Summer Conference

Musical Notes

July 12, 1967

"Beloved of the Light, permit Me to introduce Myself "I AM” Sonata, an individualization of the Feminine Aspect of Divinity. "I AM" come at the gracious invitation of the Beloved Serapis Bey, Hierarch of The Ascension Temple. My natural abode is in the Music Temple around the Sun of the System above the Earth, in the Aura of Beloved Krishna and Sophia. . .At this point I shall tell you that My Service is on the Fourth Ray of Perfection.

"As you understand it, the meaning of Sonata is a musical composition for one or two instruments, written in three or four movements, each of which is distinct from the other in tempo, but akin in style and key. You can see how My Radiation can be keyed to giving you assistance individually in the activity of aligning and tuning your four lower vehicles into a harmonious whole, where each will vibrate in consonance with its distinct radiation.

“We of the Spiritual Hierarchy are rendering every assistance to attune your vehicles to that of perfection. As you desire to accept the help which I have come to give you, the playing of "Moonlight Sonata” will acquaint you with the Radiation of My Being, for it contains several passages of My Individual Keynote.

"You are aware that every part of life has a tone or vibration, and as you further experiment with the activity of Music you will become acquainted with the tones vibrating about you, and then it will be a relatively simple matter for you to correct dissonant conditions that may express from time to time.

“How My Heart longs to have you hear the Heavenly Choirs and the Celestial Symphonies. For once blending, your feelings into these glorious Cosmic Tones, the individual benefit which you will receive will surpass your present comprehension! Now tune up your instruments¾your vehicles of expression! Beloved Harmony and I shall be most happy to assist you at all times! I truly anticipate the day when you can audibly hear the Music of the Spheres.”




The Fountain of Wisdom

There are so many gifted lifestreams who have Causal (and Etheric) vehicles filled with developed talents in the field of music who could do so much to forward the cause of Perfection. . .“I AM” privileged to hold within My Heart the most glorious melodies waiting to be released through some chela (or chelas), and these melodies must wait until some blessed lifestream will reach up and take the ever flowing Love of God which is within this Reservoir of Harmony!

I pray that there will be some among you who will come to Me this week, while in the etheric garment, and say something like “Master Serapis, I will try (you know “try” is one of my favorite words)¾I will try to be an avenue through which the pulsating melodies from God s Heart can be released into the world of form!” I have placed My hope so many times upon chelas whom I knew could receive at least ONE of these glorious melodies, only to have these hopes dashed against a steel wall of rejection after the initial impulse of enthusiasm, and they decided to embark upon other pursuits!

So I promise that any among you who will direct their attention to Me, either in the waking consciousness or upon entering the sleeping period, where I see a real dedication to this field of service, that I shall ask for a personal audience with The Lords of Karma! I shall present you to that August Body, and ask for a special dispensation from your consciousness which would hinder you from carrying out your desire to be of assistance in this manner! And¾I shall take upon Myself the responsibility for releasing the energy required to balance the scales and remove from your etheric garment any obstruction to this service which may be manifesting! I lovingly offer this assistance to any artist. . .whether it be through the field of music or the medium of a canvas!

Again I state, I shall take you to The Karmic Board (I have already requested these August Members’ permission to do this and have been given acquiescence to My plea).

I trust you love the Presence of God, which “l AM”, sufficiently to say "I shall try¾I humbly, AND WILLINGLY, desire to be a channel through which some of the glorious Gifts of the Father-Mother God, in the field of Music and Art, may express through my lifestream!"

This is not a gamble on your part¾you have nothing to lose-for I lovingly affirm that I shall assume the responsibility to guard and guide you as you further venture into Cosmic Creation with the One Supreme Source of all Life!

Serapis Bey





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