Summer Conference Address

Lord Divino

July 12, 1976

In the name of the Flaming Presence of Love Divine "I AM", I greet you on this beautiful day when the ethers are filled with the pulsating Power of the Second Ray. Know that my Legions of the Angelic Host are attired in white with their Auras blazing the Light of Pink and Gold. Pink, Love Divine, enfolding the Golden Ray of God Illumination.

I present this picture to you for it is well that the emotional bodies serve in conjunction with the Ray of God Illumination and a mental picture of Beauty aids in this purpose.

You are all indeed endeavoring to attain the Christ Consciousness, and the Spiritual Hierarchy is well pleased with your efforts. It is my purpose today to suggest a way to further forward your progress and to sustain this accomplishment. You are still in the radiation of the beautiful Asala Festival, over which I had the great privilege to preside.

Many of you attended that mighty outpouring of Love, as you came in your etheric garments to witness the Blessing released and to bathe in the effulgent Light of the Almighty. Beloved Lord Gautama remained at Shamballa, primarily to be the Host to the Celestial Beings who have come to this Conference, and to enfold this Planet in the Radiation which is world-wide during these Classes.

Let us now come to the specific point I wish to make. Your mental bodies are filled to overflowing with the releases which you have received through the years and, forgive me if I say, it is expedient that you do not greedily seek more information as soon as you have quickly read them. Let your consciousness be constantly aware that stored within your mental garment is everything that is required for you to make your Ascension in the Light, all the while assisting the evolutions using this Planet into their Freedom as you put into practice the Lessons provided.

Could you have seen, with your physical sight, the pilgrims who came to the Festival last evening satisfying their thirst in deep humility for just being in the Radiation of that Cosmic Outpouring. You will remember that the Master Jesus received but one Affirmation, "I AM" the Resurrection and the Life", and from that statement he developed all the qualities that were necessary for his Victorious Accomplishment in the Light. He contemplated its meaning in the Silence, and entered the Secret Place of the Most High, that Chamber wherein the Christ abides.

When one becomes still enough to silence the busy mental body, many are the Truths which are unveiled. I suggest that you contemplate a portion of an Address at a time, and you will find many avenues of Divine Thought opening up to you. For as you study the Master's words his Radiation enfolds you. As one studies a beautiful painting or other works of art, he sees features incorporated into it by the artist which did not, at first glance, impress themselves upon the physical eye, looking at the shading, the color tones and other details widens the scope of understanding within the whole.

So it is with the reading of an Address. You will find many lessons contained therein if you will hold the mental body in check and not race through the words. Before even reading the lesson, it is advisable and most helpful if you ask the Master who gave the address to enfold you in his Radiation, and by contemplating that feeling, Divine Thoughts would literally blaze forth as you entered into the feeling which the Master had and his purpose in giving the Lesson.

I emphasize the word 'lesson' for these Addresses are not just stories to entertain the consciousness but Truths which will hasten your own evolution, and through their application that of all humankind. It has been said that "one picture is worth a thousand words", and it is with this in mind that we believe your feeling and mental worlds consciously serving together will open up mighty vistas for you, and having mentally seen the content, your understanding will be greatly enlarged.

Let us take an actor or actress who is portraying a well-known person on the stage. It is the one who turns his consciousness completely over to the part he is playing, who gives a portrayal that commands the attention of the audience. It is the FEELING which counts, and that characterization or play lives on and is repeated through the years by other actors who love the character they have the privilege of emulating.

Thus it is with the chela. One cannot just gloss over the contents of the Truths which they have received through the years. He must develop a well-rounded knowledge in order to teach his fellow travelers. You are the wayshowers, the salesmen to whom we have and are entrusting the Sacred Tenets of the Divine Law.

You well know - the Holy Book, as the Bible is referred to, has endured through the years, and by reason of the fact that Teachers of humanity, Ministers, Priests and Laymen have studied it and taking various passages developed an understanding of the messages, and according to their consciousness have presented the lessons therein. In the same manner, a student of the Bible has expanded his consciousness.

You are well aware that we are in the Seventh Ray Dispensation, and each of you should be able to explain the meaning of this Age to any and all with whom you come in contact. Knowledge is not imparted to you for the sake of mental accretion... definitely not! Through your own spiritual development you have earned the right to expanded Truth. Permit me to point to the fact that the Seventh Realm, pulsating just above the Earth, is literally crammed with Sacred Truths containing the enlargement of that which you have already received. BUT - until such time as the chela really understands what he has been given, through acceptance in his feeling world, the expanded blessings and knowledge waiting to be released will have to be imparted to a chosen few - IF the chelas do not deign to follow our instruction. You have free will, and it is entirely up to you.

Some among you might say "I do not have the opportunity to be a teacher of humanity". Ah... to be a teacher does not mean the size of a congregation to whom one imparts knowledge, it is also the simple daily living of the spiritual law, the releasing of harmonious energy that flows from one in a benediction to all life that raises the consciousness of one, or the masses, as it enfolds them in its embrace.

There are those who are equipped through past momentums to teach the many through their personal appearance among them, but just as important is the individual who lives the Spiritual Law, for it is by example that others are convinced that he has 'something' they would also like to acquire.

Children of the One Source of all Life, I have spoken very plainly because I love you, and wish to assist you. I assure you that if you will nourish the seeds which have been planted in your consciousness that you will reap a wealth of knowledge beyond your present fondest dreams.

Let aspiration be coupled with knowledge you have at hand, and you will find the Garden of the Gods a most beautiful, uplifting and peaceful Realm in which to dwell.

I trust I shall meet you there daily.

Your Advisor and Friend,

Lord Divino






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