Rays of Spiritual Illumination

Beloved Lady Nada

I come today in the official capacity which is mine as a member of the Karmic Board. It is not our purpose at this hour to use our precious energy just to commend you, for it is our solemn obligation to set forth various aspects of the Spiritual Law upon which the chelas should act, without hesitation.

The manifesting conditions of imperfection all over this Earth forcibly demonstrate the absolute necessity for a change, through the Power of God Action, into a constructive way of living. I do not refer to some future time, BUT RIGHT NOW.

I come not to dwell upon these existing pulsating masses which are the result of the imperfect causes and cores of human patterns. However, unless we apprise you of the further requirement for more Light for this Planet, you are apt to pursue a less strenuous form of activity. In simple words, the Spiritual Hierarchy does require and must have MORE COOPERATION from the chelas on Earth, in order to avoid much further manifestation of an unhappy and disintegrating nature, which will result from the pulsating masses of inharmony spewing forth the insidious, disintegrating radiation endeavoring to engulf the Planet and her evolutions.

I would like to give you some encouragement and prove to you THAT THE LIGHT IS HERE, AND HERE TO STAY, as you positively state in one of your decrees. You have been calling for the purification of the radio, television and news media, and some chelas have already seen the beneficent results of that call. Please continue this service.

Some Youth Groups have appeared on television engaged in the pursuit of spiritual knowledge through discussion with a spiritual leader. Other groups are being formed to set into motion a Code of Conduct which they believe would benefit the race; and a major step has been taken by one of the television companies to remove much violence from their programs. Oh yes, we are cognizant of every constructive endeavor by groups of individuals, or even one lifestream.

Certainly the attention of humankind upon the assassinations of two leaders in the United States did stir the people into constructive action. Constructive action must be kept alive through your calls, and not be allowed to subside after the initial attempts. Love of God and Country is a tremendous Power for Good, not the love of a single individual, but the Love Principle within all life does cause an expansion of that Divine Virtue. Can anyone say that Love is a meek and mild Quality?

Dear children of Light, Love is the Power which holds the Universe together. It is the Love which flows forth to the Spiritual Hierarchy which expands the Love of these Beings for all life, and it is the Love emanating from the Father-Mother God to each of Earth's children which sets all constructive ideas into motion.

I wish to emphasize that Love knows that Wisdom and Power must serve hand in hand with her to make the perfect manifestation of any activity anywhere throughout the Universe.

I, the Goddess of Love, am privileged to express that facet of Divinity at this crucial hour in the Earth's evolution, and I appeal to you to permit me to show you what Love really means. No words could express what that feeling is, but Love is a Radiation which cannot be denied, and takes myriad forms to enable the evolutions of Earth to understand at least a little of the all-encompassing Radiation which flows constantly from the Heart of the Supreme Source of Life, and which seeks always to find anchorage within the consciousness and hearts of all humanity.

Love is a tremendous raising Power when wearing Wisdom's Robes. Consider the glorious feeling that courses through one one's being when gazing upon a magnificent landscape, a beautiful painting, into the heart of a flower, or any other expression in that Kingdom which has come into manifestation through the loving effort of some elemental learning to be an obedient follower of the directives given for him to move forward in his evolution.

Think, too, of the avenue of musical expression. We know that certain individuals respond to music, others to various forms of art, be they poetry or prose, or the rhythmic motions of the dance. Why do they have an affinity to one and not the other? Simply because in past sojourns on Earth they have developed a compatible feeling for a specific expression. When they realize that the true motivation is to raise humankind's consciousness unto the heights of Perfection, they will find the magnetic Power of the God who made them, the Beauty of Creation and Expression, and then will they further respond to all God-created Beauty. Speed the day when all humanity will feel the pull of Divine Love and KNOW the meaning of that virtue.

Love embodies Compassion and Understanding, Wisdom and so on, for the Heart of all Creation is Love.

I would elaborate upon this further in an endeavor to bring to your attention a broader understanding of the ONENESS OF ALL LIFE. When a chela, or any individual for that matter, can actually experience the feeling of the prevalence of God in everything, he or she will know that Love, Wisdom and Power, the Animating Principle of Life, is God's Will, God's Purity, God's Truth, and so on.

Then that one will be inspired to go deeper into the Heart of Creation and further experience the Oneness of Perfection, which recognizes no superiority of any part of life over another.

One can find the Love Principle expressing through a man working in the fields who is convinced that Nature will reward his constructive efforts by bringing forth good crops. He knows that he must keep his field free of weeds to accomplish this, and so it is with the chela. The chela should realize that he has to continually weed the garden of his consciousness through the activity of the Sacred Fire if he is to dwell in the Garden of God's Kingdom.

