Freedom through every lifestream, and there will not even be one atom on this Planet which will not achieve Perfection and Immortality. The great God Freedom, Saint Germain, has achieved this because his Love was great enough to cause him to stand before the Throne of God and demand the opportunity to save this Earth from dissolution.

This boon was granted him, and his answer was the gift of the Violet Transmuting Flame to humanity, whereby they might cleanse and purify and redeem the electronic substance which they so boldly drew from the Heart of the Eternal - and forced it to assume such shape and form as make the Angels hide their faces in shame.

Beloved Children, Life is beautiful. It is a magic, mystic thing, because it is substance composed of the Body of God. It is a conscious emanation of the life of the individual pouring forth constantly into the atmosphere of Earth everywhere. It is the electronic energy of Love itself, taking humbly whatever form is required of it by the user at the moment. The substance of my life is always obedient to my conscious command, whether it be to form a flower, a blade of grass, a sheaf of wheat or at times, for a loved chela, even a dollar bill.

Now, the Qualities of God are also substance. When I say 'substance' - I mean just this: when an Ascended Master answers your call for help, what does he do? He draws the essence from God's Heart which is a stream of electrons - these he projects toward you qualified with his Consciousness. These electrons are actual substance which can be molded into any form you require - into the answer to your prayer, into health, supply or illumination. Ask and ye shall receive. Your thoughts and feelings mould the substance of the Electronic Body of God into any shape or form you require.

Let us use another simile. If a King has a son in a far country, his devotion to that son is great. From the King's heart a trusted Ambassador is sent and bid to fulfill every requirement of the son. That is what the love of the Ascended Master does for the individual. The Ambassador, seeing the requirements of the King's son, manifests love, love for his bodily comfort, his spiritual happiness, the culture and enfoldment of his spirit, which gifts are all expressions of the one Love. So also does the loving care of the Divine Beings, who are the Ambassadors of God, manifest the requirement of the moment to the suppliant, as well as enfolding him in their loving Presence. Verily, Beloved ones "Before they call I will answer, and while they are yet speaking I will hear".

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Let us make the basis of our exercises for this coming week the contemplation and realization of the Presence of God as related to the individual student through the instrument of the outer self.

Silent contemplation and reflection as to your present relationship with this Omnipresent Spirit coupled with a realization of his capacity to help you will yield to each one of you, beloved ones, a comprehensive basis for your individual exercise in order to more fully comprehend, accept and make potent in your own experience your indissoluble connection with the great First Cause. The actual analyzation of the outer mind's concept of the Presence within your various vehicles, your faculties and your every-day affairs, will enable you through prayer, meditation and earnest solicitation to draw closer to the understanding and realization of this individualized Presence, alive and active through all your avenues of expression.

The acceptance of the Divine I AM Presence as the basis of the mental truths which form the foundation of your life's belief, must be superseded eventually by a realization of this Presence within the feeling nature as well, the word 'realize' means to make real, to draw substance from the abstract into the concrete or outer world of form. Individuals realize profits on investments and, in the larger sense, realization means the sudden illumination of consciousness - which allows the personal ego to accept, through all its instruments, this powerful, potent and Divine Force.

The Presence of God that was in the beginning, IS NOW, and ever shall be, but the evolving humanity of Earth do not enjoy the fullness of that Presence, and will not, until they come into a realization of its Omniscience and Omnipresence. It was this realization that dawned upon and became the predominant factor in the life of the Master Jesus, whereby he accomplished all his victorious manifestations, by which he made REAL the abstract principles which both the masses and the elite have affirmed for centuries, but not realized.

It was the realization, or the making real of his contemplations by which the Lord Buddha came to an understanding of the Universal Cosmic Truth that transmuted his being into a full expression of God-accomplishment. This is also the reason that humanity, through ignorance, carelessness or indifference, very often proceeds through life performing injustices of judgment as well as action, because he has not realized the true state of his being, or of his actual spiritual relationship with similarly evolving egos.

