Summer Conference

Beloved Lady Esthesia

Shamballa : Long Island

July 15, 1976

Lovely friends from the Heart of God, what a privilege it is for me to be in your presence this morning.

I bring you the greetings from all of us on the Planet Uranus. I present to you this spiritual bouquet of our Love - take a flower of Light from this presentation, and walk in the garden of my Heart.

0, you know I think upon this Planet Earth daily as you channel the Light from our Planet into yours. It is such a privilege to help your fellow traveler on the Pathway of Light. As you help others we, in turn, help you. Love, dear ones, is Light - Light is all there is.

Now beloved ones, some of you embodied eons ago on this Earth from Uranus - some of you from Venus, and all through these years you have carried a Ray of Light from my Heart, knowing that one day you would all serve as one in the Celestial Symphony of Creation. And recently, coming directly from our Planet have been little ones, very illumined in consciousness, and they will stand out as Members of our Brotherhood ere many years have passed.

You know it is appropriate, and necessary, that you raise the vibratory action of your own garments, as well as the Planet Earth, because you are moving closer to our orbit, and you must have a vibration akin to that so that all will take place in harmonious accord. I extend my deep and abiding gratitude to you for your service yesterday - for the Inbreath took place in perfect harmony. God bless your efforts.

I am pleased to see you incorporate ritual in your activities, because on the Planet Uranus you know that daily living is a sacred ritual, and some of you here assembled are beginning to realize that your every thought, word and deed is a ritual. You are giving homage to the Supreme Source when you send forth the energy given so freely to you in Love, for the expansion of the Father's Kingdom on this Planet, and that radiation flows out to form the great tapestry of all Creation.

Weave your thread in that tapestry in Love, in Beauty and in Harmony. I know you will, for you are dedicated chelas, and we love you with an intensity that is difficult to portray in words, but I hope you will get the feeling of Love which I am pouring out to you.

Now, there are some among you who have not yet read 'GOD'S PLAN FOR OUR SOLAR SYSTEM', so I ask those who already know what I have to repeat to bear with me, because we must share with others. You know on the Planet Uranus there is no disease, no discord, no inharmony, no inclement weather. All is beauty, perfection and Divine Order. We all have very great reverence for life, and our homes and Temples are magnificent indeed.

Perhaps you know that we are Beings of tremendous stature. If you will forgive the personal reference, I am eight feet tall, but I can use my energies in a gentle or very forceful manner. Size does not count, it is the feeling which one has within.

Our homes are externalized according to our own wishes. When the head of the family desires to externalize a home for their unit, they confer one with the other, and then he or she, as the case may be, draws forth a mind picture and then externalizes it for the other members of the family to look upon. If someone might say "I think this would look better there, or this room there", well, they have a discussion and if they believe it to be much more harmonious and beautiful, then they change the plan until everything is in perfect accord. Then they all engage in drawing forth from the Universal a beautiful home to their liking... isn't that great!

Columns are used a great deal. Most homes and Temples do not have a roof, because there is no rainfall. The substance of water comes up from the earth, as you would term it here, only our substance is a beautiful shade of green, while the earth is a rich brown, ours is green, and it is so composed, that the water element comes up through this substance to be used for irrigation and all other purposes. You know we have to have diversity in God's Kingdom, so I must tell you something of our Temples.

Our Temples are magnificent structures, quite large in size, in height and in breadth, to accommodate our Priests and Priestesses, and the inhabitants of our Planet, and Ritual in expanded manner is the order of the day. Every Being who comes to the Temple, ascended or unascended, brings the harmony of his own garments, and they all blend in a mighty symphony, a beautiful offering to the Father-Mother God.

It is necessary that you on the Planet Earth bring in Ritual in your Classes, and others that you can use in the privacy of your homes. But I most humbly request that you do not perform any ritual, individually, in Class that is intended for the privacy of your own home. The Leader of the Day will set the Pattern and all others will blend into that which he or she has chosen. You all have wonderful opportunities ahead, for each one has a Holy Christ Self and the beauty within that Christ will express in various forms of ritual.

Be very careful in your selection of the form of ritual. All must be dignified, a credit to your lifestream, and those who are emulating what you are doing, a bouquet of Light unto the Father of All. I know you will understand my words and why I speak in this manner. You have begun well. We are indeed happy and pleased with your efforts, but what will please one at the moment may not please the other.

We must learn the great Virtue of Tolerance and not try to send forth any negative vibration when something does not appeal to you. Learn to come to Class with the feeling of the Christ. Set aside all thoughts of the outer self, the outer self should always be the vehicle through which the Christ can bless all Life.

I wish to tell you that the Angelic Host play a very important part in our service on Uranus, and you have been counseled and are beginning to incorporate in your feeling world, and in your Classes, the services of the Angelic Host, the Divine Messengers of the Almighty. They are so desirous and so willing to assist you.

Should you require any assistance, individually, please know that I, High Priestess of the Order of Ceremonial and Ritual on our Planet, will gladly and gratefully welcome you to our Temple to sit in conference, where I shall be happy to give any little advice I may. Remember always to call for your protection, and ask for a Being from our Retreat to escort you to the Temple. This is a living and willing service which they are all so ready to give.

Lovely ones, this Conference has, and is, a glorious Ritual of loving harmony unto the Supreme Source, and I bow to the Light within YOU which is expressing so beautifully and in Divine Accord.

Thank you for your kind attention.

Lady Esthesia







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