Summer Conference Address

Beloved El Morya

Shamballa : Long Island

July 18, 1976

JOVE! What great chelas - you are wonderful!

I am not going to keep you long because I see bags in your auras - I see planes in your auras - I see buses, and everything else. Turn them off and think of the Will of God - the Will of God is Good. I am here to attest to that fact!

But first of all I must tell you how very much my Beloved Miriam and I love you, for carrying on the magnificent service which we present to you. By the way, she will not speak this morning because we have just a little time assigned to us and I have a great deal to say. Head of the Family - yes! That's it, but feel her enfolding Love, her gratitude for what you are doing to continue the service which she most humbly began.

I say to all life on this Planet - hear my call, as I say "blessed are the chelas of Light - blessed are they who have placed their feet on the Path and it is an arduous one indeed as many of you have found out and others shall continue until they come to a big boulder and then they think "can I make it?" Well you can take hold of my coattails! Any obstruction placed in your path has been placed by YOU and you alone.

Every circumstance which is difficult is brought to your attention for transmutation - I know you have come far in the Light and you will be God Victorious! I am just telling you this, for if you think "0, I have overcome that", someday sitting on your shoulder will be a little fellow saying "Why don't you do that? Try it!" Watch out - begin your day God's Way, every day, and your rewards will be great!

Beloved Gautama wishes me to tell you that on every page has been written "ACCOMPLISHED" - and he knows from the Radiation flowing forth, that at the end of this Class, the Angel shall write ACCOMPLISHED! Do you know what that means to all of us!

We have these Conferences once a year, at the present time, when we have the dedicated chelas who are willing to expand their energy in concert. And to get a group of people who are harmonious enough, not to disturb the energy which is flowing forth, we can accomplish – and WE DID THIS WEEK - accomplish miracles which will in the not too distant future become evident to you, in your personal lives, in the lives of all the peoples of this Planet, in particular these United States.

And I wish to say to those blessed ones who have come from other lands, you are taking within your very vehicles a Ray of Light from my Heart to bring the Will of God to your blessed Nations. We know that you come here sometimes at considerable sacrifice and expenditure of the "green stuff". But written on your Book of Life in shining letters of Light is DETERMINATION and COURAGE and LOVE OF THE LIGHT!

Seems to me I am going on at great length when I said I was not going to talk very much but I have something to tell you that I believe will make you very happy. . .

The Master Jesus speaks. . .

Blessed ones, how I love you. Will you please be seated. How could I stay away from this gathering when your attention has been centered upon my Presence all week. I have been able through my Legions of Light and other Members of the Hierarchy to carry the Message of Jesus all over the Planet. My Angelic Legions have been able to touch the hearts of the many, reminding them of Unity with the God Self. Many a heart has been inspired to say a prayer, an extra prayer, when this glorious feeling came upon them - the Blessing of the Christ within.

I urge you, I counsel you each one to study the little book which is available to you "I AM" THE WAY. Remember not Jesus, not Morya, not Micah, but "I AM" the God within each one. You will find that out in greater extent as you go along the way.

The Angelic Host have been present at every Class and during the singing yesterday, I am sure on two occasions you must have heard the overtones of their voices. The energy was so beautiful, the feeling so wonderful, that they dipped into that reservoir of Harmony and sang with you, and then sped off all over the Planet giving a Benediction of Life.

When you received the Elixir from the cup, each of you received a tremendous blessing and the stillness of your beings was so exquisite. Lovely ones we have never had a Conference that could even touch the fringe of the Harmony that we have had at this time - and to whom do we owe our Gratitude... to the dedicated chelas here assembled and to all the beloved ones who are tuning in in their own homes and sanctuaries.

You are chelas of Light - you are Disciples of the Holy Spirit - the Holy Spirit of God, the All-Encompassing One. I wish to tell you that completely surrounding this Planet are the Angels of all the Rays, forming a mighty Corona of Light and Blessings which shall be sustained so long as the chelas hold the Harmony. We know that this is quite an assignment but from the dedication of you beloved ones, We believe that it will be accomplished.

Now standing at the door as you leave this Sanctuary you will feel a mighty Mantle of Light placed about you - the Beloved Elohim Hercules has sent his Legions of Light and they shall place a cloak of Blue, of Protection, about you.

Wear this Mantle whether you are going by plane, by train, by car, by bus, or just around the corner to your homes. They will see you safely to your destination.

Lovely ones, what more can I say except to tell you that standing in the atmosphere this day are the mighty Helios and Vesta with arms upraised to the great Alpha and Omega - and I ask you now to stand as flowing from the Heart of the Great One Supreme Source is a Benediction of Love and Light to sustain you as long as you travel upon the Pathway of Light into the Ascension.






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