When a mother, tenderly caring for her child knows that this child is the handiwork of the Father-Mother God through the Three-fold Flame, and that the human forms were responsible only for the physical expression on Earth, that mother is coming closer to the true meaning of the Oneness of Life. As you realize, there are manifold expressions which I could give you setting forth the principle that God is the Motivating Power behind all Creation.

So, when I make the statement that the Earth requires Love, I do not refer to what the human consciousness assays as Love, but the expression and expansion of God's Gifts and Virtues, for there is no separateness in life when lived according to the Divine Plan. God is One, God is All, God is everywhere present.

When one understands the meaning behind the various expressions of Beauty, he or she learns that diversification is necessary to bring the God Qualities into manifestation in order that the Kingdom of Perfection may express on Earth or anywhere throughout the Universe. Through the blending together of the glorious tones of exquisite Beauty will the Symphony of Creation play its Celestial Music.

All life expression has a True, or God Tone, and as the various notes known on Earth are necessary for the manipulation of the scales, so are the various facets of Divinity required to complete the over-all Plan.

I trust that this little elaboration on the indivisibility of God may assist you to a better understanding of Oneness , and that you will realize that no individual on Earth, chelas specifically, should envy the talent of another, for within his own being are just as necessary Gifts which must someday, if not expressing at present, manifest through his individualized being to complete the over-all tapestry of Creation.

Learn to understand your fellow traveler; remove your consciousness from the little self. I had to learn that lesson. In my final embodiment, before my Ascension, I was brought face to face with the fact that I would have to overcome the rather distressing situation of endeavoring to accomplish everything through the little self, and that any effort on the part of my outer consciousness, or human will, would avail me nothing.

In one of my sojourns on Earth, I permitted the human to take a commanding position in my being and world, and this pattern took root in my etheric garment. That is why I underwent such strenuous tests in my final journey on this Planet until I learned to bend the knee of the human to the Christ Presence within. Oh, chelas of Light, I implore you to surrender the human tendencies in the Merciful Sacred Fire and expand the Light so required for this Earth.

I would like to give you an illustration of one of the ways in which the Spiritual Hierarchy are assisting the evolutions of this Earth, and the following is an instance:

Over the Capitol in Washington, D. C., the Beloved Micah, Angel of Unity, has established a Focus of Light. Around this Temple, in a semi-circle, the Chohans of the Rays have formed a Complex of the Seven Rays, by Complex I wish to indicate that the Foci of the Seven Rays are joined together such as in a row of dwellings in magnificent Perfection. We are all endeavoring to saturate the Nation's Capital with the Gifts of the Seven Rays, with Beloved Micah drawing the Virtues into his Temple to bring the God Consciousness of Unified Action to all Nations, Races and Peoples.

I have long been interested in Governmental Affairs, and this Service brings great happiness to my Heart. It will take just a moment to travel in consciousness with me to this newly established Radiating Center of God's Virtues in the Etheric Realm. As we approach the tremendously pulsating Light of this Focus, I will tell you how you can recognize my section of the Group. The knob on the door shows an exquisite Angel's Head of scintillating Crystal. As our attention is upon this representation, we will see the door opening, and a beautiful Angelic Being will bid us welcome.

To the right of the entrance is a drawing room - furnished for the comfort of the Beings who come here for Cosmic Consultation. The walls are decorated to simulate white paper brocaded in very delicate Pink Roses. I believe you will almost wish to touch them to see if they are real Roses, for the fragrance of the rose permeates this room.

Let us now turn our attention to the left of the entry. I will not take you within this room, but will describe it to you, although you may gaze through a screen of Light and enjoy the God Activity taking place. This room has a Golden Radiance, from which Peace emanates constantly. You will notice that there are no chairs, rather what appears to be branches of trees of frosted white, resembling newly fallen snow, in alabaster containers. Perhaps you will blink your eyes a little when you see that there are white Doves of Peace resting on the branches.

The purpose of this aviary is that every time any of the chelas station a Dove of Peace at the Nation's Capital, the Dove gravitates on the Wings of Light to this room where it joins others who have been so assigned, and the outpouring of the Flame of Peace is intensified. In a small ante-chamber, soft music is played, and when the Doves have respite from their services, they come here, and their throats fairly burst as they combine their energies in glorious tones unheard of in the human octave.

That is the conclusion of our visit to the Capital, and now back within the orbit of this Assembly Room, dear chelas, please take a Lesson from these Winged Messengers of Peace, and learn Joy in Service, and when you are requested to lend every effort to attaining and joining in the Activity of World Peace, know that it will come through purification and transmutation as you, and others, send forth your Decrees for this purpose.

I speak . . . with the Authority of the Office which I enjoy as a Member of the Karmic Board, as I say;






Will you, good chelas, set the human aside and speed that day, and thus your own evolution?

In Love Divine,