Beloved ones, when realization comes, an entirely different method of handling situations in connection with individuals ensues, and when the Cosmic Realization with regard to the Divine Ego enters the soul, redemption is at hand. The people who are capable of this realization were among the original Is-real-ites, and you will find yourselves walking in a charmed world when you become endowed, through consistent contemplation and meditation, with the capacity to make real the Omniscient Power of the I AM in you, or the Presence of God which ever IS.

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Will you please open your minds and hearts to the stream of love which I consciously direct to you from my own God-free heart and consciousness, which holds within it the desire of the Cosmic Holy Spirit for your full illumination and freedom from all the limitation of the appearance world, through the authority of the Immortal Flame within your hearts, which is your Real Self.

Beloved ones, the cooperation between unascended beings and the Brotherhood of Ascended, God-free Beings on the Earth today is more important than it has ever been. The Chohans and all those who have taken upon themselves the responsibility of hastening the evolution of the race are so cognizant and aware of the short time given them in which to imbue, develop and bring to full maturity every embryonic spirit capable of taking its place as a Light Bearer, that they are straining every effort in their endeavors to acquaint humankind with, not only the importance, but the lateness of the hour.

The Earth people (incarnate and discarnate) are divided into seven types, and the Lords of Karma themselves have issued a fiat to the Representatives of the Seven Rays that they must, in some way, secure the cooperation of the members of the race who are evolving under their Rays, that these people through understanding and the desire to cooperate with life, may render all the assistance possible in the awakening of their fellowmen to the need of fulfilling their Divine Plan in the short period of time allotted for this purpose.

In like manner, the Seven Archangels have been directed by the Karmic Board with regard to the more speedy evolution of the Angelic Kingdom, and the great Devic Lords have been so notified with regard to the speeding up of the Nature and Elemental Kingdoms.

It is what you may call a 'Cosmic Ultimatum' to all those who took the responsibility of developing an evolution, and these Beings in turn, are pushing the outer representatives of themselves to their fullest capacity, inspiring them to do all that is humanly possible to make a personable presentation before the Cosmic Law. So you will see, dear ones, that there is 'hustle and bustle' in heaven, compared to which the 'hustle and bustle' of the physical octave is as a straw before the wind.

That which is required of the awakened individual is simply that he abide by the Law of Love in his everyday existence, as was exemplified by Beloved Jesus at the beginning of the Christian Dispensation. In this way he will encourage his fellowman to put on the garment of Grace, as well as increase, by his own presence, the luminosity of the Earth, making it possible for her to fulfill the fiat of the Cosmic Law, by radiating the full allotment of Light required to hold her rightful place in the Solar System. Humanity, as a whole, rarely recognizes a 'Cosmic Moment' until after it has passed, and the Earth and her people are called upon to pass such an initiation at the present time. The admonition "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear" might be heeded with advantage of the present generation.

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There is no such thing as a being ascended or unascended, without vibration and radiation, immediately resulting from conscious or unconscious cause. Vibration and radiation are co-existent with form. Even a blade of grass, a flower, a rock, a tree emits unconsciously a rate of vibration which effects the Cosmos as a whole and which, mind you, by the undulation of its energy re-arranges the atoms of the entire Universe. Thus, all life is constantly contributing to a changing of the actual Center of the Cosmos. This law applies to the Ascended Host as well as humanity evolving on the Earth's surface, and even to the Godhead itself.

The idea that the higher octaves are in a state of utter peace and rest has arisen from the fact that ascetics who have, through contemplation, temporarily loosed their consciousness from the moving sea of vibratory action of the lower realm - and contacted the higher realms, found the contrast between the two so great that, in endeavoring to give worded expression to their experience, they have conveyed the impression of a static state as against the low vibration which forms the atmosphere of Earth; thus often are truths falsely garbed through human misapprehension.

