The Temple of Illumination

The Temple of Illumination, situated high in the Andes Mountains in South America, is one of the greatest Foci of Light upon the Planet Earth today. As most of our gentle Readers know, here is focused the Feminine Ray, sustained and protected by the Beloved God and Goddess Meru, whereas the Masculine Ray is focused in the Himalayan Mountains sustained and protected there by the Beloved God Himalaya.

These two Rays form the actual axis of the Earth, entering the Body of the Earth itself at the points of their respective Foci. These Rays are those around which the Seven Mighty Elohim of Creation built the Planet Earth in the beginning and, where these two Rays meet in the center of the Earth, there is located the Planetary Immortal Victorious Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth. This is the actual centripetal force within the Earth which, by the magnetic power of Divine Love, holds together the elements which make up the Earth and holds all her attendant evolutions within her, on her surface or in her atmosphere.

For many centuries, the Masculine Ray was the predominant Focus of Wisdom upon the Earth, drawing to it many earnest and sincere seekers after Truth. To reach this Retreat in those days, the chela had to travel through many dangerous mountain passes in the Himalayan Range.

Within their hearts, such earnest ones had the sincere hope... that in this Retreat they would find a Teacher (Ascended or unascended) who could and would help them to find that which would set them free from all human limitation. Now, as the Earth is entering the Permanent Golden Age, under the direction of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, the Feminine Ray in the Andes Mountains becomes the predominant Focus for such Wisdom.

Gradually it will be more and more noticeable that the spiritual aspirants will turn their attention to the Andes Mountains rather than to the Himalayas. Thus will be born the new spiritual impetus, coupled with the physical presence of such aspirants as are able and worthy to be the spiritual pioneers to create again an actual Garden of Eden in South America. Here the Beloved Saithrhu (the Great Divine Director) soon will be able to allow the members of the Seventh Root Race to embody (that race of which he is the Manu, i.e. Spiritual Guide, Teacher and the Protector) and, eventually, as this perfection so created here expands, it will externalize the full perfection of Heaven on Earth.

The chelas will remember that there are two thousand members of the Seventh Root Race embodied on the Earth, but the wisdom of the Cosmic Law does not permit their identity or location to be revealed at this time, since their protection is of the utmost importance, these beloved ones are the Advance Guard for those to come in the future.

In the New Era, through the avenue of developed, protected and guided projected consciousness, it is not required of our chelas today to make the arduous physical journey to this Retreat in order to receive the Blessings. With the expenditure of a little of their personal energies, coupled with the concentration of their attention upon the Temple of Illumination, the chelas are now able to visit the Holy Retreat in consciousness, sit at the feet of the God and Goddess Meru, receive there the priceless instruction from these Divine Beings and, returning into their own spheres of influence, expand God Illumination to others through their own auras.

Ponder in gratitude upon the Great Dispensation which allows you so to visit this Focus of God Illumination, and remember daily to give thanks to the Beloved Holy Æolus who, through his personal intervention on behalf of the recalcitrant human race, secured permission from the Great Cosmic Law to allow certain unascended beings who are vitally interested in serving our Cause to enter these glorious Ascended Master Retreats through projected consciousness.

Like so many of the Ascended Master Retreats of Light, the Focus of the God and Goddess Meru is located high in the Andes Mountains, near Lake Titicaca. This isolated location is chosen so that the idly curious travelers, as well as the spiritual dilettantes, cannot intrude upon its Holy Presence. Thus the Brotherhood of Illumination continues to radiate forth the Illumination Flame for the benefaction of the entire human race, undisturbed by the violent and uncontrolled emotions of the people who use the Earth as a Temporary schoolroom, wherein they learn the self-conscious control of energy and vibration.

Remember always that by the NATURAL magnetic power of their Divine Love and Perfection, the Ascended Host always draw the consciousness of humankind UPWARD toward their heights. However, true God Illumination NEVER at any time, inflates the ego of the outer personality but, conversely, creates in the chela a consciousness of ever increasing humility toward their own individualized “I AM" Presence, as well as the Divine Beings who serve it, assisting it in its endeavors to bring the redemption of misqualified energies to Earth's Evolutions.

The God and Goddess Meru and their entire Brotherhood of Illumination, lovingly welcome into their Retreat all sincere chelas who are deeply interested in the impersonal development of the greater and greater God Illumination which such chelas may then use to serve their fellowmen, such chelas not being interested in just the accretion of personal knowledge. Here these chelas are carefully instructed, guided and protected in their earnest endeavors to develop from within themselves the Illumination Flame with its attendant virtues of Discrimination, Discretion, Diplomacy and Wisdom for the greatest possible benefaction of the entire human race.

The Illumination Flame is COMPLETELY IMPERSONAL. Its service is to bring the perfection of the Light of God into the outer consciousness of humanity, and it acts like the physical Sun in this respect, shining upon the just and unjust alike. As we have told you often, every blessing given to a chela by the Spiritual Hierarchy requires, in balance, some expansion of God's Divine Plan of Perfection to be made manifest through the conscious endeavors of the chela so blessed. THIS IS COSMIC LAW, under which we all serve.

A period of personal introspection and honest measurement by each aspirant into the motive behind his or her desire to acquire more Wisdom (which is the RIGHT USE OF KNOWLEDGE) will bear fruit in the development of an honesty of purpose which precedes the release of more spiritual blessings, therefore, I say to those chelas who desire to secure more illumination upon their paths, PREPARE YOURSELVES IN HUMILITY to enter into the Temple of Illumination.

Entering the Temple one is pleasurable surprised at the gentle beauty of the waiting room. The magnificent hand-woven tapestries, displaying various legends of past glories in previous Golden Ages hang upon the walls. Soft cushions in beautiful colors provide pleasurably resting places for the waiting guests. Sweet music of another age wafts through the room together with the perfume of the rose, the hibiscus and the lily. One feels that to have come this far into the Presence of Peace is the ULTIMATE.

However, in due time, everything taking place at a leisurely and rhythmic pace unknown to the average modern individual of the occident, the guide draws aside one of the tapestries and a long hall illumined by the Light that always accompanies the Presence of the Ascended Ones, precedes the guide and the chela. The walls of the passageway reveal the rich golden veins in the Andes Mountains which have not yet been discovered by the greedy searchers after wealth for selfish purpose. One can see how lovingly, how kindly these natural veins of gold have been polished to bring out their luster.

At the end of the passageway, we come to the great chamber where the actual directed Ray is focused, and where it blazes up in a great Golden Sun of Illumination. Around this Sun sit many of the Chosen Ones, breathing in its Illumination and expanding their own consciousness before they return to the outer world to serve God and humanity.

The utter simplicity; the absolute peace; the sense of concentrated power is almost overwhelming. The chela joins those brothers and sisters of Illumination (Ascended and otherwise) and begins to absorb the radiation of this Flame with the one purpose of giving his added Light thus gained by proximity to its Presence, to humankind through radiation, through teaching, through whatever channel he is fitted to serve. As the Lord Manu of the Seventh Root Race is now pleading with the children of Earth to assist in the preparation of the Planet, and particularly the Continent of South America for the coming of the Seventh Root Race. As you visit this Retreat and enjoy its Peace and Illumination, we would be so grateful if you would add your prayers and invocations for the quick redemption of this Land.

One of the Illustrious Messengers from this Retreat is our Beloved Lady Master Nada, who at the present time is also serving as Chohan of the Sixth Ray. We quote a very pertinent excerpt from one of her addresses:

"The constant struggle to maintain a separate identity rather than allowing the little self to flow gently into the ONE UNIVERSAL WHOLE is the cause of all stress, nervous tension and emotional distress and unrest."







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