The peace and quietude of the Higher Octaves is described by the mortal mind as a place where vibration does not exist because the vibration of the outer mind means noise and motion and confusion. Let it be here set forth, therefore, that the ecstatic bliss of Nirvana, which is the aura of the Universal First Cause, is a vibratory action and not a void. The Universe itself is filled with electronic Light which is intelligent. These electrons have the power and capacity within themselves to receive directions and, by the exertion of their own intelligence, perform the necessary activities required to manifest those directions.

Within this Universal Light Substance which fills the Universe from the Heart Center to its periphery are self-conscious Beings who alone have the power to set this Electronic Light Substance into motion. The intelligence within it does not act until set into motion by a superior power, a thought and feeling focus endowed with God Authority. The Electronic Light would remain in the unformed state if some God Intelligences did not charge into it a direction for pattern and outline. These individualized foci of intelligence who are the motivating power behind creation are the God-Beings, Masters and the humankind of Earth - which latter are endowed with the capacity to re-arrange electronic particles - they are students in the classroom of Life.

Any focus , no matter how ignorant or untrained and endowed with a thought and feeling principle, is a conscious or unconscious influence upon the distribution and arrangement of the electronic substance of the Universe in which he finds being, and it is that he may consciously cooperate with the design of the Godhead that humankind is now being trained. This conscious control of the Electronic Substance in accord with the God Plan lies within the evolution of both his intelligence and his capacity to embrace the God Consciousness. Meditate, my children, upon the power of the Spark of God that lives within your hearts. Consciously place the problems that beset you in the Transmuting Flame of its Presence.

Surrender your human will to its guidance, and say with Jesus, "Not my will, but thine be done". Then you may also say "Whosoever seeth me, seeth the Father".

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For millions of centuries humanity, by accepting individuality, has created vibrations which moved from the center of his being to the periphery of the Cosmos, and is constantly, throughout the entire course of his individualization, effected by every electron within that cosmic orbit to some degree, just as when you drop a pebble into the center of a pool, you can see the eddies go out in ever widening circles until they reach the periphery, returning again to the center, so everything within that pool is affected by the vibrations caused by the activity at the center.

From the very moment humanity took being, the Electronic Light, in obedience to the decree of the Father, became his servant. When the vibratory action that he set into motion reached the periphery of its circle, it began its return journey back into his own experience, and the bombardment of the returning light sent back from the sounding board of the Universe became that which is known as karma... the more positive and intense the individual, the more powerful the vibration and its amplification back into the lifestream, whether the outgoing quality be good or evil.

As the vibratory action around him became more and more chaotic, desire for knowledge and a way and means of finding peace arose within the heart, then the man became an applicant for Godhood, and it is at this point that the training of the lifestream began. The intricacies of vibration are such that I could spend a full week in illustrating the tremendous impact of one individual in the Universe - each organism within the body vibrating and emitting certain energy waves that contribute to the light or shadow of the Planet.

Thus, the body elemental alone effects the passion or the aspiration of every incarnate soul. The soul has a vibration which, when awakened, is a powerful force for good. For every seeker, no matter how confused the search, affects the mass consciousness of all souls toward aspiration.

The mind tunes in and vibrates according to its choice of material, affecting in turn all the mind stuff in the Universe - so we could go on and on in amplification of the powers of vibration, unconscious vibration this is. Now, I will impart to you an exercise. Visualize the Electronic Light, unformed, with every electron intelligent, receptive, obedient, alert and awaiting your message. Then set up a vibration consciously in your feelings and see the energy waves passing out from you in ever widening circles.

The obedient electrons immediately start into motion. Choose, if you will, a particular quality or a blessing that would benefit the race. It is a beautiful pastime for relaxation and is a wonderful treatment for the body, the nervous system and the soul. First one must experiment with the mind, the heart, the feelings and later the ganglionic centers. These centers can be trained to send forth these vibrations even when the conscious mind is busy with other matters. The untrained people of the world do this unconsciously in sending forth - Christmas and Easter blessings. Let me see now what my chelas will do consciously.